Justice at Glenn
How can we transform the world? By answering the call to:
Educate ourselves and others about the root causes of injustice our society and how we as followers of Christ are to respond. Learn more here.
Advocate for systems that support people and working for change in the laws, policies and systems that create or maintain injustice. Learn more here.
Create personal connections by being present with people who are struggling and suffering in a way that affirms their humanity and dignity. Learn more here.
Creation care = environmental justice. Through education, awareness, and activism, Glenn models the importance of being responsible stewards of God’s creation. Learn more here.
You are invited to come join this journey! Contact justice@glennumc.org to be in contact with our Justice team.
Upcoming Events
Emory’s Truth Racial Healing and Transformation Initiative - Equitable Dinner
Wednesday, April 2nd, 4:00PM, Glenn United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall
More information on how to register will be shared when available.
Glenn Snack in a Backpack
Glenn’s Snack in a Backpack ministry provides food on Fridays during the school year to children who are at risk of hunger on the weekends. In Georgia, one in 7 children go to bed hungry; and children are most vulnerable on the weekends without access to school meals. During the past year Snack has...
• served approximately 400 children a week including students at Hope-Hill, Perkerson and SL Lewis elementary schools as well as students at GVP (Global Village Project) and additional refugee children in the Clarkston area.
• distributed more than 16,000 bags of food and received more than 60,000 lbs of food from the Atlanta Community Food Bank
• included fresh fruit in the bags for each child
• engaged volunteers of all ages to set-up, recycle, pack and load bags into vehicles on Thursdays; make school deliveries on Fridays; place orders with the Food Bank; developed weekly packing plans; unloaded Food Bank deliveries on Thursday mornings; shopped at the DeKalb Farmers Market and grocery stores for fresh fruit, produce and other items unavailable at the Food Bank; monitored inventory; and much more!
Come join us! Sign up here. For more information about the program and how you can be involved, email dmarlowe@emory.edu.
Atlanta Habitat for Humanity needs your empty aluminum cans!
Through our Recycling For Good initiative, in partnership with Novelis, we use the funds from recycling aluminum cans to build affordable housing. It takes 3 millions cans to build one house – please help us reach this goal by donating your aluminum cans! Your cans directly support our mission of creating access to quality, affordable housing throughout Atlanta.
You can drop off your empty cans, at your convenience, in the trailer in our parking lot, located at 824 Memorial Drive SE Atlanta, GA 30316. When you enter the parking lot from Memorial Drive, the recycling trailer is immediately to the left. Thank you for supporting Atlanta Habitat! IMPORTANT NOTE: please throw the cans into the trailer loose. NO BAGS/TRASH LINERS PLEASE.
Ongoing Weekly Outreach Opportunities
Intown Cares Food Pantry Tuesdays and Saturdays, 9:30am-1pm
Snack in a Backpack Thursdays, 3-5pm
Service Save-the-Dates
Habitat for Humanity Build 2025 dates TBA Contact: Jennifer Scott Ward.
Wesley Woods Mother’s Day Offering May 2025, Give here.
Trinity House & Table August 17, 2025 11am - 3pm Contact: Diane Bryant.
Lost and Found Youth (LnFY) Second Thursday of every month 11:30-1:00pm. Contact: Joan Lord.
August Sunday Service (all ages) August 2025 Contact: Susan Pinson.
Branan Towers Summer Picnic June 10, 2025 10:30am-1:30pm. Contact: Diane Bryant.
Connecting through Service
We seek to create personal connections by being present with people who are struggling and suffering in a way that affirms their humanity and dignity.
“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me. — Matthew 25:35-36
Glenn has a long history of connecting with the community to work to alleviate suffering. Opportunities to connect are available for individuals, families and small groups.
Snack in a Backpack
Thursday shifts ranging from 3:30-5:30pm, Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church, Youth & Activities Building | Sign up for a volunteer shift here!
Snack in a Backpack provides food on Fridays to children and families who are at risk of hunger on weekends. The program serves over 400 students from three schools and 66 refugee families which represent over 350 family members. These families have children who attend Global Village Project, a school for refugee girls, and Inspire, an after school program for refugee children. Volunteers gather on Thursday afternoons at Glenn’s Youth and Activities Building (YABB) located at 1669 North Decatur Rd. to setup, pack food bags and load food into vehicles for delivery to the schools on Friday mornings. Volunteers are needed throughout the week to shop, deliver food to schools and upload food band deliveries at Glenn. Glenn financially supports Snack in a Backpack and provides hundreds of Glenn and community volunteers. All ages and skill levels are welcome to participate. For more information contact Deborah Marlowe or sign up here.
Atlanta Habitat for Humanity
For the last 30 years, Glenn has partnered with other churches to build a Habitat House. Each House requires 10-15 volunteers for seven Saturdays, plus a food crew to provide lunch. Volunteers at all skill levels and ages are welcome. No experience is required! Glenn financially supports the annual build and provides a crew for the build. Watch for this year’s date! For more information contact Jennifer Scott Ward.
Branan Towers/Foundation of Wesley Woods
Part of the Wesley Woods Senior Living Retirement Communities, Branan Towers is a HUD-subsidized residential community in East Atlanta serving older adults with extremely low incomes. Glenn has supported Branan Towers for decades providing financial support, volunteers, resident engagement and in-kind donations. Glenn initiated and supports an essentials closet for the residents to provide for needs that their income does not stretch to cover. These items range from incontinence supplies, nutritional supplements, soap, toilet tissue, toothpaste etc. The most important contribution is the time and emotional connection to the residents. Volunteers of all ages and skill levels are welcome at the holiday parties, summer cookouts and craft and game days. Glenn financially support the Wesley Woods Mother’s Day offering and for the needs of the residents through the essentials closet. For more information contact Diane Bryant.
Intown Cares
Intown Cares works to prevent and reverse homelessness and hunger in Intown Atlanta. Intown provides a homeless outreach program that uses a Housing First approach as well as a variety of programs to address food insecurity. Glenn supports Intown through food and goods drives, delivering groceries, making hygiene or snack kits, and with financial support. Intown operates a food choice pantry on Saturdays and Tuesday mornings from 9am to 1pm. For more information contact Jennifer Scott Ward. Volunteers can sign up here.
L’Arche Atlanta
At L'Arche Atlanta, people with and without disabilities are welcomed with open arms. L’Arche builds communities where people with and without intellectual disabilities share friendships and care. They do this through community events and small group activities. Their two homes are located in Decatur on Clairemont and Mead Roads. Glenn supports L’Arche financially and there are many ways to get involved as a volunteer. For more information contact Ann Rushing.
Lost-n-Found Youth
Lost-n-Found Youth provides support for Atlanta’s unhoused LGBTQ+ youth, ages 18 to 25. Its ambitious goal is to end homelessness among this group. The organization supports a youth drop-in center, where lunch is served daily, and two transitional houses for 16 youth, where breakfasts and dinners are available. Glenn’s prepares and serves Lost-n-Found’s clients with a monthly hospitable hot meals and makes grocery runs to help stock the transition homes’ pantries. Glenn supports LnFY through Glenn’s Alternative Giving Catalog and by volunteers preparing and serving monthly meals. For more information contact Joan Lord.
Trinity House/Big Bethel-Trinity Community Ministries
TH/BB is a residential 36 bed program that empowers men experiencing homelessness and addiction to reclaim their lives and return to their families and communities as mentors and leaders. Trinity House provides housing, meals, case management and connects the men to benefits, job training and counseling. Glenn provides financial support to TH/BB and prepares and shares a bi monthly meal with the men. Glenn provides the meal for the men on the 3rd Tuesday of the even months. Various groups from Glenn prepare and enjoy the meal with the residents. We are currently in need of a group to provide the June meal. For more information contact Diane Bryant.
Trinity Table-Trinity UMC
Trinity Table is located at Trinity UMC in the heart of downtown Atlanta. Trinity Table is the only consistent source of free food in the downtown Capitol Hill neighborhood on Sundays. Glenn UMC has partnered for more than 30+ years with Trinity Table to provide a hospitable hot meal and a to-go bagged meal to the homeless. In addition to serving meals every Sunday, a clothes closet is available that offers items of clothing, as well as items such as hygiene kits and cold weather gear. The last Sunday of every month a mobile shower trailer comes to the church parking lot and provides showers for the guests through the nonprofit Hope Thru Soap. Glenn financially supports Trinity Table and one Sunday a year Glenn prepares and serves the hot meal and Glenn’s youth pack and distribute to-go meal bags. This year Glenn’s Alternative Giving Catalog collected funds to provide waterproof sleeping bags for those living on the streets. For more information contact Diane Bryant.
Collaboration with Outreach Partners
All of the areas of Glenn: children, youth, young adults, adults and older adults work to support and collaborate with the Justice Teams outreach partners. The following are just a few examples of how Glenn works together to meet the needs in our community.
SOUPer Bowl of Caring
The children at Glenn annually collect canned goods and financials donation in soup pots on Super Bowl Sunday to be distributed to help tackle hunger. The financial donations support Snack in a Backpack and the canned goods are donated to Intown Cares.
VBS Offering
Each year Vacation Bible School takes up an offering that aligns with the theme of VBS and the offering is giving to support one of the Justice Teams Outreach partners.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Celebration
Every year the Glenn youth in collaboration with the Scouts and Midtown HS plan and enjoy an afternoon of food, songs, crafts and the reading of MLK’s I Have a Dream speech at Branan Towers.
August Sunday Service Projects
Every Sunday in August during the Sunday school hour a service project is designed to engage all of the ages in the church in support of several of Glenn’s outreach partners. To name a few projects in the past: collected back to school items in support of Snack in a Backpack schools, assembled snack meal bags for the homeless to be distributed through Intown Cares, collected essentials for Libertad to distribute to new asylum seekers and refugees coming to Atlanta, assembled disaster response buckets for Global Ministries.
Glenn participates in several special Sunday offerings each year that benefit our Outreach partners. The following are a few examples:
Mother’s Day offering to benefit the Wesley Woods senior living communities- This offering funds financial assistance for meals and housing to residents who have the gift of a long life but may have outlived their resources.
The Housing and Homeless Offering of the North Georgia Conference of the UMC- The offering supports the shared work of providing safe and affordable housing across North Georgia. One hundred percent of the offering goes to fund much needed grants for ministries serving those that are experiencing poverty and homelessness. The grants provide for housing, food pantries, rental and utility assistance, clothing closets, and other services to our neighbors in need. Glenn participates in this offering on an annual basis.