Keeping Up with Glenn Youth

Keeping up with the glenn youth.png


Well, not to sound cliche, but it’s been tough going during the past few months. Gatherings don’t look like they used to, and some wonderful Glenn Youth traditions did not get to take place as expected this year. We did not get to take our eagerly anticipated Spiritual Life Retreat this year. Our Service trip to Epworth by the Sea was postponed until next year. And we never got to do those typical things we get to do over the summer- play multiball, go to a Braves game, sing together in worship. There is surely much to mourn. 

And yet, there’s been a joy. There have been heartfelt goodbyes, celebrations, laughter, board games, and wonderful celebrations of being the body of Christ in the world today. There has been too much to say it all, but consider this list of the top 10 noteworthy youth events to be a summary of this past summer (or a “Summery,” if you will):


COVID-19 Check-ins
In the weeks following the sudden turn of events in March, we scrambled to make sure that our Youth had a way to connect during the week and check-in with one another via some new program called “Zoom.” Jad Taylor, our Assistant Youth Director, took the lead in providing a devotion and space for everyone to process what was happening. 

Virtual UMYF

Shortly afterward, we started having our usual UMYF meetings virtually. We learned how to watch videos, split into small groups, and even play games together to help each other connect and grow. 


Youth Sunday service
In May, we did the impossible and hosted our annual Youth Service entirely virtually! Youth lead us all in singing praise, praying together, and affirming our faith. Members of our Senior class gave reflections on what Glenn has meant to them over the years, and there was not a dry eye on Facebook Live. 


Senior Banquet Celebration

The Mallards and the Maughans coordinated a wonderful celebration of the class of 2020 as they graduated. We made gift baskets for all of the graduating seniors at Glenn, and these were delivered to their homes. We hosted a Facebook live event where we had senior slideshows and parents got to wish their seniors well in the next phases of their journeys. 


Service Week
Our first in-person event since the pandemic began, our service week took place in July. All participants were masked and socially distanced in the outdoor classroom, and we wrote letters to Glenn members, prayed together, painted murals to hang in Zonolite Park, and played several games of family feud. 


In-person Hangouts

After talking about the interest in safely getting together with some of the youth, we decided that we could have pre-registered youth gather during the week to safely meet in the outdoor classroom. Kevin Lazarus took the lead in leading the lessons while providing space for everyone to check-in with each other and safely gather face-to-face. 



We had both a drive-in and virtual confirmation service for our 12 students who decided to be confirmed this year! It was an unforgettable experience, and a beautiful reminder that committing to the Church means committing to the body of Christ, not a building. 


Staff Changes

Though she no longer worked directly with Glenn Youth, Rev. Blair Setnor’s departure from the Church was a tough goodbye. We were able to celebrate her and the many ways that she has discipled the students at Glenn Church through the years. 

Lot’s of staff changes happened this Summer! Jad Taylor and Kevin Lazarus were both commissioned and have started their careers in full-time ministry. Seul-bin Lee will still be around at Glenn as she finishes up her final year at Candler, and we welcomed two new Glenn interns who will be assisting in Youth Ministry: Connor Perry and Emily-Elizabeth Castelloe!

Reviving Youth Council

We blew the dust off those old bylaws, and are now starting back our Youth Council! This will be an important way for Youth and Adults to shape our ministry moving forward, and I am looking forward to working alongside everyone!


Youth Kickoff!
Though it hasn’t happened yet, we are looking forward to our Youth Kickoff on August 23rd at 6 PM. This will be a virtual scavenger hunt (with gift card prizes!), and a great way for the youth to have fun and reconnect after a long and strange Summer. 

Thank you for reading, and please be in prayer for our Church and ministry as we move forward. There’s a lot more to say, but I hope that this serves as a highlight reel for the past few months. I have personally been inspired by how our community has rallied to uphold one another during a time of physical separation. It seems that even virtually when two or three are gathered in God’s name, the joy of Christ is present with them. 

Rev. Connor Bell
Associate Pastor // Youth and Missions
Glenn Memorial UMC