Glenn-Emory Connection

We are building a stronger community between Glenn & Emory!

Glenn is located on the campus of Emory University! Our congregation first began in the Chapel at Candler School of Theology. Our connection with Emory goes back to 1920.

Glenn’s current outreach includes supporting a re-launch of Wesley Fellowship at Emory, participating in a program called The Vinery (funded through the Lilly Foundation) which focuses on churches near college campuses, and partnering with Emory’s OSRL (Office of Spiritual and Religious Life) on shared initiatives such as WISE and Emory-Glenn Sunday.

Upcoming Events

For questions or more information on upcoming events, contact Deborah Marlowe.

The Wesley Fellowship at Emory

For questions or more information on the the relaunch of Wesley Fellowship at Emory check out:


We value our connection and special relationship to Emory. In 2023, Glenn is renewing efforts to broaden our service to and engagement with the Emory community. Thank you for being a part of this process of connecting our two communities! By doing so, you are helping us connect the dots and build a stronger community.