Photo by our Communications Director
The Rev. Jennifer Hansen has begun her second year with us at Glenn Memorial UMC. While reflecting on this past year, she quickly remarks that she enjoys the variety found in her daily work at Glenn, as her position allows her to tap into many of her gifts and graces. The Staff Parish Relations Committee recognizes these as a welcoming persona, a deep sense of caring for congregational members and their connections to each other, and a sharp eye for business management practices.
She brings a unique and varied background to her ministry with us, from the corporate world to global ministries to the local church. She is proficient at handling details, particularly reports calling for analysis of accounting data.
Pastor Mark Westmoreland has praised that gift of operational analysis and her important work in helping the church from its post-pandemic existence to a position poised for growth. “She brings a unique pastoral and missional perspective to the nuts-and-bolts work of church administration,” Mark said.
Since her arrival at Glenn, she has been involved in overseeing our accounting area, building relationships with partners in the Emory Community, participating in leading worship services, and getting to know Glenn members better through small group settings. Before long she will be available in the “corner office” on the first floor, and she invites you to stop by for conversation.
We are grateful for Jennifer’s ministerial gifts as she connects to all of us. She is especially happy to be our Executive Minister because the position allows her to be serve both staff and congregation. As Glenn Church pursues more ways to express gratitude to God for the gifts of hope, justice and generosity, Rev. Jennifer Hansen will help guide us on the journey.
- Written by Jane T. St. Clair, Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) Member