An Announcement from SPRC

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The Glenn Staff-Parish Relations Committee is excited to announce the hiring of Käthe Wright Kaufman as Glenn's new Associate Director of Music and Worship Arts, effective May 1. Käthe (pronounced KAY-tuh) will collaborate with Michael Dauterman in planning and implementing all aspects of or music and worship arts ministry and serve as our primary organist and pianist.

Käthe brings an impressive background to Glenn. She holds a bachelor's and master's from Eastman School of Music and served as Organ Scholar at Peterborough Cathedral and Truro Cathedral in the UK. The search committee was resoundingly impressed with Käthe's authenticity, warm personality, high level of musicianship, and ease with connecting with the Glenn staff and congregation. Please join us in welcoming Käthe to our staff as she moves to Atlanta from the Chicago area this month. We are excited for the congregation to get to know Käthe and for her to begin contributing to our worship next month.

Tommy McGarrah Sharp, Chair
Staff-Parish Relations Committee