A Love Offering for Our Admin Assistant, Cathy

Dear Friends,  

As you know, our wonderful church administrative assistant, Cathy Mobley, is retiring at the end of this month.  While never faltering in her administrative tasks, Cathy has also been the welcoming and caring face and voice of Glenn for anyone who has called or visited our office.  She has shown unfailing grace and understanding to church members needing assistance and has offered invaluable support to our staff and lay leaders.  Now, as she prepares to leave her post, we want to express our gratitude. 

First, we invite you to write a message of thanks or remembrance and send your note or card to the church.  We will gather these well-wishes and present them to Cathy. 

We are also gathering a love offering.  You can send a check to the church, of course, and mark it “Cathy love offering,” OR to make your gift online: 

  • Click “Give Now” box. 

  • Look for “Cathy Mobley Love Offering,”  

  • and enter the amount of your gift. 

We pray God’s richest blessings on Cathy, David, and their family as they move into a new phase of their lives. 

With gratitude,  


Reid Mallard, 

Chair, Staff-Parish Relations Committee