Love Made Real: Cana Has Nothing on Us

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Here is what we are all about at Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church:  We make God’s love real in the world.  We take our dollars and do stuff with them—in this world—for our neighbors—for our children and congregation—for our community and the world—that makes real God’s love for all.  The wedding in Cana has nothing on the wonders worked here.  “What can you do with this money, Lord?” we ask Jesus, and he says, “Here, hold this wine, and watch.”

And Good News of grace and mercy is preached.  And music of praise and joy fills the sanctuary and fellowship hall.  And the hungry are fed.  And the sick are comforted and healed.  And children learn about God.  And teenagers learn that there is a way in this world that is gracious and good and just.  And young adults find community and a faith that can see them through the years.  And older adults share their wisdom while finding the support of generations.  And worship is offered that lifts our eyes toward heaven and brings down blessings from God.

Pretty impressive work, Lord.  What’s next?  Just watch.

It’s important, our giving.  Tax breaks?  A bonus at best these days.  No, we give because we have found grace and are called to be gracious.  It is thanks we give, and it is real love with every offering.

On November 17, we will renew our commitment to make real God’s love in the world.  We will write some numbers on a card or go online and tap some keys.  Then, the Spirit of God will move, and works of mercy will be shared, and lives will be blessed.  It’s an amazing thing to see, really.  How will you be a part of it?

In Christ,

Rev. Mark Westmoreland, Senior Pastor