Glenn Member Spotlight: Clare Finnerty

It’s been awhile since we have posted a Glenn Member Spotlight! We are grateful for all of the individuals who make up our unique community at Glenn. Today, we are featuring graduating (well, now fully graduated!) senior, Clare. Clare has worked as an intern in the church offices throughout her Spring semester of senior year. In the midst of transitioning administrative staff, she was there to help with those behind the scene tasks that we greatly appreciate!

We asked Clare a few questions about her time at Glenn and what it has meant to her.

E: How did you become a part of the Glenn Community? What ministries are you a part of?

C: So I started Glenn when I was baptized at three months old and then I joined the baby room with Nancy Asbury at six months. I was confirmed at Glenn as well. I participated in Sunday School and Vacation Bible School until 5th grade and in middle school, I worked as a Vacation Bible School volunteer. In high school, I helped with Snack in a Backpack, and then I started dipping in and out of Glenn Youth. I always enjoyed the retreats! I also played a shepherd in the Christmas Eve play when I was about 5 years old. Then, I played an angel in 5th grade. I was a dancer two years in a row freshman and sophomore year. I also loved volunteering at the pumpkin patch. I also participated in the Egg-cellent Saturday event where I made cotton candy for the little kids, as well as playing a shepherd in the outdoor activity scene with all the animals last Christmas.

E: What will you take away from your time as an intern at Glenn?

C: Sending thank-you letters to church members or preparing activities for the school kids has helped me remember what’s important in life, and what I can do for others. The people in this community that have guided me over the years have helped me learn that God will love and accept me through all my mistakes and successes.

I will carry for the rest of my life every memory I’ve made here (Glenn Church) and everything that made an impression on me. It’s the Glenn community that helped me learn that mistakes don’t define who you are and God loves me despite my human failings. I will be accepted in spite of my worst and trying for my best.

Clare, I am going to miss having you in the office, stuffing bulletins and solving paper jams together! When you mentioned me in your Youth Sunday speech, it was an meaningful reminder of why I choose to work in a community like Glenn. I am so proud of your brave choices to stand up for what you believe. You are going to have a wonderful new adventure in college, and you will always have a home at Glenn. We will miss you!

- Erica, Communications Director at Glenn

*If you’d like to nominate someone to be featured in Glenn Member Spotlight, feel free to email