Spring Is In the Air … Or at Least in the Church

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As I write this, I feel I should be outside frolicking or something.  The weather is downright spring-ish—sunny and 65—and, as I think about that, it seems very appropriate somehow.  We’re a week away from Ash Wednesday, after all, and the start of Lent, a word that comes from the Old English for “spring.”

Now, obviously, it’s still February, so cold weather hasn’t fled for good, but we know it will.  The world will keep moving and tilting until at last winter heads south for the summer.  In the meantime, whatever the weather outside, it’s spring for the church—Lent—a season of anticipation and preparation for something even more wonderful than the arrival of daffodils or birdsong.  The earth is turning toward Easter with its good news of love triumphant, hope undefeatable, and life eternal.  The only question for us is how much attention we will pay to the season of 40 days (not counting Sundays) leading to Easter’s dawn.

It’s heartbreaking to think that this will be our second Lent of the pandemic.  I never imagined our physical separation would go on this long.  BUT we’ve certainly learned over these months that COVID’s cruelty can’t rob us of the life we share in Christ.  And neither will it steal the meaning and power of this season.  As we do every year, we will share during this season times for worship, study, prayer and giving.  No pandemic can silence the good and holy call to prepare our hearts for the Day of Resurrection. 

So, let me share with you a few of the opportunities before you during our “church spring”:

·         On Ash Wednesday (February 17), 7:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 5:30 p.m., you’re invited to visit the church sanctuary and a variety of stations for reflection in that holy space.  There will be meditative music, and, before leaving, you can pause at the chancel rail for a time of prayer.  A pastor will be available to pray with you if you wish.

·         Ash Wednesday Worship, 7 p.m.: Our worship, live on Facebook, will offer a mix of live segments from the chapel and pre-recorded music and hymns.  The Rev. Connor Bell will be our preacher.  A children’s Ash Wednesday video from the Rev. Susan Pinson will also be available beginning on Wednesday morning.

·         This year, as a daily guide for reflection and prayer, we’re offering a Lenten Devotional book written by the Glenn pastors.  It will be available for pick-up in the sanctuary during the Ash Wednesday prayer times or by download through the church website.  If you can’t be present on Ash Wednesday but would like print copy, we’ll arrange delivery.  The devotionals are based on the lectionary readings for the season.

·         Our Lenten Study this year will also be based on the lectionary readings, as well as our Sunday sermons.  We’ll offer several Zoom groups and times for weekly gatherings and discussion.

·         Our Lenten Offering this year will support the ongoing work of our Snack in a Backpack food ministry for local students and families.  You’ll be able to give online or on Sundays or during our morning worship.

Giving, prayer, study, and worship—think of them all as part of our Spring Training—ways of renewing our spirits that we might embody and serve more joyously the justice, love, and grace of our risen Christ.  I hope you’ll join in.  It’s amazing the difference 40 days can make.

In Christ,

Mark Westmoreland