It's May(hem).

It's May(hem). Late last night I sent out an email to my 4th grader's class as the Room Parent with the information to plan the end of the year class party for a great THIRD grade year. Oops. That WAS a great year...last year! Such is the state of my brain. For many as we close out the school year, there is both an expectant hope and a dooming dread of what summer might bring. And then there are plenty of folks that in the weekly grind with no change or "summer break" in sight with busy schedules, long commutes, and full daycare schedule, a gnawing jealousy of the privilege of a summer vacation grows. And then of course there's realities of the world news of war and suffering and violence all around us with politics that require our attention for advocacy and capacity to care leads to compassion fatigue. And somehow we still must figure out what's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day which reminds us again of our food insecure neighbors and that we should probably do a food pantry donation drop-off.    

So what gets you through the mayhem? Maybe it's a few moments of practicing gratitude each day.  Cultivating a rhythm of prayer life even when it seems so hard or unproductive. Taking time in nature for a sense of wonder and awe (cue the Northern Lights shining here in Georgia!). Connecting with friends or family who commiserate and encourage. Coming to worship on Sundays to have an hour where the music, prayers, and sermons point us to a faith beyond our human frailty and towards the amazing grace and love of Christ at work even still today through the work of the Holy Spirit in God's people - our church family. Remembering that our kids are watching us and we can together experience nature, worship, read Scriptures, ask questions, doubt and grow in our faith as we learn about Jesus' life and teachings that really do have the power to change our lives for the better. Even in the month of May.


Grace and Peace,


Pentecost Party! THIS Sunday, May 19, 10am. All ages are invited to celebrate Pentecost - the historic birthday of the Church - when the Holy Spirit came down like fire and a dove on the first disciples. We'll hear the Bible story, have crafts, games, treats, and weather permitting, playground time! Wear RED, ORANGE, & YELLOW if you'd like! Part of Glenn Family Ministries' May Days Family Play Days for Toddlers through Elementary kids WITH their grown-ups to meet & re-connect with Glenn Church friends. Families are also invited to 8:30am worship beforehand in the Little Chapel or 11am worship following in the Sanctuary. Childcare available for Nursery thru Kindergarten. Details & RSVP here.

Family VBS registration is now open! Sunday, June 2 - Thursday, June 6th, 5:00-6:30pm, plus Family Campout on the playground on Friday, June 7th! We hope your family can join us for at least a few evenings! For children WITH their grown-ups and adult & youth volunteers. More info & register here:

Help Decorate for VBS! Sunday, June 2, 10am. Bring tents, artificial trees, lanterns, painted bugs & forest animals, etc. to transform the Church School Building to "Camp Firelight."  Label any props to borrow with your name!  Meet in Creation Station, Room 413. Childcare available in the regular Nursery, Toddler/Preschool, and PreK & Kinder rooms and older children can help with decorating! Decorating ideas here.