An Announcement from SPRC

An Announcement from SPRC.png

Dear Friends,
The Staff-Parish Relations Committee, working with Mark Westmoreland, has identified a timely need for a new ministry to young adults in our community—both young working folks and graduate students.  Given Glenn’s central location to several institutions of higher education and the demographics of young adults living in neighborhoods near the church, we recognize this as an exciting and unrealized opportunity to offer spiritual growth and Christian community for this age group.  At a critical moment in their lives, we can provide for these 20-somethings a Christian foundation of love, grace, and service that they can carry with them through the years to come.
Assessing the needs for this new effort, SPRC developed a new full-time position to lead the way.  The Rev. Blair Setnor became an obvious candidate for this position because of her longstanding presence in the community, her strong existing relationships with young adults already connected to Glenn, and her enthusiastic and caring spirit.  So, we are excited to announce that Blair has accepted the call to this new ministry, effective July 1, and will be transitioning into that role from her current ministry with Youth.  SPRC expresses a tremendous debt of gratitude to Blair for the 10 years she has given to the Youth Ministry at Glenn.  More significant and appropriate opportunities to show our appreciation for Blair’s work with the Youth will be forthcoming.
So, what about our Ministry with Youth and their families?

We are also excited to announce that Connor Bell has accepted the position of Minister for Youth, also effective July 1.  Connor is a familiar face to youth and parents at Glenn, having just completed two years as a Glenn intern working with the Youth Group.  Connor graduated in May from Candler School of Theology and is attending the Mississippi Annual Conference this week, where he will be commissioned as an elder in the UMC.  He will serve three years of probationary ministry in a supervised setting before being ordained as an elder in his home conference, and we are excited that he has accepted the opportunity to serve those three years with Glenn UMC youth.  Connor brings many gifts for ministry that will be a tremendous benefit to our church, and we welcome him to this full-time role as an associate pastor. His existing strong relationships with the youth and their families will make for a smooth transition in leadership for Glenn’s Youth Ministry.
We are excited about the new possibilities before us with young adults and the opportunity to build upon our strong ministry with Youth.  Please be in prayer for Blair as she begins her new work and for Connor as he steps into his new ministry among us.
In Christ,
The Staff-Parish Relations Committee
Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church
Members of the Staff-Parish Relations Committee:
Jeff Henry, chair
Mary Lou Boice
Lynn Hart
Carolyn Knight
Reid Mallard
Dan MacFarlane
Tommy McGarrah Sharp
Mike Mountcastle
Andy Rogers
Emily Washburn (lay leader)
John Wiley (lay leader)
Mark Westmoreland (senior pastor)