Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a group of volunteers who coordinate and assist with the sacred elements, special events, and regular worship of the church. Guild members often work behind the scenes on tasks such as arranging the altars and communion tables with appropriate cloths, vessels, elements and symbols of the season, providing comfort for families and coordinating activities during funerals, and taking orders and making flower arrangements.

Notably, the Altar Guild has undertaken two large-scale stitching needlepoint projects in recent years. Read about their Kneeler project and their Stations of the Cross project (view our Virtual Stations of the Cross here). The Kneelers are on display in the Sanctuary year round and the Stations of the Cross are on display during Lent in The Little Chapel.

Meetings are held three times during the year. A booklet with Altar Guild membership, activities, and telephone contacts is available in the church office.

For information regarding the Altar Guild, contact Byrd Perkerson.

Sponsor Flowers to Add Beauty to Worship Services

Floral arrangements to bring the beauty of God's creation into our worship spaces can be donated in honor or memory of a loved one or in celebration of a special occasion. Sign-up to donate flowers here.