Walking Christ's (Radical, Gracious, Liberating, Beautiful) Way

Summer Sermon Series (2).png

When summer rolls around, are you a beach person or a mountain person? Or maybe you spend some time in both places. I’ll leave you to sort that out for yourself, but this summer, here at Glenn, we’re heading to the mountain—singular. Together there, we’ll hear some of Jesus’ most inspiring and challenging words.

Matthew 5-7, the Sermon on the Mount, is one of the most remarkable sections in all of Scripture. It’s been called the “constitution of the kingdom of God.” It’s been called the law of Christ, who, like Moses, brought revelation from the mountaintop. It’s been called both an unattainable vision of a holy life and a realistic ethical prescription for Christians. More likely, it is simply too grand, too radical for any quick synopsis.

So, let’s see for ourselves what Jesus has to say. Over the course of summer 2021, you and I are invited to set our lives beside the words of Jesus and take some measure. There is grace to be found in Christ’s words. There is calling. There is vision. There is power. I believe we will find in the Sermon a way of living that is unique and divine, a way of love that can transform us and the world.

Over the course of the summer, you’ll hear from all four Glenn pastors, who will bring their own perspectives and experiences to the texts. We would love to hear your reactions to Jesus’ words as well.

We’ll begin Christ’s radical sermon this Sunday, May 30, with … words of blessing. In town for this holiday weekend? Reserve your spot now on the mountain. And if you’re away, join us online live or anytime during the week.

Also, plan to stay for a few moments following Sunday’s service to welcome Käthe Wright Kaufman with some refreshments on the front lawn.

In Christ,
The Rev. Mark Westmoreland, Senior Pastor