A Letter from Rev. Blair Setnor

A Letter from Rev. Blair Setnor.png

Dear Glenn Congregation,

Goodbyes are never easy, but they seem especially strange and hard in this time of covid-19.  I wish I could see your faces and hug, shake hands, fist bump, or high five you. But I can't, so I share this news with a full and heavy heart.  I am honored that the cabinet of the North Georgia Conference contacted me to consider the associate pastor appointment at Decatur First UMC. I have accepted this call and believe this is my next faithful step in ministry. I will be challenged in new and exciting ways and I look forward to the challenge. Glenn has been my village, my home, my community, and my family for 11 years...11 YEARS.

5,781,600 minutes.  

5,781,600 moments so dear.

5,781,600 minutes. 

How do you measure, measure 11 years!?

While thinking about my time at Glenn, I am reminded of the musical Rent’s song, “Seasons of Love.”  How can I begin to capture this season of life and ministry? 

In sunsets on youth mission trips?  In cups of coffee?

How about love?  Measure in love...and maybe lessons and laughter, too.

While I can’t recount all of these moments so dear, I’ll mention just a few of the spaces where I’ve gathered these lessons, laughs, and loves: Glenn youth retreats and trips, the youth musicals and dramas, womens retreats, baby showers, Wednesday night suppers, preaching and proclaiming God’s love from the pulpit, Glenn Hoops, Twain’s, hospital visits, holy communion in church and at the bedside, singing in the choir, fully participating as a leader in worship services, praying and worshipping together.  

It’s that holy space where we share and hold one another’s hearts and stories; where we share the love of Christ.  The place where deep relationships have been forged with deliberate care. The spaces where pain and sorrow and questions have been met with tenderness and love.

And nothing bonds people quicker than sharing the experience of “sleeping” on thin mattress pads, drinking copious amounts of coffee to compensate for “sleep,” and then witnessing our Glenn youth love and serve and grow together.  

A year ago, I was given the opportunity to start Atlanta Wesley Fellowship, an Emory graduate student AND young professional ministry.  It has been nothing short of amazing and life-giving. I am so grateful that my colleague and dear friend, Rev. Brent Huckaby and my most fashionable and sweet friend, and part-time Glenn staffer, Jordan Grassi will take the helm of this incredible group.  I have absolutely loved the creativity and fun that this new ministry has afforded me. It has been the cherry on top of my ministry at Glenn.

THANK YOU, Glenn Memorial, for sharing your beautiful, brutal, joy-filled and painful lives with me.  It has been an honor and a privilege to be with you in these holy moments. THANK YOU, dear friends, for being fertile soil to test my gifts and call.  For allowing me room and grace to stretch my skills and find my voice. For supporting and loving me and my family through the many changes, heart aches, joys, and accomplishments of life.  

So, 5,781,600 minutes.  5,781,600 moments so dear.  I cherish all of them and take them with me, knowing that you’ve shaped every part of me, my life, and my call.  I love you all.

With so much love and gratitude,
