Young Adults

Interested in community and connection as a college or grad student or young professional?  We’d love to walk with you as you discern your vocation, meet other young professionals and graduate students, and find support in the Glenn Church family. If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to Sutton Smith to join our text or email threads or GroupMe!

Glenn Hosts Emory’s International Community Lunch

Friday, February 21, 11:00AM - 12:30PM

Glenn will host Emory’s International Community Lunch in the Brooks Commons of Cannon Chapel. We expect 100 International students and scholars. Please join us in extending hospitality as we serve a buffet lunch and engage students in conversation during the meal. This annual event is fun for volunteers and always appreciated by students. To volunteer or request information, please reach out to Shelley Rogers at

Young Adult & College Student Lunch

This Sunday, February 23 12:15pm. 

Young adults and college students are invited to join Sutton Smith, the new Young Adult Ministry Coordinator, for lunch following the 11 o'clock service on Sunday. We will meet in the back of the sanctuary directly after worship and walk down to Emory Village. Contact Sutton Smith, Young Adult Ministry Coordinator, for more info. All are welcome!

Small Group Trivia Nights and Bible Study

Select Tuesdays, join our young adults meet at various restaurants/homes for Trivia, Dinner, and or Bible Study.

Interested in getting involved with young adult fellowship? Contact Sutton Smith, Young Adult Ministry Coordinator.