Glenn Youth

Glenn Youth seeks to be a safe space for 6th through 12th graders to be themselves, ask questions, have fun, and learn. We understand youth development and promote an environment that focuses on growth. We emphasize trust and building relationships with one another. Glenn Youth is open, accepting, and welcoming to all, and we strive to serve others in our community and abroad.

We use the following communications to stay connected:

Upcoming Events

Spiritual Life Retreat

March 21-23 | Camp Mikell | Toccoa, GA

Registration for Spiritual Life Retreat is now OPEN to all 8th-12th graders. Parents can click here to sign up, and feel free to email Ben Ladner ( with any questions. 

Lenten Music Program

Sunday, March 30, 5:00 pm | Little Chapel

Enjoy special vocal and instrument music and sing hymns of the season with the Youth Choir & other Glenn friends!  They’ll perform pieces by J.J. Niles, Moses Hogan, Mozart and more!

Confirmation Sunday

April 27 | 11 am service, Sanctuary

Come celebrate our confirmands as they claim their faith and officially join the church!

Youth Sunday

May 4 | 11 am service, Sanctuary

Join us for a special, youth-led worship service.

Bite Nite

May 9 | YAAB

All 9th-12th graders are invited to a night of fun and exploration around the Atlanta/Decatur area followed by a lock-in at the YAAB. Dinner provided, but bring snacks, overnight materials, and a change of clothes.

Youth Intown Mission Week

June 2-6 | Atlanta

Join us for volunteer projects around Atlanta during the day and then volunteering at Family Vacation Bible School in the evenings at Glenn! Details TBA for the daytime projects - volunteer now for VBS Volunteers at

Summer Mission Trip

July 20-26 | Johnson City, TN

Rising 7th graders and older are invited on a trip to Johnson City, TN to help repair homes and infrastructure that were damaged by the 2024 hurricanes. *This will be an intense week, but a highly rewarding one.* Sign ups coming soon!

Learn More

United Methodist Youth Fellowship

Our United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF) takes place most Sunday nights from 6:00-8:30pm in the Youth and Activities Building. A typical night includes sharing a meal, having students practice for choir, and having sessions for Middle and High Schoolers to have fun, enjoy fellowship with one another, and learn more about loving God and neighbor. Subscribe to our Youth at Glenn E-newsletter for updates.


Sundays, January-March, 9:45am, Youth and Activities Building

Confirmation focuses on exploring and understanding basic Christian theology and the call to discipleship, as well as our specific United Methodist heritage and understanding. By choosing to be a part of Confirmation, youth will have the chance to learn, ask questions, make friends, and have fun. Participation does not mean that youth will have to commit to join the church- our faith journeys are lifelong and we encourage youth to explore God, faith, and the church with openness. 7th Graders and Friends in Faith volunteers begin the journey of confirmation - learning, exploring, and growing together to confirm our faith and become professing members of the Church. This year, we are offering a parallel class for older youth and adults who may have missed Confirmation as a middle schooler or simply want to explore and grow together in the Christian journey.

Youth Drama Production

Each year, our talented youth put on a production of a play or musical. We have found this to be an incredible opportunity for growth, leadership development, and community engagement.

Service & Mission

A large part of the identity of Glenn Youth is service. We are committed to expanding the kingdom of God through loving our neighbors, and we serve both locally and internationally, with an emphasis on local partnerships.


Recreation Ministries

Glenn Hoops 2024-2025 has concluded. Stay tuned for more information on our next season! For more info visit


Our youth participate in our worship consistently, through acolyting, scripture reading, and leading us in worship through song. Additionally, our talented youth choir leads us in worship and goes on a bi-annual choir tour under the leadership of our Choir Director, Wes Griffin.


Our Glenn Youth Retreats are an intentional time for our youth members, youth staff, and adult volunteers to grow in our faith, worship together, and enjoy fellowship! We typically have three retreats per academic year, each being a weekend long. These retreats are an awesome opportunity for new faces to become introduced to our group, and also for Glenn Youth veterans to grow spiritually and in our love for one another.

Learn More

Want to learn more or have any questions about Glenn Youth? Contact Youth Director Ben Ladner.

Learn about our Child/Youth Protection Policies & Safe Sanctuaries here.