Care & Support

Glenn Church cares about you. In the name and spirit of Jesus Christ, we seek to provide care through our Congregational Care Ministry to those facing life's spiritual, emotional, and physical challenges. Using church and community resources, we respond to real-life needs through pastoral staff as well as caring lay people.

Prayer Ministry

Prayer requests may be submitted on a confidential basis for the pastors or to be shared with our e-mail prayer ministry. To submit a prayer request or to be added to our e-mail Prayer Ministry, please send a notice to Rev. Susan Pinson.

Emergency and Hospital Care

When a congregant or loved one is hospitalized or faces another emergency, pastors and Lay Ministers are available to for phone and in-person support. You are encouraged to notify the church when someone is in the hospital or scheduled for surgery by contacting the church office at 404.634.3936. If an emergency occurs after business hours and you need a pastor, please call 404.634.3936 and press 8. 

6-week Grief Support Group

Thursdays, 7:00pm, February 27 thru April 3 | Youth and Activities Building

Grieving a loved one is very personal and can ebb and flow across days, months, and even years.  No matter the circumstances of your grief and bereavement, join us for confidential care and support, remembering that you are not alone in your grief journey.  Led by Keri Challen of Aspen Grove Counseling & Wellness. For more info & to RSVP, contact Rev. Susan Pinson 404-634-3936, ext. 103.

Monthly Caregivers’ Support Group — Free!

3rd Wednesdays of each month, 4:30-5:30pm | Youth and Activities Building, 1669 N. Decatur Rd

For all family caregivers of aging loved ones, including those with memory loss, dementia, or Alzheimer's disease.  Join us for a monthly support group of confidential encouragement and care. To RSVP, contact our Support Group facilitators Mackay Asbury or Rev. Susan Pinson. The location is the Glenn Youth and Activities Building – 1669 N. Decatur Rd with its own parking.  Enter the front glass doors facing N. Decatur Rd on the west side of the building.  For 24/7 support, visit or call 1-800-272-3900.

Single Moms’ Support GroupFree!

4th Mondays of the month, 12noon, via Zoom

Upcoming dates: February 24, March 24, April 28

No matter your circumstance or stage of parenting, join us for confidential care and support. Led by Cathy Smith, a therapist with CHRIS180 Counseling Services. Contact Rev. Susan Pinson for more info & to receive the Zoom link. Read our blog post about the Single Moms’ Support Group.


Maternity Clothes Closet

Glenn invites expecting moms to a gift of free maternity clothes. Contact Rev. Susan Pinson to schedule your complimentary shopping for maternity, postpartum, and nursing clothes and supplies. 

Prayer Shawl and Baby Blanket Ministry

2nd Thursday of each month, 10:30am, Youth and Activities Building

Prayer shawls and baby blankets are created by Glenn members who wish to remain anonymous. Prayers are a part of each shawl and blanket from the time the materials are selected and purchased and as the stitches are made. The shawls are given to those who are ill or facing surgery, and the baby blankets are one of Glenn’s first gifts to our newest members. Many of our knitters and crocheters gather monthly for the "Lydia Circle" to knit, crochet, talk, and pray together. Contact Carolyn Gilbert.

Lay Ministry Team  

The Lay Ministers nurture and care for individuals in the church community during times of illness, hospitalization, grief, and other challenging life situations. The Lay Ministers prepare for this ministry through an intensive ten-week training program and receive continuing instruction and supervision in monthly group sessions.

Communion to the Homebound

Sometimes people are unable to come to worship because they are homebound, hospitalized, or recently home from the hospital. Every quarter, volunteers bring Holy Communion to those who are unable to come to worship services.  


In additional to pastoral care, our clergy are available to help make referrals to local mental health care providers.

To receive or be a part of any of these ministries, please contact Rev. Susan Pinson.