Justice at Glenn: Advocate
We seek to advocate for systems that support people and working for change in the laws, policies and systems that create or maintain injustice.
Contact Carol Allums to learn more. More Advocacy Tips here.
Advocacy Opportunities
Change the Name Campaign
You can read more and sign the petition here.
Voting Advocacy
Glenn members’ advocacy of voting rights is rooted in our knowledge that we are all children of God, created in the image of God, and should therefore be entitled to the same rights, including the right to vote. Our advocacy includes registering voters, writing to state and federal legislators in support of expanded access to the polls, serving as line warmers and poll watchers, and marching in protests against voter suppression.
Vote Forward – Write letters to voters encouraging turn out
Vote Forward is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to empower grassroots volunteers to encourage their fellow citizens in underrepresented communities to vote. We build tools to facilitate communications between Americans to help strengthen our democracy. Visit the website to sign up to write letters between now and the November election.
New American Pathways – register new American citizens to vote
Through a variety of programs, New American Pathways ensures new Americans in Metro Atlanta can become successful, contributing, and welcomed members of Georgia’s communities. Sign up to register newly naturalized citizens to vote here.
Campus Vote Project is proud to announce the Georgia Student Voting Summit! This Sept. 23-24 summit, in partnership with Georgia Shift and New Georgia Project, will include a virtual conference with a series of panels and workshops highlighting community and civic engagement. Day 2 includes an in-person keynote reception at Morehouse University featuring free food, networking, art, music, and a keynote panel discussing community and civic engagement. Grant and scholarship opportunities are available to all students across Georgia who will be attending a Georgia college, technical college, or university in the fall. Register now!
LGBTQ+ Inclusion
Sign this Change.org petition asking that the US Senate pass the Equality Act.
Atlanta Pride Parade – Together with other UM churches and reconciling communities, march with us to express the love of God for all members of the LGBTQ community.
Reconciling Ministries - Join Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) which equips and mobilizes United Methodists of all sexual orientations and gender identities to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves.
Gun Violence Prevention
Sign Change the Ref’s petition asking President Biden, the US House and the US Senate to pass universal background checks on gun sales.
Climate Justice
Environmental Voter Project: Since 2017, EVP has helped turn 46,478 environmentalists into consistent super-voters in Georgia. See how you can get involved here.
Faith in Public Life
Faith in Public Life is a national movement of clergy and faith leaders united in the prophetic pursuit of justice, equality and the common good.
Environmental Advocacy
Glenn has advocated against plastic grocery bags and in support of solar power with our politicians at the local, regional and state levels.