This Sunday, November 13, is Commitment Sunday!

Watch the video here

A message from Rev. Jennifer:

Hey there! I am Rev. Jennifer Hansen, Executive Minister here at Glenn. While I have only been on staff since July, I have seen the amazing impact this community of faith has had in the lives of its members, the community, and in the world.

On Sunday mornings in our various Children’s ministries, our children are growing in their knowledge and love of God, and I have delighted in how they have blessed us with their own special insights and innate joy.  During Sunday evening fellowship, our youth have a forum to struggle with their faith and ask hard questions, as they discern how to live out their faith in their own unique expressions of God’s love in the world. Each Thursday during the school year, dedicated volunteers have shown up to pack and deliver meals for over 300 children each week. On Sundays, we are blessed with vibrant and beautiful worship because of the gifts and talents of so many people who are committed to bringing the love of God to life in a way we can experience and celebrate each week together. Our Older Adult group continues to witness with steadfast faith as they support one another in ministries of love and care and give of themselves by engaging in the daily work of our church with their time and service. 

It is impossible for me to list all the ways Glenn is transforming lives each day.  But I invite all of you who are a part of Glenn, whether your family has been a part of Glenn for generations or if you are new to this community of faith, or somewhere in between, to reflect on how Glenn has impacted you and your family and those in the community around us. 

All of this is possible because of your faithful commitment to support the work of the church in sharing the good news of God’s love for every person, everywhere.  I am excited to be a part of this community of faith and I am looking forward to seeing what great things Glenn will do together in the future.  We have much to celebrate together and much to look forward to in 2023! 

I invite you to join together in the transforming work of this community of faith.  Please, prayerfully consider returning your pledge card in person on Sunday during worship, by mail, or online.  This Sunday during worship, we will have time for you to offer to God your commitment to sharing the love of Christ through the life and work of Glenn Church.  Following the worship service, we will celebrate your faithfulness by sharing a meal together and enjoying being together in fellowship so I hope you will join us!  Whether you complete your pledge in person, by mail, or online, we celebrate your faithfulness and are grateful for your promise to join in the work of transforming the world so that all may know the love of God in Christ! 

- Rev. Jennifer

Watch the video here.

Join us for lunch on the lawn after the 11am worship service on November 13th!

Learn more about pledging your gifts here.