An Open Letter to the Ladies of Glenn

An Open Letter to the Ladies of Glenn.png

By JESSICA BRADFORD, Communications Director

When I began working at Glenn over a year ago, I had no idea the impact this church would have on my life. For those that don’t know, I grew up in the United Methodist Church. My father is an Ordained Elder of the North Georgia Conference and a Candler School of Theology graduate at that. I had no idea when I attended my dad’s graduation in the Glenn Memorial Auditorium back in 2002 that a mere 16 years later I would find myself employed there, let alone an active member that’s grown to love this congregation. There are so many wonderful qualities about Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church, and one of the very best it has to offer a single, young adult female is the God-fearing, strong, courageous women in attendance.

I’ve had the privilege of meeting, working and worshipping with the ladies of Glenn and each one has shaped who I am. Starting with Mary Lou Boice (and her wonderful daughter, Katie). Mary Lou is the woman responsible for getting me here. In the summer of 2018, I got a call from Mary Lou saying that she would love for me to come in and interview for the position of Communications Director at Glenn. Upon meeting her, we discovered that in the summer of 2010 her daughter Katie and I were both Youth Delegates at Annual Conference in Athens (talk about those cords Rev. Mark Westmoreland mentioned in his Centennial Sunday sermon). Mary Lou swears we were even roommates, although neither of us particularly remember that detail. If it wasn’t for Mary Lou, I don’t know what I’d be doing or what church I would be attending.

Next, of course, Rev. Susan Pinson and Rev. Blair Setnor. These remarkable women have helped shape me into the Christian woman I am becoming. From supporting me, reassuring me, pushing me to be my best, and walking alongside me on my faith journey; both of these incredible mothers, pastors, and friends have been instrumental in my growth as a professional, a woman of faith, and a person.

I could go on and on about the astonishing women I’ve met at Glenn Memorial UMC. From Carolyn Roper and Dorothy Chitwood being the epitome of hospitality. To Claire Asbury Lennox and Amy Bugg Burke emulating what a legacy in the church looks like. To Carol Allums and Cheryl Griffin displaying a faithful commitment to their congregation. To Lynn Speno and Jan Lictenwalter passionately fighting for the cause that sets their heart on fire. To Gatra Mallard exemplifying what it means to be a true matriarch in the church. And all the remarkable young ladies I’ve met through the Young Adult Ministry. All of these amazing women, and the ones I have yet to meet or failed to mention, have impacted the life of this preacher’s kid beyond measure.

Growing up in the church I have always heard how important it is to surround yourself with the best people. Iron sharpens iron, right? But it wasn’t until I was “grown”, post-graduation, in the world on my own for the first time, that I realized just how important it is to have a faith-based group of ladies on your side. God blesses us with the gift of friendship not only because it brings us joy, but because it enlightens us, it builds us up and helps us grow. 

God knew I needed Glenn Memorial in my life. He knew long before I did, that I would need to meet every single one of you ladies to grow. He was planting the seeds and laying the groundwork before I had a clue. He knew my dad would graduate from Candler and become a pastor in the North Georgia Conference, He planned for me to meet Katie Boice years before I even knew what I wanted to go as a career, and He knew that each of the fabulous women at Glenn would be here to guide and mold me.

So to the ladies of Glenn Memorial UMC, THANK YOU. Thank you for being here. Thank you for your ministries. Thank you for leading your families. Thank you for guiding the way for young women like myself. Thank you for faithfully serving your church. Thank you, for being YOU.

If you’re looking for your group of ladies, chances are they are here at Glenn Memorial. There are so many opportunities to join a group. From UMW Circles to the Young Adult Ministry, the annual Glenn Women’s Retreat, Moms’ Morning In, and more. There’s a place for each woman of faith, no matter where you are in your faith journey.