Photo by our Communications Director
“It’s a gift and privilege to stand in the pulpit of Glenn Memorial and proclaim the gospel,” says Mark Westmoreland, who just completed his fifth year as Senior Pastor. “To gather with the people of Glenn in our beautiful sanctuary, to hear the music offered every week, to share with a talented and creative staff—those are gifts upon gifts.”
“Does it seem like you have been here five years already?” I asked him. “Well, yes and no,” he said. “We had that strange Twilight Zone period of the Pandemic when time seemed to slow down and speed up at the same time. I do know I mourn the loss of that time together in worship and ministry—momentum in my own ministry certainly slowed—but we also faced together a unique time in history and adapted to the changes with love and grace.”
Mark says he was deeply moved by the financial faithfulness and compassion of the congregation during those challenging years of 2020-2022. He was amazed by the ingenuity shown by the staff and inspired by the faithful diligence of Glenn’s lay leaders, who kept us moving forward.
None of that should be a surprise, Mark says. “Glenn Memorial is at the heart of its being a caring body of people. When someone in the congregation is hurting or struggling, the people of Glenn respond. When there are needs in the community, the people of Glenn respond.”
These have been challenging years for the church in other ways as well, including a major crisis of policy and unity in our denomination. Mark and the congregation have steadfastly advocated for the full inclusion of LGBTQ people in the rites and rights of the church, and Mark has also encouraged us to persist in our love for all, even those with whom we disagree.
Certainly, the future holds great challenges for the church, Mark notes, but “we have much to build on, such as Glenn’s excellence in worship; our strong ministries for children, teens, and adults young and old; our dedication to justice and the community around us; and ties with Emory that have grown stronger in recent years. Great things are happening at Glenn. If you haven’t re-engaged fully, come on home, and, while you’re at it, invite someone to join you.”
- Written by Jane T. St. Clair, Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) Member