A Lenten Invitation from Pastor Mark 

It’s been a while since we had an in-person evening study group.  Are you ready for one? 

I’m inviting you to join me during the season of Lent for a six-week study we’ll call “What Jesus Does for Us: Talking About Salvation.”  As our main resource, we’ll use Magrey R. deVega’s book Savior: What the Bible Says about the Cross, but we’ll also draw upon other resources along the way. 

Together, we’ll discuss the historic “atonement theories,” which are ways of understanding how it is that Christ leads us into a new life.  In other words, these “theories,” are efforts, grounded in Scripture, to explain an experience that is difficult to describe.  Or we can put it this way: Have you ever heard the question, “Are you saved?”  Well, we’ll talk about what we mean when we say yes. 

I’m proposing Tuesday evenings for sessions, actually beginning the night before Ash Wednesday, February 21.  Are you interested?  Then please let me know by responding to this email.  Or, if you prefer, you can call the church office.  We need to know how many people we can expect. 

I hope you’ll join me or one of our other Lenten groups in the weeks ahead.  There’s nothing quite like gathering with friends, new and old, for Christian conversation. 

In Christ, 


Close the Gap Challenge Update

So, how did we do on our budget challenge?

Join us in worship this Sunday, February 12, as we announce the results of our Close the Gap Challenge!