Giving at Glenn

There are many ways to give to Glenn – through your time, talents, gifts, service, and witness. We are deeply appreciative of any type of support you are able to generously offer and recognize that our ministries thrive from many types of gifts.

Ways to Give to Your Church


  • Click the “GIVE” box above.

  • You can then make a one-time donation or set up a recurring donation by using your credit card or bank account information.

By Mail or Place in the Offering Plate:

  • You may place your gift in the offering plate at our Sunday worship services or mail your offering to:

    • Glenn Memorial UMC – Finance Office
      1660 N. Decatur Road, NE
      Atlanta, GA  30307

We also encourage you to consider setting up automatic payments of recurring gifts (see the auto draft form below to begin this process).

Text to Give  

  • Simply send a text to the number (833)795-0325 with the amount you wish to donate to the operating fund typed into the message space, then press Send.

  • You will receive a text reply with a link. Click the link, which will take you to a giving screen (processed via Vanco) with our church name and a giving template.

  • Enter your name, address, email address, method of payment details, and confirm the gift amount in that template.

  • You will receive a receipt by return text to your phone stating the amount donated to Glenn Memorial UMC.

  • A receipt also will be emailed to you if you complete the email address line.

I want to make a pledge or adjust my existing pledge.

To make or adjust your pledge for 2025, please visit our Pledge page and click on the "Make My Pledge" box.

A Message from Finance: Any changes to your pledge must also be made to your online giving account.  Click “Give” in the top right corner, Log In to your account, then Edit your account.  If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Julia Edwards. Thank you!

In the current economic environment, we also know there might be financial uncertainty for you and your household, so we understand if commitments made during our stewardship campaign need to be adjusted. Please contact our Finance Administrative Assistant, Julia Edwards, at (404) 634-3936, ext. 108, should you need to revise the amount or timing of your estimate of giving. Please remember also that your pastors are available should you need their help or the help of the church.

Resources for Giving:

Stock donation form

The gift of appreciated stock is an excellent way to fulfill pledges or simply give to Glenn. You can use the form above to communicate your wishes to your broker or other custodian of your shares. If you proceed with directing the transfer of shares to Glenn, please contact Julia Edwards to let us know the gift is on the way.

I want to volunteer my gifts of time and service.

Contact any of our pastors or staff to explore ways to share your time and service through the ministries of Glenn Memorial UMC.