The Last Turn of the Year

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We’re about to make the turn into the season.

Back in January and February we started on our way, looking for the right path into a new year, testing the road and getting comfortable with our journey.  But then came Spring, and our pace quickened.  We rolled along the scenic routes of March and April and stopped by Mom’s house in May, before hitting the long stretches of June and July with their fireworks and road trips.  With August we headed back home, only to slog along the jammed streets of September and October, yellow buses ahead of us, commuters behind, and calendar-driven parents all around.

 Maybe it was Halloween that started us looking for the turn, but with Thanksgiving we know we’re there.  We’re about to round the last bend.  Then it’s all downhill past festive lights and well-stocked stores, through malls and gatherings and trips to the church, until at last we screech into Christmas.

This last patch of the year can make for a wild trip.  If you’re not careful, you can fly straight through December and halfway into February before you know where you’ve been.  So, slow down for a moment and take a look at what lies ahead.  It’s such a small part of the journey, this last leg, but it carries us across an amazing landscape.

Thanksgiving sets the tone.  Stop for a moment and look around.  Notice the leaves caught up in wind, the smells of food, the smiles on family faces.  Count the blessings you’ve accumulated along the way this year.  Or don’t count.  But say thanks.

Now, make the turn into Advent and December, and be sure to keep your eyes open for familiar surprises.  On your way to the mall, notice the songs on the radio.  Watch a Hallmark movie (or 20).  And look carefully as you go from mall to gathering to church; you might just catch a glimpse of bath-robed shepherds following an aluminum-foil star.  Or maybe it’s the real star.  I’m not sure, but I know it’s enough to take your breath away.

While you’re out and about, be sure to stop in the sanctuary to hear the children’s voices and the soaring songs of choir, organ, and yourself.  And then, as the road levels at journey’s end, stop once more, take a breath, light a candle and join in “Silent Night.”  Listen as the engine goes quiet at last.  Angelic hosts are about.  Good news is born and God’s light shines in the waning of the year.

Wonders await just beyond that last turn.

In Christ,

Rev. Mark Westmoreland, Senior Pastor

National Caregivers Month



Glenn UMC Parlor

 4:30-5:30 PM


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            Aubrey and I were well-acquainted with the challenges of caring for family members who could not live independently.  We had been the parents of a son who was diagnosed at birth to have Downs Syndrome and lived almost 39 years.  Also, Aubrey’s Father who had dementia due to trauma came with Aubrey’s Mother to live with us and our three children in 1975. 

            So when the Georgia Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association offered a training session in September 2009 for those who would be interested in facilitating a support group for persons with Alzheimer’s or other dementias we were intrigued.

            Glenn’s Lay Ministers had noted concern for Glenn members who appeared to be exhibiting dementia type behaviors and agreed that such training would be good experience.  Susan Pinson, Aubrey, and I attended the Alzheimer’s Association training.  Upon Lay Minister’s recommendation and Glenn Church agreeing to support a caregiver’s group, the three of us attended the training and initiated a Caregivers Support Group at Glenn.

            The training emphasized confidentiality,  monthly meetings that would be free and open to the public.  Providing refreshments was suggested as welcoming and group building,  The facilitators are responsible for assuring all attendees an opportunity to share their story and to support others. Providing information about available resources and scheduling helpful speakers are also activities we provide.

            The Alzheimer’s Association defines a support group as an open gathering of people with common problems, needs, and interests who come together to share their feelings, thoughts and experiences in a combined effort to cope better with and manage the shared problems of dementia in a safe environment.  Support groups do not pay fees to the chapter; they do not have bank accounts, officers or directors.  All facilitators are considered volunteers of the Association and are expected to be screened and trained through the Programs Department including cooperating with a criminal background check.

            The Alzheimer’s Association Georgia Chapter notes that National has asked us to sponsor support groups held in neutral locations only, thereby avoiding even a whiff of conflict of interest that can complicate group dynamics in a for-profit community.

            Our first support group meeting was held on November 18, 2009 with Susan, Aubrey, and me facilitating.  Five women and two men were in attendance.  The group has met every month since then with the exception of one month when none of the facilitators was available and another when Glenn was closed because of a holiday.  Susan sends attendance reports to the Georgia Chapter.  The Alzheimer’s Association provides information and visits our meetings periodically.


            Some of the issues members have shared and agonized over include:

                        Relatives - those who are helpful and those who are not

                        Loved ones getting lost

                        Travel with loved ones

                        Cognitive losses including loved one not recognizing grandchildren

                        Feeling helpless

                        Narrowing of caregiver’s life

                        Whether to replace glasses, teeth, hearing aids

                        Lack of confidence in care provided by hospitals

                        Transitioning to a care facility

                        Guilt—is it okay to be mad with mother?

                        Taking away car keys

                        Guilt associated with not wanting to visit loved one

                        Emergency rooms do not deal well with persons with dementia


Feedback from a “surviving caregiver.”

            The Caregivers Support Group including Susan Pinson was “a big part of my survival kit. . . .  The Wednesday meetings were a way to join with others in similar situations and air our trials and tribulations, along with sharing the funny things and the beautiful experiences of that journey.”    

            Lay Ministers support the Group in many ways.  They have volunteered to be with loved ones while the Caregivers are in their meetings, they have shared their professional expertise at Group meetings;  and they provide support for the facilitators.           

            A basic message for caregivers is to take care of yourself and participate in a support group.  The Caregivers Support Group is celebrating ten years of supporting caregivers.  The caregivers may be caring for loved ones in their homes or in caring facilities or long distance.  All are welcome.

For the caregivers, the support group seems to meet real practical and emotional needs. For us as facilitators, it is a humbling experience to witness firsthand the unconditional love of spouses and adult children (and other family caregivers) journeying together through the heartbreaking struggles of aging. While the group itself is open to all faiths, we share a mutual sense of walking into sacred space in the Parlor each month as unspoken prayers undoubtedly sustain each family. 


Carol T. Bush
November 2019

Love Made Real: Recent, Now, Soon

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Were you here two weeks ago for Emory-Glenn Sunday?  I don’t think I have ever heard more beautiful music on a Sunday morning in church … anywhere, anytime.  We had 130 or so incredibly gifted singers at the front of our church as we celebrated our historic connections with Emory University.  The Emory Concert Choir, the Candler Singers, and our own amazing chancel choir each brought their unique gifts and voices to our worship, then they all joined in an amazing and moving rendition of “How Great Thou Art” (arrangement by Eric Nelson).  We were blessed.

In one sense it was an extraordinary Sunday, in another sense simply the ordinary magnified. Not a Sunday passes that someone doesn’t mention to me the beautiful music that fills our sanctuary.  And it keeps getting better.

Were you here November 3 for All Saints’ Sunday?  As I said that day, it is for me one of the most holy and moving moments in our church year.  We heard a beautiful sermon by Susan Pinson; we lit 14 candles for members of our congregation who passed this year into the eternal embrace of God; we celebrated Holy Communion; and each of us had a chance to light a candle for the saints who have blessed our lives.  And in and through it all, we remembered that we are a part of a great Communion of Saints, servants of God all, joined by the Holy Spirit in the Body of Christ.

I could easily recall here other glorious times of worship from this year, but I think you get the point.  Here is the simple truth: On Sundays in this holy space we step into God’s time and find Christ in our midst.  It doesn’t get any better than that.

And none of this happens without the faithful financial support of our congregation.

Five months ago, under the leadership of the Rev. Blair Setnor, a new ministry for 20-somethings was launched.  Thanks to this new group, recent college graduates, along with graduate students from Emory and Tech, have found here at Glenn a community of love and spiritual nurture (You’ll hear from a couple of these folks this Sunday in worship).  At a critical moment in their lives, our church is there for them, offering a place, offering Christ, making love real in their days, and empowering them for service in Christ’s name.  The faithful financial support of our congregation is making possible this new initiative.

Other holy and loving work goes on for all ages within our congregation and, through vital outreach, beyond our walls.  Almost weekly, I receive a note from some service organization expressing gratitude for the financial support of this church.  We are involved in a wide array of compassion and justice ministries through our United Methodist connection and other local and national organizations.  Our Missions and Church and Society outreach ministries are robust and grace-filled.  And none of this happens without the faithful financial support of our congregation.  You are making real the love of Jesus Christ in the world.



The end of the year is before us, and we are behind financially.  Through September, our giving is down $70,000 from this time last year.  Is uncertainty about the future of United Methodism or concern about recent actions of the General Conference a part of that?  I can’t say for sure.  But I do know that our church is working with many other congregations and groups to bring positive change to our denomination, and I know vital, beautiful, and powerful work continues here in our annual conference and around the world through United Methodism.  It all happens through the faithful financial support of our congregation, joined with the giving of other faithful congregations across our conference and world.  I humbly ask, in the midst of change and some confusion, that you be present, keep focused on the good to be done, and keep doing it.

Maybe we will have to reduce our budget and therefore the ministries we offer in the year ahead.  We will certainly do what we have to do to do the most good we can.  But our giving over the next two months, along with our pledges for 2020, will tell the tale.  The financial resources that can unleash God’s mercy and truth in this world are held in the hands of Glenn members and friends.  When we open our hands and share those gifts, amazing things happen.  Love is made real around the corner and around the world.



November 17 is Commitment Sunday.  That’s two Sundays away.  Next week you’ll receive a pledge card.  Please prayerfully consider what you can give in 2020 and fill out the card.  Then bring it to church on the 17th and we’ll celebrate together what happens when we give in the love of Christ, worship in the love of Christ, and serve in the love of Christ.  Together.

After Commitment Sunday, we will complete a budget, or maybe we should call it a roadmap for ministry.  Then, through the varied ministries you support, lives will be touched with grace and hope; new people will find home here at Glenn Memorial; and we will all grow in Christ together.  That’s love—eternal, divine, glorious, grace-filled, transformative love—made real in the world.


In Christ,

Mark Westmoreland

Six Square Centimeters and a Lifetime of Love

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These beautiful thoughts were shared by Amy Ard during worship on November 3.


I am thinking of an object.  It’s about 2x3 centimeters, and I’m reasonably sure it’s the reason I’m standing at the lectern of Glenn Church right now.

I was born into this church; I was the first baby in the “baby room” at Glenn Preschool; I was on church council in high school and hardly ever missed a Sunday night gathering of the youth.  But this object—this tiny little object—is probably the reason I’m here today.

It’s a stamp.

When I graduated high school and left for college, I got newsletters from Glenn in my college mailbox.  I missed my Glenn family and read them hungrily for news of the community I’d left.  I wanted to know what babies had been born, who was in the hospital and, yes, which saints had passed.

Then I went to Chicago, and the newsletters kept coming.  I was on my own in an exciting city, and I can’t promise you I read much.  I might have even complained to my mother that the church was wasting postage on me.

Then I was off to divinity school, and those newsletters got a little more interesting.  I read them to learn what this community was doing, how it was responding to the issues of the day, how it treated the vulnerable, and how it engaged the world.

When I had my own children, I decided to try church again, and not feeling particularly brand-loyal, we went to Presbyterian, Episcopal and Lutheran churches.  Still, the newsletters kept coming.  And I kept reading.

Then my family ended up back in Atlanta, 27 years after I’d left the first time.  By then even my children were receiving mail from Glenn, when they went to summer camp at Glisson and for birthdays.  They knew the logo, and they knew this community.  All because of stamps.

I imagine if I asked each of you what you love about Glenn Church, pretty high on your list would be the sense of community you find here—the people.  And that’s certainly true for me.  I have loved so many of you for my entire life.  Still, I know community is not built magically, even though when you feel it sometimes, you know it is God moving among and between you.

No, community doesn’t just happen.  It takes work.  And yes, building community takes money.

I do not know what I’ve cost Glenn Memorial through the years in postage.  I’m sure it’s a number that would shock some members of the finance committee.  But how fitting it is that this particular stamp I hold today has one word on it—LOVE.

This stamp is how God’s love has been manifested to me through a lifetime, a simple reminder that here on this sacred ground a community is always waiting to welcome me home.  And I know that without your pledges, without your generous giving through the years, there would have been no trail of newsletters and notes to lead me back home and no wonderful church home to come back to.  I am grateful for your pledges through the years and hopeful that we can continue to make God’s love real in the world … even if only one little stamp at a time.

by Amy Ard


Commitment Sunday

Sunday, November 17
Lunch Follows the 11:00 Service
You will receive your pledge cards next week.

Love Made Real: Cana Has Nothing on Us

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Here is what we are all about at Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church:  We make God’s love real in the world.  We take our dollars and do stuff with them—in this world—for our neighbors—for our children and congregation—for our community and the world—that makes real God’s love for all.  The wedding in Cana has nothing on the wonders worked here.  “What can you do with this money, Lord?” we ask Jesus, and he says, “Here, hold this wine, and watch.”

And Good News of grace and mercy is preached.  And music of praise and joy fills the sanctuary and fellowship hall.  And the hungry are fed.  And the sick are comforted and healed.  And children learn about God.  And teenagers learn that there is a way in this world that is gracious and good and just.  And young adults find community and a faith that can see them through the years.  And older adults share their wisdom while finding the support of generations.  And worship is offered that lifts our eyes toward heaven and brings down blessings from God.

Pretty impressive work, Lord.  What’s next?  Just watch.

It’s important, our giving.  Tax breaks?  A bonus at best these days.  No, we give because we have found grace and are called to be gracious.  It is thanks we give, and it is real love with every offering.

On November 17, we will renew our commitment to make real God’s love in the world.  We will write some numbers on a card or go online and tap some keys.  Then, the Spirit of God will move, and works of mercy will be shared, and lives will be blessed.  It’s an amazing thing to see, really.  How will you be a part of it?

In Christ,

Rev. Mark Westmoreland, Senior Pastor

Habitat Story


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How do I sing the praises of helping others?  Loving God and our Neighbor?  By doing it . . . actively seeking ways to be the positive change we work to see.  Glenn makes that easy with so very many opportunities!  This story is about Service w/Church & Society – building houses to become homes for families. 


It’s Habitat Houses and Glenn has been all about this mission for 28 years!  I’ve been on a number of ‘builds’ . . . it’s thrilling to see a plot of cleared land become a home for a family you get to meet and work alongside of, knowing they will live and thrive there. 

Habitat offers this homeowning opportunity carefully: vetting potential owners with job security, ability to save money, attendance at classes devoted to finances and home ownership, dedication with work hours on home site builds (230+ hours – and not all on their own house).  Only then are they ‘eligible’ and go on a waiting list . . . if/when they qualify fully, they continue w/classes, savings, and work hours.  They will have a mortgage, but because of what we (Glenn, Cascade and a number of other churches contribute with build/work hours) AND Habitat make happen (supplies/expertise), they will have a mortgage interest free.  Truly - Amen! 


It’s about dedication (make no mistake – this is hard work from start to finish for the homeowner and us), fortitude (ignore the weather, pay no mind to the bugs or dirt/dust), sweat equity (of so many) and love (so much love goes around!).  Love wins and tears flow free at Dedication Day (last day) when we ready the landscape with plantings of trees/shrubs/sod and yes – flowers.   This year, the Environmental Committee contributed a Glenn Canvas bag with LED bulbs and sustainable cleaning products and our newest Habitat home owner was so very moved – by our and all the other contributions (ironing board, wash baskets, & more).  Glenn’s loving Prayer Shawl Committee contributed a lovely shawl - always made with prayers of blessing for its use.  We are all blessed by being able to celebrate this new homeowner, knowing we had a small hand in this amazing home that is a testament to Christ’s love.  

So, You're Going to Attend a Pride Parade

By JESSICA BRADFORD, Glenn Communication Director

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Attending a Pride event can be a happy, positive experience in your life, but there are some things you should know before you attend. Below is a list of ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ everyone should be aware of before walking in the Atlanta Pride Parade on Sunday, October 13th.


DO: Meet New People

“Pride events draw in a rich and diverse crowd.” While at Pride, step out of your comfort zone and engage with people who may not look like you, sound like you, or dress like you. This is a perfect way to show that we Love God and Love Neighbor.

DON’T: Forget the Reason for Pride Season

“Pride Month commemorates the Stonewall riots of 1969, which is largely credited as the catalyst of the modern-day LGBTQ rights movement. The very first Pride parade took place in New York City in 1970.” Marches took place on the last Sunday in June but have spread out across the months as traditions formed over the years. Pride is about celebrating diversity, fighting for equality and being proud of who you are. We must not forget that while LGBTQ rights have come a long way, we still have a fight before us.

DO: Take Photos

While attending Pride, it’s important to share your experience and memories with the world and show your Pride for those that cannot attend. If you decide to take photos, make sure to tag Atlanta Pride, Glenn Memorial UMC, and/or Reconciling Ministries. If you’re tagging Glenn in your posts use the hashtag #GlennChurch or #LovingGodLovingNeighbor. Even if you don’t plan on sharing photos on social media, photos are still a great way to capture memories you can revisit for years to come.

DON’T: Gawk at What You See

“Chances are you will see a lot of things at Pride that you are not regularly exposed to. Members of the leather community, drag queens, people in very little clothing, and a lot of public displays of affection by queer couples.” The LGBTQ+ community tends to go all-out during Pride, both because it’s a rare place where it’s safe to do so and as a general act of rebelliousness against heteronormative society. It’s important to respect those that feel free to be their true, authentic selves.

DO: Stay Hydrated

The Atlanta Pride Parade line-up begins a few hours before the parade begins. You will be outside for a long time that day, so it is important that you hydrate and stay hydrated. In addition, the parade route is 2 miles long and will take about 3 hours to complete. Know your limits and plan ahead to ensure that you make it through the end of the parade.

DON’T: Forget to Wear Sunscreen

Along the lines of stay hydrated, please do not forget to wear sunscreen. As mentioned above, we will be outside for many hours and walking in streets with little to no shade. Please wear sunscreen and bring some to re-apply or to share with our neighbors.

DO: Go in Judgment Free

Also see ‘Don’t Gawk at What You See’.

No matter what you see, keep your opinions to yourself. You’re going to see people who are angry; you’re going to see people who have opinions different than you. But, at Pride, let queer people express themselves as they want. This is their event to be free and authentic; respect that.

DON’T: Engage with Protesters

As mentioned above, you are going to see people at the parade who are angry. There are bound to be several protesters present, IGNORE THEM. Act as if they do not even exist. We are there to show that we have a LOVING God. Pride has no room for hate. Stay positive, loving, accepting – and don’t feed the haters.

DO: Decenter Yourself and Check Your Privilege

This may be hard to read, but if you are a cisgender, straight person, Pride isn’t about you. You can be named ally of the year, but if you do not identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community you are still entering Pride with a lot of privilege. Use that privilege thoughtfully – especially at a time when the threats of homophobia and transphobia are so apparent. It is important for us to be present as allies but remember the privileges you have that others do not.

DON’T: Assume other People’s Identities

You will see people presenting themselves at Pride in various way, it’s important to remember not to make any assumptions. In addition, there’s no better place than Pride to start asking for pronouns of the people you meet or to go neutral with the pronouns of people you don’t know.

DO: Donate to Organizations that Host or Sponsor the Event

There are so many organizations that are supporting the Atlanta Pride Parade. Even if you cannot attend, you can still show your support for our LGBTQ+ neighbors by donating to the following groups:

Atlanta Pride

Lost-N-Found Youth

Reconciling Ministries Network

Aids Walk Atlanta

Aids Healthcare Foundation

Out Front Theatre Company


If you or someone you know is interested in walking with Glenn Memorial in the parade, go to to learn about our work for full inclusion, to sign-up to walk and/or to order our Pride T-shirt (all proceeds go to benefit Lost-N-Found Youth).


Brighe, Mari. “10 Rules For Cis Straight People At Pride.” Bustle, 22 June 2016,

Diehl, Dustin. “12 Pride Do's and Don'ts.” PRIDE, 14 June 2017,

Dupere, Katie. “6 Ways to Be a Better Straight Ally at Pride Events.” Mashable, 28 June 2019,

Hale, James L. “9 Things All Allies At Pride Need To Know.” Bustle, 12 June 2018,

Them. “Everything You Need to Know Before Your First Time at LGBTQ+ Pride.” Them., Them., 6 June 2018,

My Favorite Book - High School Retreat Reflection

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By LELIA TOLBERT, High School Student and Glenn Youth Member

A lot of people say that they are religious. They’ve grown up going to some sort of religious gathering with their family and taken part in specific traditions where they sing songs, eat good food, and repeat the words from the bulletin. But there is a difference between showing up and having a relationship with your faith. 

It took a good 38 hours in the woods of Northern Georgia with no cell service for me to step into a new type of mindset on what religion means to me. It's kind of ironic actually because I’ve grown up in a Methodist church my whole life and haven’t even read the bible. I’ve seen a couple of good movies and TV shows on the Bible but I had never sat down with the most popular book ever written in the world and tried to understand it. The nice thing about getting away for a weekend with a group of other people my age with the same questions and lack of understanding as me was that we all had a chance to take our first step in trying to understand what some of the major stories from the Bible represent both literally and metaphorically.

In our thick packets filled with excerpts from the Bible that we discussed throughout our weekend, there was one line from John 14:6 that stuck out to me... “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. We spent a good hour in my group trying to understand the meaning behind this one sentence and I’ll save you the expense, we never did come to a consensus on the meaning because out of the 6 people in my group, we all interpreted this line differently, some with a positive connotation and other's with a negative one.'

You can’t interpret the Bible through one lens or view it under one genre. What makes the Bible so great is that it’s a novel, it’s a poem, it’s a short story, it’s history, it’s a mystery, it’s a biography, it’s a romance, and it’s a horror story. It’s everything, and for that reason, you can’t just pick up the Bible and read it like you would a magazine or a newspaper. You have to break it up into chunks and read each scripture, gospel, and parable with the setting and time in mind and then think about ways it can connect to your personal life in 2019. 

The bible doesn’t have to be some scary leather book that sits in a dusty corner of your room. I have found that the more I read and learn about the bible, the more I develop my own personal interpretations of its words and how I can use them to create my own morals and my own perspective of the world around me. I would definitely say that it’s one of the craziest books I’ve ever read and so far, as of right now, I’m only on the first page of the Book of Genesis.

Christ is with you


Christ is with you

In the moment of sorrow

      In the moment of quiet calm

              In the moment of adulation

                      In the moment of boredom

                              In the moment of peaceful solitude

                                      In the moment of confusion

                                              In the moment of triumph

                                                     In the moment of spitting rage

                                                          In the moment of shame

                                                               In the moment of prayer

                                                          In the moment of pride

                                                      In the moment of forgiveness

                                              In the moment of failure

                                      In the moment of confidence

                              In the moment of aching loneliness

                      In the moment of excitement

              In the moment of humiliation          

      In the moment of fearful anxiety

In the moment of joy

In this moment

In Christ,

Rev. Mark Westmoreland, Senior Pastor

Update from the Draw the Circle Wide Task Force

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After the UMC General Conference vote in February that tightened restrictions on the inclusion of LGBTQ persons in the United Methodist Church, the Draw the Circle Wide Task Force (DTCW) committed to finding ways for Glenn to:

  • engage fully in working toward a new inclusive Methodism, whether through changes to the UMC denomination or through the creation of a new entity;

  • engage in active resistance, combined with education, advocacy, and support, until a fully inclusive Methodism is born.


Here is a quick look at where we are now.


An Inclusive Methodism

The deadline for submission of legislation to be considered at the May 2020 General Conference was September 18. While we don’t yet have information about all the legislation proposed, we do know that various plans for the future of the UMC have been developed. These plans include ones that call for the dissolution of the denomination, for disaffiliation provisions, for the division of the denomination into various conferences, for the elimination of any language regarding LGBTQ persons from the Book of Discipline, and for strengthening punishments for violations of the current provisions of the Book of Discipline. Once details of the legislation to be considered at the Conference are made available, Glenn will be able to advocate for plans that we believe best reflect what our faith calls us to be as a church. As a reminder, both Blair Setnor and Jay Horton are delegates to the Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference of the UMC. Good resources for staying up to date with what is happening in the denomination include,, and These sources can also be followed via social media.



Resistance, Education, Advocacy and Support

  • Mark Westmoreland is currently leading a book study looking at what the Bible has to say about sexuality, morality, LGBTQ persons and all persons, structured around Steve Harper’s recent book, Holy Love: A Biblical Theology for Human Sexuality. The book study is meeting Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in room 401 of the Church School Building and all are welcome.

  • The task force is working with the Altar Guild to modify the language in Glenn’s wedding brochure. The new language will provide “Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church welcomes weddings for all couples who wish to plan a church wedding. As a Reconciling Ministries Network church, we are happy for our hospitality to extend to couples of all gender identities and sexual orientations. Our Sanctuary and Little Chapel can be used as venues for same-sex weddings because the buildings are owned by Emory University rather than by the church. Glenn welcomes and works with visiting clergy to celebrate holy unions of all kinds, including same-sex weddings, as described elsewhere in this brochure.” The language goes on to say that, although UMC ministers are currently prohibited from performing same-sex weddings, Glenn “continue[s] to be a community committed to loving God and loving neighbor and to be a church actively involved in resisting the doctrinal discrimination occurring in our denomination.”

  • At least 20 members of Glenn will be marching in the Pride Parade on October 13. We have also invited other UM churches and area Reconciling Ministries Network members to join with us. DTCW has already committed to marching and hosting a booth for the 2020 Parade. It is not too late to register to walk this year:

  • Over $400 from Glenn’s Pride Parade t-shirt sales is being donated to Lost-N-Found Youth, an Atlanta-based non-profit that works to end homelessness for LGBTQ+ youth. These funds will support that organization’s work to provide emergency and transitional housing, emergency clothing and food for youth on the street, mental health evaluations and counseling, referrals to HIV/STD testing, health and dental services, referrals to GED training/testing and other education resources, and more. To learn more about Lost-n-Found Youth, including opportunities for volunteering, go to

  • DTCW is working with Emory to update our bathroom signage in the Church School Building and the Sanctuary to make it more inclusive. This includes designating bathrooms in each building as All Gender, providing signage for secure All Gender bathrooms, and improving our signage for accessible bathrooms. You may have noticed some temporary signage that DTCW has installed as we wait on Emory to install permanent signage.


The DTCW task force continues to work with other United Methodist churches and individuals to bring just and gracious solutions that move the church forward in its ministry to make disciples for the transformation of the world.  We believe in the church and in the grace and call of Jesus Christ for all people, and we continue to work in the Holy Spirit to make real the church God calls us to be.

Meet the GLENNterns

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Name: Jordan Grassi

Age: 22

Hometown: Key West, Florida

Position at Glenn: Associate Director of Worship– The Gathering

What led you to seminary, and why Candler?

I started thinking about seminary after a conversation with one of my undergraduate professors where I vented about my passion for both music and theology and how I had no idea how anything intersected vocationally. He just sat there for a minute then looked up and said, “have you thought about seminary?” I started seriously considering seminary as I was leading worship in a variety of contexts during/after college and felt a consistent frustration with tendencies in contemporary worship music to be very theologically shallow and/or very individualistic. As I grew more passionate about the intersection of music & theology, I knew I’d feel more comfortable writing music for the Church with some theological training. I began considering Candler as I spoke with alumni that were mentors to me but ultimately chose Candler to be in Atlanta!

Most engaging class so far, and that one class you can’t wait to take:

I loved taking Liturgical Theology with Dr. Tony Alonso. We were exposed to so many different perspectives on worship, and our class was very denominationally diverse, which created great discussion. This class also helped me realize that my passion for worship actually goes more broadly than just the musical pieces of the liturgical service. It was also helpful in dealing with the contemporary versus traditional tensions that many denominations are working with. I am taking a class on Religious Education & Our Ecological Context with Dr. Jennifer Ayres this fall, and I am beyond excited about that as well.


Favorite book you’ve read recently?

I’ve recently re-read Telling Secrets by Frederick Buechner and it has been a great reminder of the importance of remembering in the sometimes slow days of summer. Buechner’s writing is so pleasant, so I love reading his work over and over again. I’m also in the process of reading The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs, which has been a fascinating read in the context of Atlanta and city change over time.


Why did you want to intern at Glenn Memorial UMC?

My desire to work at Glenn really stemmed out of trying to find a church that both felt like home but offered a variety of worship styles that were integrated well. My main interest in looking for a church home after moving to Atlanta was liturgically charged but I also wanted to find a community that was warm and cared for the community around them well. With the concerns that brought me to seminary,  I was really hoping to find a community that tried new things while still incorporating ancient elements of the Church, that offered some sort of contemporary option that still felt theologically sound, while also offering more traditional services. Glenn checked lots of boxes and I loved the crew here so it was an easy internship to say yes to!

Favorite sports team?

I know I’m in Georgia… but go Gators! Also a Braves fan, and a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. :)

Fill in the blank – We will most likely find you at Glenn _______.

Filling up my water bottle for the 10th time that day at the school building’s third floor water fountain

What are you goals in this position?

I’m really excited to get to know the community at Glenn better, but also looking to continue thinking of new ways we can be working and improving worship at The Gathering- whether that be through music, the overarching liturgy, or even what the space we worship in looks like. I’m also hoping to work with Brent to get more Emory students & young adults involved at the 5 p.m. service to continue to cultivate community in our more contemporary gathering.


Name: Erin Sears

Age: 23

Hometown: Huntington, WV

Position at Glenn: Associate Director for Worship - Traditional

What led you to seminary, and why Candler?

As a teenager, I was engaged in leadership within the West Virginia Annual Conference of the UMC. A stirring in my heart and a few (or maybe many) nudges from God through important people in my life made me realize that I was called to ministry beyond just my time as a teenager. While I can use many of my gifts in other ways, nothing seems more fulfilling, challenging and just right as ministry. Ministry is my life’s vocation and so, now I am in seminary figuring out to what ministry God is calling me. Candler provides a balance between the academic study of theology and the practical experience of ministry through its Contextual Education program. I feel strongly that in order to be effective in ministry and further discern my call, I have to be engaged in practicing ministry while learning.

Most engaging class so far, and that one class you can’t wait to take:

After one full year of seminary, the most engaging class has been Skills in Conflict Transformation where I learned about the theories of conflict and practical skills for not just ending a conflict but uncovering the root of it and transforming the whole situation. Out of this class and my first-year experience as a prison chaplain, I developed an interest in exploring justice and how to make it restorative and not just punitive.  Candler offers a course in restorative justice that I can’t wait to take this coming fall semester to continue building my skills in conflict transformation and exploring the issues of justice.

Favorite book you’ve read recently?

Of course, I have been reading a lot for school and have found some wonderful books through my classes such as Becoming Mrs. Burton: From Prison to Recovery to Leading the Fight Against Incarcerated Women by Susan Burton and Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christians by John Paul Leder. I would highly recommend these books for anyone interested in in the real stories behind incarceration and the work for recovery or the theology of conflict. Most recently, I have been taking a break from the serious books and have been reading for fun while I have the chance. My favorite book of the summer has been Make Something Good Today by Ben and Erin Napier which is a memoir of a couple’s love story that has led them to a life of building strong communities and a few houses along the way. I have found kindred spirits in the stories of their lives that reminds me of the important work of building communities wherever I find myself.

Why did you want to intern at Glenn Memorial UMC?

I started attending Glenn Memorial UMC regularly part way through my first semester when I joined the choir. After creating connections and meeting all the amazing people, Glenn felt like the church I wanted to call home during seminary. I can’t imagine being anywhere else.

Favorite sports team?

I don’t watch a lot of sports, but when I do, I am usually watching my undergraduate team, the Marshall Thundering Herd.

Fill in the blank – We will most likely find you at Glenn _______.

Wherever there is music

What are your goals in this position?

In this position, I am hoping to continue in the work of making worship an engaging and spiritually enriching portion of Glenn Memorial members’ faith formation. I hope that people find that throughout each service, they can sense the Holy Spirit working through the words, music, arts, preaching, and prayers that allow them to more fully connect with God. Beyond that, I hope to teach about and help people to identify the ways that they can use their gifts to participate in worship as part of their discipleship.


Name: Seulbin Sunny Lee

Age: 26

Hometown: Gwangju, South Korea

Position at Glenn: Intern for Youth ministry

What led you to seminary, and why Candler?

Christian faith has been important part of my life journey. My passion for church and theology led me to the seminary. Candler welcomed me more than any other seminaries that I applied to.   

Most engaging class so far, and that one class you can’t wait to take:

The most engaging class is ‘History of Christianity in America’ with Dr. Kim. I loved this class because it has provided me a solid understanding of not only the history of America but also how the diverse Christian groups and figures interplayed with the history. I was invited to take an introductory course of the early Christian history(HC501) as a TA for this Fall. I am excited to take the class again and see new Candler people.

Favorite book you’ve read recently?

The varieties of religious experience: a study in human nature, William James, (Amherst, N.Y,2002) William James pushes back on reductionists who reduce the meaning of faith into a biological realm and argues that one’s religious experience should be judged by their fruits. Although there are folks who disagree with his empiricism, I enjoyed his effort to capture the complexity of faith and religion.

Why did you want to intern at Glenn Memorial UMC?

When I first arrived in America, I had a long lonely summer until the school started. Then I met an amazing person at Glenn. She has been a good neighbor and mentor for me. Glenn is my first home church in the US in which I enjoyed summer lecture series, services, met many good people, and have had may fun with the youth. I would like to get to know better Glenn.

Favorite sports team?

Glenn Basketball team?

Fill in the blank – We will most likely find you at Glenn in______.

Glenn Youth Building

What are you goals in this position?

I will be with the Glenn youth group in this fall. I would like to learn how they engage with God and how the various teams gather to form Glenn UMC.  As a member of the team and a student at Candler, I would like to bring the Candler training to Glenn and wish my skills and wisdom to continue to develop. 

Looking to the Year Ahead

Looking to the Year Ahead.png

While there are parts of our United Methodist Book of Discipline that we and fellow UMs are working hard to change, other passages are surprisingly powerful, even beautiful.  For instance, par. 201 defines the local church this way: “Under the discipline of the Holy Spirit, the church exists for the maintenance of worship, the edification of believers, and the redemption of the world.”

As purpose statements go, that’s pretty powerful stuff.

And from par. 202: “The function of the local church, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, is to help people to accept and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and to live their daily lives in light of their relationship with God.  Therefore, the local church is to minister to persons in the community where the church is located, to provide appropriate training and nurture to all, to cooperate in ministry with other local churches, to defend God’s creation and live as an ecologically responsible community, and to participate in the worldwide mission of the church, as minimal expectations of an authentic church.”

And those are “MINIMAL expectations.”

Over our 100 years, Glenn Memorial has faithfully sought to live out this vision of the church, being sensitive always to shifting challenges facing our community and church members.

Over the months ahead, it is imperative that we continue our vital and ongoing ministries of outreach and service in the community and, through our UM connection, around the world.  At the same time, our staff has discerned four areas of ministry for enhancement and expansion in 2019-20:


Young Adults

Under the direction of the Rev. Blair Setnor, and with the cooperation of our Annual Conference and our Georgia Commission on Higher Education and Campus Ministries, we are building a new ministry for 20-somethings in our neighborhoods and in the graduate and professional schools of Emory University.  This is no small task, but one that can offer to young adults, at a critical moment in their lives, a loving relationship with Jesus Christ and a community of support and care where they can grow in faith and service.

(Blair will also relate to our area of outreach and missions.)


Spiritual Formation

It’s interesting that in the words from the Book of Discipline above, the “edification of all believers” and the “redemption of the world” sit side by side.  That is an important part of our Wesleyan heritage: Our inward relationship with Christ and our outward relationship with our neighbors can’t be separated.  We reach out with love to others while tending God’s love in our own lives.

So, how are things with your soul these days?

Over the year ahead, we will work to expand opportunities to connect with other Christians in Bible study, prayer, and mutual support.  Sunday School is a part of this, as are short- and long-term groups that will meet at the church or in homes in the community.  The Rev. Brent Huckaby will lead us in this realm of spiritual formation (also continuing his work with The Gathering).



The word for “hospitality” has its roots in the Latin hospes, which means “host,” except that hospes also means “guest.”  Confusing?  Well, that’s OK.  I’ve heard it said that when hospitality is properly practiced, you really can’t tell the difference between host and guest.

Over the coming months, we will work to improve our welcome and inclusion of all who come to worship in this place.  Under the direction of the Rev. Connor Bell and Communications Director Jessica Bradford, and with vital help from intern Kevin Lazarus, we will improve our online and community presence, build a network of ambassadors ready to welcome and assist each new worshiper, and enhance our system of follow-up and inclusion.

(Connor, of course, is also our minister to youth and their families.)



Finally, we want to be sure people around us know who we are and what we’re about.  That means intentional outreach and invitation via all avenues available to us, but, above all, it means words of personal invitation spoken friend to friend, neighbor to neighbor, co-worker to co-worker.  We are a loving and embracing church, but it means little to welcome everyone if we invite no one.  This might be our simplest goal and maybe the most challenging—invite—and it’s the one we can all start working on right now.


So, there you have it, some goals for 2019-20—hardly earth-shaking stuff, but pretty big nonetheless, and important.  Again, we are not diminishing the importance of our many established and ongoing ministries; we are building on the foundation of what we have.

I thank God for the privilege of being in ministry with you here at Glenn, and I can’t wait to watch the Holy Spirit work through this church in the year ahead.


In Christ,

Mark Westmoreland

'Twas the Week Before School Starts

T'was the Week Before School Starts.png

'Twas the week before school starts and all through the house,
all the children were checked for the dreaded stray louse.
But these are the side effects of sweet friends who hug,
and all the fun had as they rolled around on the summer camp rug!  
Parents look for deals on markers, pens, & folders, 
And try not to cry thinking how our kids so quickly grow older.
New teachers and schools; sports and scouts; we'll be busy soon, without a doubt.
But before we fill our schedules and our carpools scatter,
Let's take a moment to prioritize what really matters.
Reading, writing, science, and math;
But we also hope our kids learn kindness and how to share a laugh.
Bible stories learned as valued part of history,
Though how faith develops remains a mystery.
So we come together as a church family and show them grace and love, 
With our own prayers that they will know God's presence from above.
Just as Jesus as a child taught the synagogue leaders,
We remember that children can be our best teachers. 
So post all the back to school photos and tag #GlennChurch,
As we are the Body of Christ and your friends may very well be on a church home search!

Grace & Peace,

Rev. Susan Pinson

Join us for Back to School Sunday! Sunday, August 11!

Blessing of the Backpacks

Sunday, August 11
8:30 a.m. -
Worship in the Little Chapel with Blessing of the Backpacks
9:45 a.m. –
Sunday School Celebration
Hosted by Ms. Carol Napier on the Playground
For all children, youth, and families as we celebrate the end of summer, the new playground & new school year, and give thanks for the DECADES of Sunday School stories & treats of Ms. Carol as she “retires” from Glenn Sunday School!
Lift Every Voice Summer Lecture Series with Dr. Mindy McGarrah Sharp in Ward Hall on Sustaining Resistance: Pastoral Care for the Ongoing Work of Racial Justice
11:00 a.m.- Worship in the Sanctuary with Blessing of the Backpacks
3:00 p.m. - Playground Dedication and Back to School Splash
5:00 p.m. Blessing of the Backpacks
at The Gathering

Playground Dedication & Back to School SPLASH!

Sunday, August 11, 3:00 p.m.

Join us on the new playground for our Playground Dedication, treats, & water play!  WEAR SWIMWEAR, SUNSCREEN, AND WATER SHOES!  Bring a towel & feel free to then head inside for worship at The Gathering at 5:00 p.m. in the Ward Fellowship Hall for a Blessing of the Backpacks if you missed it at 8:30 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. worship! FREE - bring a canned good to donate to the Intown Collaborative Ministries Food Pantry.

On Human Beings and Being Human

On Human Beings and Being Human.png

Sometimes when I read the Bible, I am amazed I can read it at all, considering the distance and differences between that world and our own.  But just as the distance seems greatest, I recognize across the centuries, in the stories and personalities, something startlingly familiar.  When the millennia, and all the advances the ages have brought, are peeled away, what is it the kinship that remains?

What is it to be human?

Go to Gaza or the West Bank, to the strife-torn regions of Africa, to Ireland, to the Balkans or to any other place of well-dug-in conflict—shoot, maybe the church—and find two enemies.  Any two enemies will do.  Now, look into the concerns that fill their days.  Dig down just past their conflict.  You will find a love for their children and families, a strange hope and dread for the future, a longing for place and purpose and respect.  You will see the humanity they would deny in each other.  For that matter, look into the depths of their rage and hatred, and there, too, you will find their kinship, for it is not only the light in our souls that make us human, but also the secret shadows of our hearts.

Scan the radio dial—from country to classical, hip-hop to alternative rock—and listen to the heart of the music.  You will find through all the rhythms and melodies remarkably similar messages of anger and brokenness, of longing and love.  You will find in all of the different styles the wondrous human gift for singing our pain and hope.  You will hear what it is to be human.

Peel away all that separates us, and look into the depths.  And when you reach sin’s darkest scars, keep going still.  Keep digging, and you will find it—that being that is human, that essence that sets us just a little lower than the angels.  Imago Dei, they used to call it—the image of God.  Every Sunday it is from that place that we seek God, and every Sunday it is to that place that God’s Word comes with healing and grace.

This Sunday we will talk about that familiar story of the Samaritan who was good and gracious, and we will consider a bit more what it is to be human, truly human.  I hope you’ll be here.

In Christ, Rev. Mark Westmoreland

Beauty in Boston

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I’m in Boston as I write this, tagging along with the youth choir, Michael Dauterman, Misha Stefanuk, and some great chaperones.  But after four days, I’ll be honest: I don’t know how much more I can take.

It all started Saturday when we arrived in Boston and, having barely settled in, launched into a scavenger hunt designed to introduce us to the city.  I joined the high school boys as ballast.  Actually, the boys divided into two groups so they could tackle  the tasks at hand more efficiently.  I was part of “Bravo Team,” which should give you an idea of how the guys approached the contest.

Apparently somehow, the first stop for Bravo team was Bunker Hill.  Check one sight off the list.  But wait!  There are bonus points if you climb to the top of the memorial tower, or as I now call it, the Obelisk of Doom—294 steps from ground to top. “You don’t have to do it,” Connor Bell, chaperone for Bravo Team, told me with genuine concern in his eyes.  “Oh, no, I want to,” I said.  “Oh no you don’t!” my body screamed.  And it’s been screaming ever since.  Somewhere around step 200 I told Connor, who had laid back with me as the guys raced on, “Go!  Leave me!  Tell Kathy I love her!”  And he left me!  They don’t do that in the movies. 

Anyway, after lying on the grass outside the tower for about 30 minutes, I was ready to continue.  Those high schoolers were exceptionally patient with me, which impressed me, AND they won the hunt, proving that good guys can indeed finish first.

Now, I could elaborate on my near-death experience and the fire still burning in  my legs three days later, but I think I’ll talk about beauty instead.  Interesting concept, beauty.  It’s in the eye of the beholder, they say, or maybe it’s in the ear, or maybe the heart.  Yes, that’s it—the heart.  Or, at least that’s where beauty finally finds home after its journey of light and sound. 

Sunday morning we were in Boston University’s Marsh Chapel for worship, and I sat in a place that felt a little strange to me—a pew.  I watched and listened as the Rev. Dr. Robert Franklin (yes, Emory’s own, who has spoken at Glenn twice in the past year) preached powerfully on moral leadership. 

Then I watched and listened as our choir sang.

The music was lovely and the singers delightful, middle schoolers and high schoolers in their rows, boys, girls, faces alight, voices blending, God glorified.  Sound and sight made their way to the heart of this beholder. The music was beautiful.  They were beautiful. 

I beheld  it again Monday as the group worked at an urban farm—hard work, easy camaraderie, and four-part laughter—beauty.  Tuesday they sang in an historic church in Truro, and I imagined almost 200 years of singers in that place and every voice beautiful, none more than these.

Today they sang at a memory care facility here in Boston, with concerts on two different floors.  I had the job of fiddle-holder or, if you prefer, violin attendant, tending the instrument until Marian Waller moved from singer to accompanist.  I did well, thank you, but I prefer my true calling of listening and watching.  In that place today, I listened as young sang to old, and I saw with sorrow the wounds time brings. Still, there was a balm in the songs and conversations, and in the moment shared was grace.

I write these words as Wednesday ends, which means I have two more days with these kids.  I’ll be honest: I don’t know how much more I can take.

I mean, how much beauty can one heart hold?

Rev. Mark Westmoreland, Senior Pastor

A Glimpse into Vacation Bible School


Our heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers and parents/guardians who helped make Vacation Bible School last week possible. Through Bible stories, songs, crafts, snacks, laughter, and prayer, over 150 children, youth, & adults have explored where God’s power can take us through faith, boldness, kindness, thankfulness, and the hope of Jesus.  Vacation Bible School is an experience hard to capture in words, so here are a few quotes from our little “Voyagers” (participants) and “Star Guides” (volunteers) to give us a glimpse into the stellar week:
The Director’s Kids on the first day:
Elle (6): “Mom, I don't really know the dance for VBS.”
Victoria (4): “Don't worry Elle! I totally know it! I'll teach you!”
From the Bible Story Drama Room:
“It's a joy to work with the kids in drama!  They are imagining what it might have felt like to sit in the lion's den or to walk the Jericho road, and in this way, their understanding of the bible grows.  Between the games and activities at VBS there is empathy and imagination, and our young Christians are growing in the faith.” –Emily
A Longtime Volunteer:
“I love VBS because it always marks the beginning of summer for me. The Bible stories make me recall my own childhood in church (and my seminary years!). The kids' excitement over VBS is contagious. Bottom line- there's no better place to celebrate your birthday than Glenn VBS!” – Laura
1st Time VBS Parent:
“VBS was so much fun!!! It’s the first time we have been able to come and volunteer.  I know Grace loved being with Miss Laura and Grant loved being with Martha and Alice in the nursery.  They both slept very well during nap time last week.  I had a great time helping with crafts! It was so nice to meet some of the (older) kids at Glenn. And bless all of the teenage volunteers! They were wonderful and I was so thankful they were really into helping the little kiddos make slime! 😂”  - Robin
A Future Philanthropist:
“Mae was carrying her bag of money she gathered for VBS this morning when we dropped off her sister at her school. She told Elle's teachers why she had the money that she was raising money for solar ovens in a different country  - AND THEY GAVE HER MORE MONEY! She turned $3 into $6!  Another teacher also asked where we went to church and thought that was really great that's what they were doing at VBS. You're doing a good job getting the message through!!”  - Shelby

Glory to God, who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine by his power at work within us! -Ephesians 3:20
Grace & Peace,

Special thanks to our local sponsors of our VBS Volunteer Meals: 

Doc Chey’s Dragon Bowl

Saba – Emory Village

City Barbeque – Decatur

Romeo’s New York Pizza – Emory Village

Glenn Church members & staff

An Announcement from SPRC

An Announcement from SPRC.png

Dear Friends,
The Staff-Parish Relations Committee, working with Mark Westmoreland, has identified a timely need for a new ministry to young adults in our community—both young working folks and graduate students.  Given Glenn’s central location to several institutions of higher education and the demographics of young adults living in neighborhoods near the church, we recognize this as an exciting and unrealized opportunity to offer spiritual growth and Christian community for this age group.  At a critical moment in their lives, we can provide for these 20-somethings a Christian foundation of love, grace, and service that they can carry with them through the years to come.
Assessing the needs for this new effort, SPRC developed a new full-time position to lead the way.  The Rev. Blair Setnor became an obvious candidate for this position because of her longstanding presence in the community, her strong existing relationships with young adults already connected to Glenn, and her enthusiastic and caring spirit.  So, we are excited to announce that Blair has accepted the call to this new ministry, effective July 1, and will be transitioning into that role from her current ministry with Youth.  SPRC expresses a tremendous debt of gratitude to Blair for the 10 years she has given to the Youth Ministry at Glenn.  More significant and appropriate opportunities to show our appreciation for Blair’s work with the Youth will be forthcoming.
So, what about our Ministry with Youth and their families?

We are also excited to announce that Connor Bell has accepted the position of Minister for Youth, also effective July 1.  Connor is a familiar face to youth and parents at Glenn, having just completed two years as a Glenn intern working with the Youth Group.  Connor graduated in May from Candler School of Theology and is attending the Mississippi Annual Conference this week, where he will be commissioned as an elder in the UMC.  He will serve three years of probationary ministry in a supervised setting before being ordained as an elder in his home conference, and we are excited that he has accepted the opportunity to serve those three years with Glenn UMC youth.  Connor brings many gifts for ministry that will be a tremendous benefit to our church, and we welcome him to this full-time role as an associate pastor. His existing strong relationships with the youth and their families will make for a smooth transition in leadership for Glenn’s Youth Ministry.
We are excited about the new possibilities before us with young adults and the opportunity to build upon our strong ministry with Youth.  Please be in prayer for Blair as she begins her new work and for Connor as he steps into his new ministry among us.
In Christ,
The Staff-Parish Relations Committee
Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church
Members of the Staff-Parish Relations Committee:
Jeff Henry, chair
Mary Lou Boice
Lynn Hart
Carolyn Knight
Reid Mallard
Dan MacFarlane
Tommy McGarrah Sharp
Mike Mountcastle
Andy Rogers
Emily Washburn (lay leader)
John Wiley (lay leader)
Mark Westmoreland (senior pastor)

An Update from Our Service Team

The three areas of service opportunity at Glenn are divided into local, global, and environmental areas.  Please check Glenn’s website and look under “Service at Glenn” to find ways that you might get involved.  We need your help!  See what the committees have been up to recently:

Service team update.png


Glenn’s local service efforts are focused on the guiding principles found in the gospel of Matthew:

“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me. — Matthew 25:35-36

One recent event was held on March 24, when members of our congregation served at Trinity Table, a Sunday soup kitchen that feeds over 300 homeless people at Trinity UMC in downtown Atlanta. Per Diane Bryant, “it was a joy to serve with the 14 volunteers from Glenn who were willing to jump in and do whatever was asked of them.  And then they asked what more could they do. I am always stuck by what wonderful folks the members of Glenn are: young, old, men, women, families, seasoned volunteers and enthusiastic newbies. Everyone jumps in to make it happen. We started at 10:30 and were cleaned up and out of there by 1:30.”  Other Glenn members not in attendance contributed food and money. 



Missions at Glenn acts as the Hands and Feet outside our local area.

A painting and cleanup day was held on MLK Day in Clarkston. This is part of a new partnership with Memorial Drive Ministries, an organization dedicated to serving the refugee population in Georgia.

Glenn also hosted our missionary partners from Cambodia.  We had a chance to learn about their work with students overseas and see the ways Glenn is supporting them.



We look to raise awareness of the connection between our faith as Christians and our responsibility to care for creation and to help save God’s world.  We strive to set examples for new behaviors and be good stewards for today and tomorrow’s world.

On a chilly March day, a morning of service for the Environmental Committee was spent cleaning up a garden plot at the New Roots Community Garden, which is affiliated with the International Rescue Committee (IRC).  The garden is located between North DeKalb Mall and the Subaru dealership.  The IRC provides opportunities for refugees and other immigrants to thrive in America.  Glenn has participated in this cleanup effort for several years. It is a fun morning for young and old alike!  We hope you will join us next year.  


Sharing Space, Sharing Christ

There’s a tent outside our church.  Did I miss something?  Has a traveling evangelist come to town?  Is May Circus Month here at Glenn?

Sharing Space.png

And then I remember: graduation.

Of course.  Ours is a shared space.  Lots of folks—parents, grandparents, kin and friends—will descend upon campus Monday, and a lot of them will gather at some point in the Glenn Auditorium.  That’s the Glenn Sanctuary to us, and while they might not name it, it will be a place of sanctuary for them, too.  For a little while over the next few days, parents and graduates alike will wax nostalgic and dare to dream.  Graduation is one of those moments when all that is past meets all that is yet to be.  In my eyes, that’s a holy moment and worthy of the magnificence of our sanctuary.

Ours is a shared space.  In fact, it’s the sharing that defines it.  Our sanctuary becomes holy when we gather together in praise and thanksgiving.  And this holy space becomes sanctuary when we welcome the next person who walks through the doors.

When was the last time you blessed this sanctuary by sharing it with someone you know?  When was the last time you said, “Hey, good stuff happens at Glenn.  Why don’t you join me?”  Sharing what we’ve found—that’s called evangelism—and it is at the heart of this life we, well, share.  And, at its best, evangelism comes down to three simple words, “Come and see.”

Look to the Gospel of John, and you’ll find the power of those words.  Philip told Nathanael that he had found the one “whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote, “Jesus son of Joseph from Nazareth,” to which Nathanael famously replied, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”  Did Philip debate the point?  No, he simply said, “Come and see.”  Remember the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4)?  Her invitation to her fellow villagers was hardly the stuff of altar calls: “Come and see a man who told me everything I have ever done!  He cannot be the Messiah, can he?”  And amazing things happened.

An invitation in words simple and sincere is all that is required to share your faith.  With your neighbors or co-workers or friends, share what you know; share what you’ve found.  Then, once they decide to share some time with us, we have to be ready to welcome them with joy.

This shared space is holy space.  Beauty?  It’s shared here.  Compassion—shared here.  Truth is shared here; love is shared here.

Jesus the Christ is shared here.  Life in all its joy, sorrow, and abundance is shared right here, every day, every week, all year round.

In Christ, Rev. Mark Westmoreland

Sleepless Nights

If it ain't broke don't fix it..png

My toddler is in one of those terrible sleeping patterns recently where he is wide awake at 2 a.m.  He literally hands me my glasses from the bedside table and tries to pull my feet to the ground while he demands "we-weal" (cereal) or "bubbas!" (bubbles) or "shocka!" (soccer).  Please note I am not soliciting sleep-training advice and anyone who has heard my past sleep deprivation woes knows that I am well aware of all the methods that supposedly make some children miraculously sleep 12 hours nonstop.  Y'all enjoy. 

As for me, I will continue to calmly explain to the sweet little guy that it is time to go back to bed and that the bubbles and soccer ball are "night-night."  I usually give in on a middle-of-the-night snack only to keep the rest of the household asleep when the wailing begins in the outrage that said bubbles and soccer ball are "night night."  Yes, I know I am implicit in the pattern making. 

But, to get to my those wee hours of the morning as I try to not engage too much with him, but instead offer snuggles in the dark pre-dawn hours, I often find myself thinking and praying for YOU and your children, and all of our Glenn Church family. 

I am praying for the other parents who are undoubtedly up with children - due to illness, or a bad dream, or some Glenn Nursery conspiracy to blow bubbles and play soccer all night long.  I am praying for those I know are restless as they worry about their marriages, their jobs, their teen or young adult children facing challenges. 

I find myself thinking about how can we as a church family support one another -- how can we continue to let our members and the community know that we are safe space for all of our LGBTQ+ church family and community members?  How can we end the stigma of talking openly about mental health and how can we inspire one another to keep showing up at church to worship, to teach our children Bible stories, to learn Bible stories ourselves, to volunteer to pack bags for Snack in a Backpack, to visit homebound older adults, to give of our time and money to support all the wonderful work we do as a Glenn Church community? 

In my helplessness to force my child to go back to sleep, I feel a similar helplessness as a minister to force people to "be" the Church.  And just as I know there are tons of successful models for both sleep-training for children and church-growth for congregations, honestly even the proven methods in both endeavors don't seem to fit just right for my family or our church family. 

So you'll find me at 3 a.m. most mornings snuggling my little one back to sleep with a full belly and a lullaby being softly sung in his ear.  Some days I might be more cranky than others, but I hope my children know I will always be here for them.  And you'll find me (and countless others) here on Sundays (and many other days/times) with ministries as varied as cereal, bubbles, and soccer.  Some days we may be more cranky than others, but I hope we'll know for ourselves and proclaim for others, that God's unconditional love, support, and proverbial snuggles and lullabies when needed are found here in the Body of Christ, the Church. 

Grace and Peace,
Rev. Susan Pinson, Minister for Children and Older Adults