Adult Sunday School & Small Groups

Lenten Small Groups & Studies:

Entering the Passion of Jesus: A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week

Led by Rev. Jimmy Moor

Beginning March 11, six sessions, Tuesdays at 7pm, YAAB Assembly Room A

Join us as we prepare for Holy Week, using renowned New Testament Scholar Amy-Jill Levine’s study, Entering the Passion of Jesus: A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week. We will explore the biblical texts surrounding the Passion story and discuss how we respond to this story in our Christian journeys.

Lenten Scripture and the Poetry of Mary Oliver

Led by Rev. Mark Westmoreland

Beginning March 10, five sessions, Mondays at 7pm, location TBA

You’re invited to a uniquely scriptural and poetic Lenten study as we pair scripture readings appropriate to Lent with the evocative poetry of Mary Oliver. Together, we’ll discover how this conversation can help us more richly experience the gracious renewal of Lent. There is no cost for the study, but we need to know how many guides to have available. A copy of Mary Oliver’s Devotions is recommended but not required.

The New Class Adult Sunday School

Sundays, 9:45am, Church School Building, Room 208
The New Class welcomes a variety of exceptional speakers from Emory, the larger UMC, and beyond. View the full winter/spring schedule here and the syllabus here.

Ventures in Faith Adult Sunday School Class

Sundays, 9:45am, Church School Building, Room 211

The Ventures in Faith Sunday School class welcomes you to drop in any Sunday, Room 211, from 9:45 to 10:45. We share casual discussion and warm fellowship as we explore the complexities of our Christian faith. 

We follow Methodist founder John Wesley’s way of learning, relying on scripture, tradition, reason, and experience as we venture together. John Wesley wanted us to consider the question (paraphrased), "how is it with your soul?"

Some of our 2025 topics will be:

  • A short series on the book of Acts

  • Sacred Worth

  • Having a Weary Soul

  • Daylight Savings

  • Reluctance

  • Learning to See

  • Miracles

  • What Did Jesus Know, and When Did He Know It?

  • Abiding

  • The Japanese Tea Ceremony

We are an open and welcoming class, suitable for both introverts and extroverts, and we have comfortable chairs! Join us as we explore and discuss topics related to our faith journey. Contact Gordon Boice for questions.

LIFE Sunday School Class

Sundays, 9:45am, Parlor

Discussion based class looking at living faithfully.  During Lent, we're discussing the book Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day by Kate Bowler. Coffee and Refreshments available. Contact David O'Brien for more infoParlor

Friday Night Bites: Women’s Bible Study

Friday, March 7, 7pm - then every other Friday | Thinking Man Tavern (537 W Howard Ave, Decatur)
Join with Suzanne Horton & Sara McKlin for dinner and discussion every other Friday, beginning March 7. This Spring we’ll be discussing the book of Esther. For more info or to RSVP, contact Sara McKlin.

Single Moms’ Support Group (Free!)

4th Mondays of the month, 7pm, via Zoom

Upcoming dates: February 24, March 24, April 28

No matter your circumstance or stage of parenting, join us for confidential care and support. Led by Cathy Smith, a therapist with CHRIS180 Counseling Services. Contact Rev. Susan Pinson for more info & to receive the Zoom link. Read our blog post about the Single Moms’ Support Group. \

Caregivers’ Support Group

Third Wednesday of each month, 4:30 - 5:30 pm, Youth and Activities Building
Are you a family caregiver of a loved one with memory loss, dementia, or Alzheimer's disease? Join us for a monthly support group of confidential encouragement and care. To RSVP, contact our Support Group facilitators: Aubrey and Carol Bush. The location is the Glenn Youth and Activities Building – 1669 N. Decatur Rd with its own parking. Enter the front glass doors facing N. Decatur Rd on the west side of the building. For 24/7 support, visit or call 1-800-272-3900.

Glenn Chancel Choir

Regular rehearsals: Wednesdays, 7-9pm and Sundays, 10am, Sanctuary

The Glenn Choir is open to singers, high school age and above! All voice parts are needed and welcome to join! We rehearse before worship at 10am and sing regularly in 11am worship. Read more about Music at Glenn. For more info, contact Michael Dauterman or Käthe Wright Kaufman.

Chuck Horton Men’s Bible Study

Wednesdays, 8-9am

In loving memory of a faithful Bible study participant and friend, Chuck Horton, join with men of all ages & stages as we read through the Scriptures and share thoughts on our faith journey. Fall 2023 finds us in the book of Jeremiah. For more info, contact the church office or Glenn members Dan MacFarlane or Bill Phillips.

For more information, visit the following pages: Sunday School, Small Groups, United Women of Faith (UWF/UMW) Circles, Choirs, Altar Guild, and Upcoming Events.