Children’s Ministries
Jesus said it best, "Let the little children come to me!" So together with children of all ages, we play, pray, sing, serve, worship, laugh, create, and most important of all, grow together in our understanding of what it means for all of us to be children of God. We seek to help children learn of God’s love for them through worship, Sunday School, and other experiences of faith such as Vacation Bible School. And we love when volunteers join us in this enriching journey. Whether you consider yourself "too young," "too old," or "too busy," we need you!
For more information on our children's ministries, view and/or subscribe to our weekly “Kids @ Glenn” newsletter with a devotion & LOTS of announcements and/or subscribe to short Remind text messages.
For more information on our preschool, visit The Glenn School for Young Children.
We invite you to learn more about our Child Protection Policy.
Upcoming Events
Children's Choirs & Sunday School
Sundays | 9:30am Choirs | 10:00am Sunday School
*Free!* No singing experience needed! Choirs meet from 9:30am-10:00am, followed by Children's Sunday School classes 10:00-10:45am with a Bible story and interactive activities & crafts.
Preschoolers – Room 206
Pre-K & Kinder – Room 310
1st - 5th Grade – Room 419
Details & sign up here
Children's Sunday School & Choirs Information
-Nursery (under age 2) - Room 200. Nursery is open beginning at 8:30am.
-Two's & Three's/Preschoolers - Room 206. Opens at 8:30am. Parents/guardians are welcome to sign in children with Childcare Staff or stay for the fun if better for your little one. A short, interactive Joyful Noise singing time and Sunday School lesson will occur sometime between all the playtime 10:00am-10:45am, too. Weather-permitting, playground time will often begin during 11am hour.
-Pre-K & Kinder - Room 310 opens at 8:30am. 9:30am - Cherub Choir in Room 405 // 10:00am Sunday School in Room 310. Parents/Guardians sign out at 10:45am OR children may stay for Extended Care during 11am Worship — childcare staff will escort children to the Sanctuary for the Children’s Time and then back to the Church School Building or playground for Extended Care.
-1st-5th Grade -9:30am Covenant Choir in Room 419 // 10:00am Sunday School in the 4th floor classrooms. Parents/Guardians sign out at 10:45am
Club 1012 - No Parents Allowed
Select Sundays, 5:00-6:00pm | Room 211, Church School Building
Upcoming dates: March 23rd, April 27th, May 18th
For 10*, 11, & 12-year-olds to come share thoughts, worries, goals, or frustrations away from parents & teachers. Led by Taylor Anderson of CHRIS180 Counseling and our Candler School of Theology interns, Ariel Murphy & George Wasson. $10 Target gift card drawing for 'tweens who attend! RSVP here. *4th graders who are still 9-years-old are welcome.
Glenn Town Hall Meeting: Introducing GlennLOVES
Sunday, March 30, 12:00 pm | Fellowship Hall, following the 11am worship service
We invite you to a church-wide Town Hall where we'll discuss the state of the church and introduce our new initiative: GlennLOVES. Following the Town Hall, there will be an Engagement Fair for you to discover where your passions match involvement opportunities. Here, we invite you to connect and grow as we launch GlennLOVES. Free food and childcare will be provided, including a petting zoo on the playground, 1:00-2:00pm (since GlennLOVES all of God’s creatures!).
Egg-cellent Saturday
Saturday, April 12, 3:00-5:00pm | Amphitheater, Playground, and lawn of Sanctuary
Join us for our annual Easter egg hunt, Easter Bunny, & more! Treat filled eggs & volunteers needed - pick up empty eggs outside Rev. Susan's office! Sign up here to volunteer.
3:00pm- Bubbles, sidewalk chalk, sack races, bounce houses, and drinks, popcorn, & cotton candy available
4:00pm- We gather for the age level hunts!
Free event- all are invited to bring a non-perishable food donation for Intown Cares food pantry! Free parking next door in Emory’s Fishburne deck.
Family Vacation Bible School
June 2-6, 5:00-6:30pm | Church School Building
**Registration now open** Register at
Vacation Bible School in the evenings for toddlers through teen helpers and their grownups for family fun together learning Bible stories through crafts, singing & dancing, games, science experiments, crafts, & more!
Glenn Summer Camp
Weeks of June 9, June 16, June 23, July 7, July 14 | 9:00am - 1:00pm | Church School Building
**Registration now open** Ages 3 through rising 4th grade - Register here
Glisson GROW Day Camp
July 21-25, Monday-Thursday, 8:30am-5:30pm, Friday, 8:30am-12:30pm
**Registration now open** Register at For rising 1st through 6th graders. Glisson Grow Day Camps brings the powerful experience of camp ministry to local churches. Packed with activities that contribute to learning new skills and building Christian community, the focus throughout is for each camper to grow deeper roots in their faith (grow spiritually), in their ability to work as a team (grow socially), and in self-confidence as a loved child of God (grow individually).
Save the Dates
Glenn School Gala - Friday, March 21
Faith & Fun Day @ Sweetwater Creek State Park - Saturday, April 26
Confirmation Sunday & New Member Celebration - April 27
Glenn's Got Talent Show - Sunday, April 27, 10am
Youth Sunday - May 4
Festival of the Christian Home Sunday- Honoring Older Adults & New Babies - May 11
Summer Lecture Series - Sundays, June-July, 9:45am
Youth Mission Trip - July 20-26
Sunday Service Projects - Sundays, August, 9:45am
Back to School Sunday - August 3
3rd Grade Bibles Sunday - August 10
Fall Camping @ Watson Mill Bridge State Park - October 10-12
Childcare for Worship Services
See the photo for the entrance to childcare on the right-side of the amphitheater in the Church School Building.
Children are wanted and welcomed in all services at Glenn and children's worship kits are available. Optional childcare includes:
Nursery (under age 2) - Room 200, 8:30am-12pm.
Preschool (Two's/Three's/Young Four’s) - Room 206. 8:30am-12pm. Open beginning at 8:30am for playtime. Joyful Noise Music & Sunday School (Bible story & activities) offered during 10am-11am hour. Weather-permitting, playground time will often begin during 11am hour.
PreK & Kindergarten - Room 310. 8:30am-12pm. Room 310 opens at 8:30am. 9:30am - Cherub Choir in Room 405 // 10:00am Sunday School in Room 310. Parents/Guardians sign out at 10:45am OR children may stay for Extended Care during 11am Worship — childcare staff will escort children to the Sanctuary for the Children’s Time and then back to the Church School Building or playground for Extended Care.
1st-5th Grade - invited to worship with families! Worship Kits are available from the ushers in the LIttle Chapel and Sanctuary. A Children’s Time is offered at most 11am services.
If your infant or small child needs care during worship services, there is a Comfort Room located downstairs at the back of the Sanctuary and rocking chairs available in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall. For worship services in the Little Chapel, feel free to step out and use any of the preschool classrooms down the hall. For more information about the Nursery and Childcare, contact our Childcare Coordinator, Mrs. Adrielle Gray.
Child/Youth Protection: Safe Sanctuaries
A church is a sanctuary in several respects. It is sometimes a place of refuge from the turmoil of the secular world; it is a nurturing community of faith; and it is a source of empowerment for leading lives of faith and witness. Even so, the church is never fully removed from contemporary society, and the church is required to be mindful of the reality of evil in the world.
Glenn strictly adheres to its Child and Youth Protection Policies to ensure the safety and support of all its children and youth. This includes training and regularly updated background checks for all staff and volunteers.
Please see our resources on protecting the children and youth of Glenn:
Child/Youth Protection Policies and FAQs
Child/Youth Participation Waiver
Glenn's Safe Sanctuaries training video
Glenn Background Check Application
Volunteer Children & Youth Workers Profile Application (paper form) OR Online Option
Stewards of Children abuse prevention training
Georgia Mandated Reporter Training
& Sign-Out Form for Groups
Accident Report // Incident Report // Suspected Incident of Child Abuse Form