A quiet gift of Glenn Church is the love we share with single mothers. Some may not realize what that means: regular sessions with trained counselors, money for crisis bills, a willing ear and shoulder from pastors and friends, a restaurant gift card or home cooked meal.
This note of thanks from a single mom calls Glenn's support "a testimony of grace to see church budget dollars at work in tangible, life-changing ways”:
“Thank you so very much for providing the financial investment to offer the Single Mom Support Group for over 4 years—even through the pandemic! I appreciate it all! One can never have enough support! I really appreciate the pastoral care available to work through all the stress and everything as a single mom dealing with family issues, personal issues, and the joys and challenges of parenting.
And for what it is worth, while I do have a rich network of support theoretically available to me...I often am not in touch with most of them. I either feel like they don't have the time for me and my issues or that they are dealing with other things too. It is always helpful when folks proactively reach out because we all struggle and don't always know where to turn.
So sometimes, the most helpful people are those who make themselves available and take the time to get in touch directly. That makes it easier for people in need to get support in the moment. It is an extra burden trying to manage the thought process for getting what I need from those who may or may not be able to provide it. So instead, I usually just keep going on my own without any external support because that is what I am used to doing... Not sure if that makes sense, but it is the case for many single moms (and me specifically) who are used to doing things on their own.
I guess what I am trying to say is, yes, even though I have others, I also still need you and am grateful that you continue to reach out and keep single moms as an intentional point of service and outreach.
In my case, specifically, while a lot of people may think of me and say, "let me know if I can do anything" you have continued to reach out and say, "hey, I/we are here thinking about you AND here is what we can offer you right now if it is helpful. Please contact me about these things or about anything else." That is true service and intentional outreach and for that I am personally very grateful!
Thanks for helping me feel important and included!
THANK YOU AGAIN for the Good Samaritan Fund support to help financially when I needed it most. What a testimony of grace to see church budget dollars at work in tangible, life-changing ways.
I think it is essential that more people think about how to authentically connect with others as service for living out our mission as Christians. “We are called to be the Church.” To me, that means showing up for each other without another purpose other than to show God’s love and belonging. To see people, hear them, and call them good. Because that is what Jesus asked us to do. THAT is what it is all about! I have seen Glenn do that in a number of ways. And continuing to be a space for single moms from many walks of life—especially as a traditional Protestant church with many examples of traditional family models—is really significant and important. Yay Glenn!”