2022 Alternative Giving Catalog Update

2022 Alternative Giving Catalog — Expressions of Hope, Love, Joy and Peace 

Glenn Memorial ‘s 2022 Alternative Giving Catalog opened the Advent season with a spirit of hopeful expectation. Certainly, the fruit of this year’s catalog provides evidence of God’s abundant grace and of Glenn’s generosity toward those in need.  

The 2022 Catalog proceeds reflect 174 donations from 48 families and individuals — plus many more who generously dropped bills in a jar at the nativity event that featured Obadiah, the camel. Gifts ranged from five digits to a single dollar — each one precious.  These donations, totaling more than $40,0000, are on their way to their destinations, nearby and around the world, taking with them God’s love for all creation and Glenn’s hopeful and joyful spirit.  

Fifteen organizations, serving countless people, will benefit from this year’s catalog proceeds, all with missions closely aligned with Glenn’s outreach priorities:  hunger, homelessness, refugees, global education, social and racial justice, and environmental stewardship.   

Let us rejoice and be glad in it! 

Catalog Numbers at a Glance 

Total Giving: $41,755.50 

Nativity Event Proceeds: $473.00 

Number of Family and Individual Donors: 48 

Number of Donations to Programs: 174 

Glenn’s catalog success means that:  

  • Trees Atlanta is able to plant more than 40 seedlings plus one mature tree to support better air quality and to beautify Atlanta;  

  • The Ocean Conservancy is able to advance its work in combatting ocean-related effects of climate change and in cleaning up oceans worldwide to benefit all marine animals;   

  • Georgia Interfaith Power and Light will make strides in its strategic funding campaign so it can promote important environmental stewardship with faith communities;   

  • Glenn strengthened its covenantal bond with Emory in providing gifts for new scholarships and memorials as a response to Emory’s call to remember disenfranchised peoples from its past;   

  • Glenn’s faithful chefs are able to provide more than 35 homecooked meals for residents at Lost N Found Youth’s transitional housing facility; 

  • Street children served by the Methodist Mission in Cambodia received Christmas gifts, along with much-needed school supplies and shoes; 

  • Snack in a Back Pack can buy child-friendly, healthy food at retail outlets when foodbanks have shortages, and to make weekly deliveries to client schools and refugee families all over Atlanta;   

  • Two Methodist schools in Zimbabwe have funds for uniforms for their 69 Glenn scholars and for installing fish ponds to improve science and career instruction and to relieve food shortages;  

  • Seven programs sponsored by United Methodist Global Ministries and UMCOR now have additional resources to support environmental sustainability, disaster relief, global hunger and disease, and agricultural and cultural advancement, domestically and internationally.  

– Joan Lord and Dawn Francis-Chewning, Alternative Giving Catalog team, and Carol Allums, Justice Committee chair, February 2023