Worship Services
All are welcome!
8:30 AM in the Little Chapel of the Church School Building
11:00 AM in the Sanctuary
Parking available next door in Emory’s Fishburne deck or across the street at the Glenn Youth & Activities Building. Accessible parking available on N. Decatur Rd (Sundays only) and in the one-way driveway between the Sanctuary & Church School Building.
Worship With Us Online, Anytime!
Check out the livestream for our 11am service & other special services:
Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions about where to park on Sunday, what to wear to worship, or something else? Read our FAQs here.
Provide Flowers for Sunday Worship
Have a special birthday, anniversary, or a memorable date coming up? Sign-up to provide flowers for our Sunday service in honor or memory of your loved ones or a special cause. These arrangements offer a personalized touch to our services. Sign-up here.
Childcare for Worship Services
Children are wanted and welcomed in all services at Glenn and children's worship kits are available. Nursery care (age 2 & younger) is provided in the Church School Building Room 200 and Toddlers through Kindergarteners enjoy outdoor childcare on the playground as much as the weather permits (with sign in/sign out on the playground - entrance adjacent to the Toddler Room 206). For too cold/hot/wet days, we will move indoors, using the Toddler Room (Church School Building Room 206) for ages 2-4 & and the Whales Room (Church School Building Room 310) for Pre-K & Kindergarteners.
If your infant or small child needs care during worship services, there is a Comfort Room located downstairs at the back of the Sanctuary and rocking chairs available in the back of the Sanctuary. For worship services in the Little Chapel, feel free to step out and use any of the preschool classrooms down the hall. For more information about the Nursery and Childcare, contact our Childcare Coordinator, Mrs. Adrielle Gray.
Children's Sabbath & Scout Sunday
Sunday, March 2 | 8:30am & 11:00am
Join us for our annual Children’s Sabbath & Scout Sunday where kids of all ages lead us in worship–from the music to prayers to preaching! We will have special music from the Cherub & Covenant Choirs and several talented young people. All ages are invited to wear a Glenn School or Glenn UMC shirt or a Scout uniform -- or just your favorite colorful outfit! Join us at 8:30am in the Little Chapel or 11am in the Sanctuary for a special morning of worshipping with Holy Communion and celebrating all of God’s children! Check out our Facebook event here
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, March 5 | 6:00pm Children’s Service in the Little Chapel | 7:00pm Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
Join us in a time of worship, prayer, & song - and receiving the imposition of ashes - as we begin the season of Lent together. All are welcome at either the Children’s Service in the Little Chapel or the Traditional service in the Sanctuary. Childcare provided.
Palm/Passion Sunday
Sunday, April 13, 8:30am in the Little Chapel and 11am in the Sanctuary
Remembering Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem with the worship service that begins holy week. All children invited lead the congregation in singing This is the day at the 11am service. (Join us at 9:30am Choir and 10am Sunday School, too, to learn all about Palm Sunday!)
Maundy Thursday Worship
Thursday, April 17, 7:00pm In the Ward Fellowship Hall. Childcare available.
Good Friday Worship
Friday, April 18, 7:00pm. Pre-service music at 6:30pm. In the sanctuary. Childcare available.
Easter Sunday!
Sunday, April 20
7:15am Sunrise Service. Sanctuary front lawn. Bring your own chair!
9:30am Easter Brunch & Crafts in Ward Fellowship Hall. Bring a nut-free treat to share.
11:00am Easter Worship Sanctuary. Childcare available. All are invited to bring flowers for the Easter cross.