Upcoming Events & Announcements
6-week Grief Support Group
Thursdays, 7:00pm, February 27 thru April 3 | Parlor, Church School Building
Grieving a loved one is very personal and can ebb and flow across days, months, and even years. No matter the circumstances of your grief and bereavement, join us for confidential care and support, remembering that you are not alone in your grief journey. Led by Keri Challen of Aspen Grove Counseling & Wellness. For more info & to RSVP, contact Rev. Susan Pinson 404-634-3936, ext. 103.
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, March 5 | 5:30pm Ashes-to-Go in the Little Chapel | 6:00pm Children’s Service in the Little Chapel |
7:00pm Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
Join us in a time of worship, prayer, & song - and receiving the imposition of ashes - as we begin the season of Lent together. All are welcome at either for Ashes-to-Go with the cast & crew of our Youth Drama, the Children’s Service in the Little Chapel or the Traditional service in the Sanctuary. Childcare provided in Room 304.
Lenten Small Groups & Studies
Details coming soon!
Glenn Youth Drama Production: Marian – the True Tale of Robin Hood
March 7-9
Glenn Youth Present Marian: The True Taleof Robin Hood. Get ready for a witty and unconventional take on the classic Robin Hood tale! In Marian: The True Story of Robin Hood, it turns out Marian has been running the show all along—leading the Merry Men, outsmarting the Sheriff, and keeping Nottingham on its toes. Packed with humor, mischief, and a few surprises, this playful retelling is sure to entertain. Join us for fun and lively performances: March 7th at 7:30pm, March 8th at 2:00pm and 7:30pm, and March 9th at 2:00pm. Tickets are available for $15 for adults / $10 for children. Purchase Tickets Here (scroll to bottom of Giving page for ticket options!)
Scroll down for more events below the calendar.
Invitation from the Justice Team: Civil Rights Heritage Tour
March 8-9
Organized by the SCLC/W.O.M.E.N., this two day Tour includes stops in Birmingham, Marion, Selma, and Montgomery, and tells the story of those who sacrificed and gave their lives for the Civil Rights Movement. More information available at sclcwomeninc.com
Pajama Sunday!
Sunday, March 9
After the fun and hard work of Children's Sabbath & Scout Sunday (March 2), plus Daylight Savings Time "spring forward", we know nobody wants to get up for church on Sunday morning, March 9th! SOOooooo....we declare PAJAMA SUNDAY!
We hope you can set your alarms to join us for regular Children's Choirs at 9:30am and/or then at 10:00am, Pre-K through 5th graders will combine in Rooms 409 and 419 for an epic Pajama Party including stuffed animal tower building, blanket-fort-building, snacks, and hearing a Bible story & sharing prayers by flashlight! Our Toddlers & Preschoolers in Room 206 will have their own PJ fun, too.
What to bring: a stuffed animal, a cozy blanket, and a flashlight (label with names any items likely to get mixed up)
What to wear: church appropriate pajamas (kids and grownups alike welcome to participate!)
Spiritual Life Retreat
March 21-23 | Camp Mikell | Toccoa, GA
Registration for Spiritual Life Retreat is now OPEN to all 8th-12th graders. Parents can click here to sign up, and feel free to email Ben Ladner with any questions.
FriendShip Group: Visit to Resilient Earth Exhibit of Science Gallery & Emory University
Wednesday, March 26, 12pm, Northlake Mall | 4800 Briarcliff Rd.
Embark on a transformative journey at Resilient Earth, an unprecedented collaboration between Science Gallery Atlanta at Emory University and Accenture. This immersive exhibit is not just about showcasing sustainability; it’s about empowering you to recognize your existing contributions to the health of our planet while discovering your own path forward toward a more resilient future. Click here to make your free online reservation and then RSVP with Rev. Susan Pinson 404.634.3936, ext. 103 so we can coordinate carpools and optional lunch gathering.
Egg-cellent Saturday
Saturday, April 12, 3:00-5:00pm | Amphitheater, Playground, and lawn of Sanctuary
Join us for our annual Easter egg hunt, Easter Bunny, & more! Treat filled eggs & volunteers needed - pick up empty eggs outside Rev. Susan's office! Sign up here to volunteer.
3:00pm- Bubbles, sidewalk chalk, sack races, bounce houses, and drinks, popcorn, & cotton candy available
4:00pm- We gather for the age level hunts!
Free event- all are invited to bring a non-perishable food donation for Intown Cares food pantry! Free parking next door in Emory’s Fishburne deck.
Palm/Passion Sunday
Sunday, April 13, 8:30am in the Little Chapel and 11am in the Sanctuary
Remembering Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem with the worship service that begins holy week. All children invited lead the congregation in singing This is the day at the 11am service. (Join us at 9:30am Choir and 10am Sunday School, too, to learn all about Palm Sunday!)
Maundy Thursday Worship
Thursday, April 17, 7:00pm In the Ward Fellowship Hall. Childcare available.
Good Friday Worship
Friday, April 18, 7:00pm. Pre-service music at 6:30pm. In the sanctuary. Childcare available.
Easter Sunday!
Sunday, April 20
7:15am Sunrise Service. Sanctuary front lawn. Bring your own chair!
9:30am Easter Brunch & Crafts in Ward Fellowship Hall. Bring a nut-free treat to share.
11:00am Easter Worship Sanctuary. Childcare available. All are invited to bring flowers for the Easter cross.
FriendShip Group Lunch & Learn: All in the Glenn Family with Dr. Lynn O’Neill
*new date!* Wednesday, April 23, 11am
Youth and Activities Building
All ages are invited to join with our monthly Older Adult Ministries to hear from Glenn Church family physician Dr. Lynn O’Neill about palliative care, the medical approach that aims to improve the quality of life for people with serious illnesses – whether curable, chronic, or life-threatening. Bring your questions and learn from Dr. O’Neill who serves as Associate Director of the Emory Palliative Care Center, responsible for all education activities of the Center which encompasses the palliative care services at all 5 Emory hospitals, the Emory Clinic, and affiliate hospitals (Grady and the VAMC). In addition, she is the Program Director for the Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship at Emory University and Associate Professor of the Emory University School of Medicine. $5/person for lunch. RSVP with Rev. Susan Pinson 404.634.3936, ext. 103.
Family Vacation Bible School
June 2-6, 5:00-6:30pm | Church School Building
**Registration now open** Register at tinyurl.com/GlennFamilyVBS
Vacation Bible School in the evenings for toddlers through teen helpers and their grownups for family fun together learning Bible stories through crafts, singing & dancing, games, science experiments, crafts, & more!
Glisson GROW Day Camp
July 21-25, Monday-Thursday, 8:30am-5:30pm, Friday, 8:30am-12:30pm
**Registration now open** Register at growdaycamps.org
For rising 1st through 6th graders. Glisson Grow Day Camps brings the powerful experience of camp ministry to local churches. Packed with activities that contribute to learning new skills and building Christian community, the focus throughout is for each camper to grow deeper roots in their faith (grow spiritually), in their ability to work as a team (grow socially), and in self-confidence as a loved child of God (grow individually).
Save the Dates in 2025
Glenn School Gala - Friday, March 21
Egg-cellent Saturday - April 12, 3:00-500pm
Palm/Passion Sunday - April 13, 8:30am & 11am services
Maundy Thursday - April 17, 7:00pm
Good Friday - April 18, 6:30pm extended musical prelude, 7:00pm service
Easter Sunday - April 20, 7:15am Sunrise Service, 9:45am Resurrection Brunch, 11:00am service
Family Fun Day @ Sweetwater Creek State Park - Saturday, April 26
Glenn's Got Talent Show - Sunday, April 27, 10am
Glenn Summer Camp (Age 3 through rising 4th grade, 9am-1pm) - weeks of June 9, June 16, June 23, July 7, July 14
On-Going Events
Disaster Relief
We surround in prayer all those affected by natural disasters and violence. The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is an international relief organization supporting emergency and longterm support across the globe. To give to UMCOR via Glenn Church, click here. Additionally, the Glenn Church Good Samaritan fund is used to support local needs for emergency relief for food and utilities bills for those in need. Give to the Good Samaritan fund here.
Children's Choirs & Sunday School
Sundays | 9:30am Choirs | 10:00am Sunday School
Nursery & Childcare for 8:30am & 11am worship services available.
*Free!* No singing experience needed! Choirs meet from 9:30am-10:00am, followed by Children's Sunday School classes 10:00-10:45am with a Bible story and interactive activities & crafts.
Preschoolers – Room 206
Pre-K & Kinder – Room 310
1st - 5th Grade – Room 419
Details & sign up here
Friday Night Bites: Women’s Bible Study
Friday, March 7, 7pm - then every other Friday | Thinking Man Tavern (537 W Howard Ave, Decatur)
Join with Suzanne Horton & Sara McKlin for dinner and discussion every other Friday, beginning March 7. This Spring we’ll be discussing the book of Esther. For more info or to RSVP, contact Sara McKlin.
Life After Cancer Support Group — Free!
2nd Thursdays of each month, 12noon-1:00pm | Youth & Activities Building, 1669 N. Decatur Rd
For adult cancer patients who are at least one year out of treatment. With with confidentiality and authenticity, we will process first-hand experiences as oncology patients. Feel free to bring your own lunch! The location is the Glenn Youth and Activities Building – 1669 N. Decatur Rd with its own parking. Enter the front glass doors facing N. Decatur Rd on the west side of the building. RSVP with group facilitator Hilary Cohen, LCSW, Clinical Social Worker with Winship Cancer lnstitute of Emory University.
Monthly Caregivers’ Support Group — Free!
3rd Wednesdays of each month, 4:30-5:30pm | Youth and Activities Building, 1669 N. Decatur Rd
For all family caregivers of aging loved ones, including those with memory loss, dementia, or Alzheimer's disease. Join us for a monthly support group of confidential encouragement and care. To RSVP, contact our Support Group facilitators Mackay Asbury or Rev. Susan Pinson. The location is the Glenn Youth and Activities Building – 1669 N. Decatur Rd with its own parking. Enter the front glass doors facing N. Decatur Rd on the west side of the building. For 24/7 support, visit alz.org/georgia or call 1-800-272-3900.
Single Moms’ Support Group — Free!
4th Mondays of the month, 12noon, via Zoom
No matter your circumstance or stage of parenting, join us for confidential care and support. Led by Cathy Smith, a therapist with CHRIS180 Counseling Services. Contact Rev. Susan Pinson for more info & to receive the Zoom link. Read our blog post about the Single Moms’ Support Group.
Snack in a Backpack
Thursdays | Youth & Activities Building | Sign up here
Snack in a Backpack provides food to children who are at risk of hunger on the weekends. The program currently serves approximately 400 children, including 40 children in refugee families. Contact Deborah Marlowe for more information.
Adult Sunday School Classes
Sunday School classes gather on Sunday mornings at 9:45am in the Church School Building. Learn more here.
Children's Ministry
Check out our Children’s ministry page here. Contact Rev. Susan Pinson for more info on all things Kids @ Glenn.
Youth Ministry
Check out our Youth ministry page here. Contact Ben Ladner for more info on all things Youth @ Glenn.
A Smarter Workout
Tuesdays and Fridays, 9:30am | YAAB Gym
Meet with a community of mostly women 50 and over who enjoy conversation, camaraderie and laughter, oh, and exercise! The class is led by Susan Lee, group fitness instructor and personal trainer. We rotate different types of exercise for a functional, healthy, strong body – and have lots of fun doing it! Modifications are encouraged and we never push each other to perform. Judgment is forbidden, especially from yourself. All are welcome! For more info, contact Susan Lee (brentandsusanlee@gmail.com) or text Susan at 404/408-3202.
Give Flowers for Sunday Worship
Have a special birthday, anniversary, or a memorable date coming up? Sign up here to give flowers for our 11am worship in the Sanctuary.