From Pandemic to Joy: A Fond Farewell to Glenn

When I began at Glenn, the world was emerging from a pandemic, and I was uncertain what the future might hold. Now, three years into my role as Communications Director, I am amazed by how much we have accomplished as a church.

As I scroll through the photos I've taken over these years, it feels surreal to watch the masks from the pandemic era slowly disappear, revealing the joy beneath them. I vividly remember the relief we felt when we could finally gather safely as a community. Memories of Trunk or Treat costumes, youth plays, water slides and laughter at Back to School splashes, Christmas Eve pageants and nativity walk-throughs, somber Good Fridays, and joyful Easter mornings come rushing back.

I am deeply appreciative of my time at Glenn and proud of what we have achieved together. I have grown so much and have Glenn to thank for that. I will forever be grateful for the experiences and relationships Glenn has given me. Thank you for trusting me over these past three years. I have learned so much from all of you and will miss seeing each of you.

Some highlights of my time here:

  • My last design project: Glenn By the Numbers! The Glenn staff and Generosity Committee worked together to create this. Check out what we have been up to!

  • During my time here, we hosted the memorial service for First Lady Rosalynn Carter. You can watch it here.

  • We have doubled our Instagram followers since I began. Follow us!

  • And finally, I will leave you with some of my favorite pictures below.

Signing off for now,

Director of Communications ‘24

P.S. I will make sure to keep in touch with an update after my wedding on October 4th!