Meet the GLENNterns

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Name: Jordan Grassi

Age: 22

Hometown: Key West, Florida

Position at Glenn: Associate Director of Worship– The Gathering

What led you to seminary, and why Candler?

I started thinking about seminary after a conversation with one of my undergraduate professors where I vented about my passion for both music and theology and how I had no idea how anything intersected vocationally. He just sat there for a minute then looked up and said, “have you thought about seminary?” I started seriously considering seminary as I was leading worship in a variety of contexts during/after college and felt a consistent frustration with tendencies in contemporary worship music to be very theologically shallow and/or very individualistic. As I grew more passionate about the intersection of music & theology, I knew I’d feel more comfortable writing music for the Church with some theological training. I began considering Candler as I spoke with alumni that were mentors to me but ultimately chose Candler to be in Atlanta!

Most engaging class so far, and that one class you can’t wait to take:

I loved taking Liturgical Theology with Dr. Tony Alonso. We were exposed to so many different perspectives on worship, and our class was very denominationally diverse, which created great discussion. This class also helped me realize that my passion for worship actually goes more broadly than just the musical pieces of the liturgical service. It was also helpful in dealing with the contemporary versus traditional tensions that many denominations are working with. I am taking a class on Religious Education & Our Ecological Context with Dr. Jennifer Ayres this fall, and I am beyond excited about that as well.


Favorite book you’ve read recently?

I’ve recently re-read Telling Secrets by Frederick Buechner and it has been a great reminder of the importance of remembering in the sometimes slow days of summer. Buechner’s writing is so pleasant, so I love reading his work over and over again. I’m also in the process of reading The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs, which has been a fascinating read in the context of Atlanta and city change over time.


Why did you want to intern at Glenn Memorial UMC?

My desire to work at Glenn really stemmed out of trying to find a church that both felt like home but offered a variety of worship styles that were integrated well. My main interest in looking for a church home after moving to Atlanta was liturgically charged but I also wanted to find a community that was warm and cared for the community around them well. With the concerns that brought me to seminary,  I was really hoping to find a community that tried new things while still incorporating ancient elements of the Church, that offered some sort of contemporary option that still felt theologically sound, while also offering more traditional services. Glenn checked lots of boxes and I loved the crew here so it was an easy internship to say yes to!

Favorite sports team?

I know I’m in Georgia… but go Gators! Also a Braves fan, and a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. :)

Fill in the blank – We will most likely find you at Glenn _______.

Filling up my water bottle for the 10th time that day at the school building’s third floor water fountain

What are you goals in this position?

I’m really excited to get to know the community at Glenn better, but also looking to continue thinking of new ways we can be working and improving worship at The Gathering- whether that be through music, the overarching liturgy, or even what the space we worship in looks like. I’m also hoping to work with Brent to get more Emory students & young adults involved at the 5 p.m. service to continue to cultivate community in our more contemporary gathering.


Name: Erin Sears

Age: 23

Hometown: Huntington, WV

Position at Glenn: Associate Director for Worship - Traditional

What led you to seminary, and why Candler?

As a teenager, I was engaged in leadership within the West Virginia Annual Conference of the UMC. A stirring in my heart and a few (or maybe many) nudges from God through important people in my life made me realize that I was called to ministry beyond just my time as a teenager. While I can use many of my gifts in other ways, nothing seems more fulfilling, challenging and just right as ministry. Ministry is my life’s vocation and so, now I am in seminary figuring out to what ministry God is calling me. Candler provides a balance between the academic study of theology and the practical experience of ministry through its Contextual Education program. I feel strongly that in order to be effective in ministry and further discern my call, I have to be engaged in practicing ministry while learning.

Most engaging class so far, and that one class you can’t wait to take:

After one full year of seminary, the most engaging class has been Skills in Conflict Transformation where I learned about the theories of conflict and practical skills for not just ending a conflict but uncovering the root of it and transforming the whole situation. Out of this class and my first-year experience as a prison chaplain, I developed an interest in exploring justice and how to make it restorative and not just punitive.  Candler offers a course in restorative justice that I can’t wait to take this coming fall semester to continue building my skills in conflict transformation and exploring the issues of justice.

Favorite book you’ve read recently?

Of course, I have been reading a lot for school and have found some wonderful books through my classes such as Becoming Mrs. Burton: From Prison to Recovery to Leading the Fight Against Incarcerated Women by Susan Burton and Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christians by John Paul Leder. I would highly recommend these books for anyone interested in in the real stories behind incarceration and the work for recovery or the theology of conflict. Most recently, I have been taking a break from the serious books and have been reading for fun while I have the chance. My favorite book of the summer has been Make Something Good Today by Ben and Erin Napier which is a memoir of a couple’s love story that has led them to a life of building strong communities and a few houses along the way. I have found kindred spirits in the stories of their lives that reminds me of the important work of building communities wherever I find myself.

Why did you want to intern at Glenn Memorial UMC?

I started attending Glenn Memorial UMC regularly part way through my first semester when I joined the choir. After creating connections and meeting all the amazing people, Glenn felt like the church I wanted to call home during seminary. I can’t imagine being anywhere else.

Favorite sports team?

I don’t watch a lot of sports, but when I do, I am usually watching my undergraduate team, the Marshall Thundering Herd.

Fill in the blank – We will most likely find you at Glenn _______.

Wherever there is music

What are your goals in this position?

In this position, I am hoping to continue in the work of making worship an engaging and spiritually enriching portion of Glenn Memorial members’ faith formation. I hope that people find that throughout each service, they can sense the Holy Spirit working through the words, music, arts, preaching, and prayers that allow them to more fully connect with God. Beyond that, I hope to teach about and help people to identify the ways that they can use their gifts to participate in worship as part of their discipleship.


Name: Seulbin Sunny Lee

Age: 26

Hometown: Gwangju, South Korea

Position at Glenn: Intern for Youth ministry

What led you to seminary, and why Candler?

Christian faith has been important part of my life journey. My passion for church and theology led me to the seminary. Candler welcomed me more than any other seminaries that I applied to.   

Most engaging class so far, and that one class you can’t wait to take:

The most engaging class is ‘History of Christianity in America’ with Dr. Kim. I loved this class because it has provided me a solid understanding of not only the history of America but also how the diverse Christian groups and figures interplayed with the history. I was invited to take an introductory course of the early Christian history(HC501) as a TA for this Fall. I am excited to take the class again and see new Candler people.

Favorite book you’ve read recently?

The varieties of religious experience: a study in human nature, William James, (Amherst, N.Y,2002) William James pushes back on reductionists who reduce the meaning of faith into a biological realm and argues that one’s religious experience should be judged by their fruits. Although there are folks who disagree with his empiricism, I enjoyed his effort to capture the complexity of faith and religion.

Why did you want to intern at Glenn Memorial UMC?

When I first arrived in America, I had a long lonely summer until the school started. Then I met an amazing person at Glenn. She has been a good neighbor and mentor for me. Glenn is my first home church in the US in which I enjoyed summer lecture series, services, met many good people, and have had may fun with the youth. I would like to get to know better Glenn.

Favorite sports team?

Glenn Basketball team?

Fill in the blank – We will most likely find you at Glenn in______.

Glenn Youth Building

What are you goals in this position?

I will be with the Glenn youth group in this fall. I would like to learn how they engage with God and how the various teams gather to form Glenn UMC.  As a member of the team and a student at Candler, I would like to bring the Candler training to Glenn and wish my skills and wisdom to continue to develop.