Photo by our Communications Director
The congregation at Glenn Memorial is pleased to celebrate the first anniversary of Ben Ladner’s work as Youth Minister this August. Ben worked with Glenn youth and parents in 2019 as a volunteer assisting Rev. Connor Bell until he took on the full-time position as our Glenn Youth Minister in 2022.
Some of us remember watching Ben grow up here, as it was just a few years ago when Ben was a Glenn Youth himself. His parents, David and Jana, met at Emory University and were married in our Sanctuary. Ben and his brother Owen have fond memories, growing up at Glenn and participating in Glenn Youth under the care of Rev. Josh Amerson and Rev. Blair Setnor.
Ben studied journalism at Indiana University, graduating with a BA in 2019, and after college worked as a beat writer for the Atlanta Hawks at Sports Illustrated. He has always loved basketball, and even helps oversee the Glenn rec basketball program.
One of Ben’s primary leadership responsibilities at Glenn is shepherding high school and middle school students through the challenges of adolescence by providing a safe space for questions and discussion. Many of these young people are still examining their beliefs and growing in faith. Highlights from Ben’s first year here include the youth musical Godspell, the 2023 Spiritual Life Retreat, and the recent mission trip to St. Simons Island. Ben also provided some of the guidance behind Youth Sunday.
Ben is now planning future opportunities to engage with our youth and the congregation in the coming year. He wants to open doors for new members and create new experiences in faith where he can. The Youth Group (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) currently includes around 30 young people with eight regular adult leaders. Working with this group of youth is richly rewarding – sometimes in unanticipated ways, as any of the adult chaperones to St. Simons will attest.
We are so glad to have Ben Ladner back at Glenn and participating in the life of the Church.
- Written by Jane T. St. Clair, Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) Member