Words from Westmoreland: An Invitation to Revival

“Revival”: An Invitation 

Despite the protests of calendar and thermometer, a new season is upon us.  School has started for our kids; college students are gathering; and preschoolers are back in the hallways of Glenn.  Yep, it’s fall. 

So, I think it’s time you and I jumped into the season as well.  I want to invite you to join me for a new fall study set to begin Tuesday evening, September 5, in the YAAB. 

In this season of denominational turmoil, with churches across our conference voting to disaffiliate, I believe it is important to remember who we are as Methodists, especially as we work to set a meaningful course into a new era.  So, for six weeks, we will join in a study called “Revival: Faith as Wesley Lived It” by Adam Hamilton, a respected and gracious voice in our denomination.  We will go back to a turbulent period of history, rather like our own, and follow the amazing Methodist movement that changed lives and took on the social struggles and injustices of the day.  In video segments, Hamilton will take us to sites key to our story. 

If you want to join us for this study, please let Kat Griffith know at kgriffith@glennumc.org

Other opportunities for fall gatherings, conversation, and study will be announced soon, so please keep watch.  The fall is a great time to connect with others in this beautiful life we share in Christ. 

By the way, I’m preaching a series right now on another essential Methodist idea, “The Way of Salvation,” an elegant Wesleyan description of our movement from God to God, through the grace that comes before, the grace that changes everything, and the grace that shapes our lives in love.  How do we move together through this journey, and what are the implications for our work as the church? 

I hope the fall has started well for you.  Remember, your pastors are here for you whatever the seasons might bring. 


In Christ, 



For more on “Revival: Faith as Wesley Lived It,” here is Adam Hamilton’s introduction.