Member Spotlight: Chuck Horton


Question 1) How did you first come to know Glenn? How long have you been a member?

Suzanne and I moved from midtown to Decatur in’93 and started visiting churches in the area. I grew up at University Methodist Church in Baton Rouge, LA and when we walked into Glenn that feeling of homesickness was suddenly lifted. We transferred our memberships from our home churches in Baton Rouge and Irmo, SC in 1997 a year or so before our oldest Duncan was born.

Question 2) You are proudly involved with the Glenn Scouts; how did you get into that?

Chuck Scouts.jpg

We got Duncan involved in Pack 6 as a webelo scout as a way to enjoy friends, the outdoors, and the confidence that achieving goals can bring. Our family loves camping and hiking and so it wasn’t long after we joined troop 18 that some amazing adults like Dave Speno and Otto Froelich inspired me to take on a succession of leadership roles to help out the troop. Duncan rose rapidly through the ranks and earned the Eagle rank in 2016 but the highlight of our time together in the troop was our 10-day backpacking trek to Philmont in the mountains of New Mexico. Currently, I am the Chartered Organization representative for troop 18 and as a Glenn member, I serve to strengthen the bond between the church and the troop.

Question 3) Your son Thomas is now in Scouts, is this a legacy you hope he passes down to his children someday?

Thomas (our 16 year old) has had some awesome scout experiences as well including National Youth Leader Training and the opportunity to practice what he learned there. I would be thrilled to see him involve his children in scouting because I believe so much that the scouting program is a beautiful way for youth to learn how special they are, how precious our world is and how they can find joy in serving others.

Question 4) What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned through your time in Scouts?

Every scout has their own challenges and their own pace. If we as adults can help them find their stride, that’s our best most blessed role.

Question 5) When you’re not over at the Scout Hut, you can be found helping with the Glenn Youth Play. Why is that so important to you?

Time, talents, gifts, service. I started performing on stage as a child in church group productions and school plays. The directors I worked with kindled in me my passion for acting and taught me that I could be an artist. I love working in the theatre, so much so that, like a good Methodist  I went on to study it and earned an MFA in acting from Brandeis University. If you ever have a chance to contribute or be involved in the great tradition of a Glenn youth production you should take it. It is transformative and inspirational.

Question 6)  What’s something everyone can expect with this year’s youth play?


Fun! Great songs, dancing youth!

Question 7) What’s next for you? Career-wise or in your personal life?

I hope to be where my family needs me to be, where my spirit compels me to be, and where my Lord has planned for me to be.