'Twas the Week Before Christmas


‘Twas the week before Christmas, and all the church staff,
Was a little bit crazy, that you just had to laugh;

Mark was working on his sermons with care,
While Brent ensured all the Gathering details were there;

The children were hyper with their sweets galore,
Kathy and Kerry were ready to head out the door;

Connor and Jad led the Youth in the YAAB, 
While Pam and Julia with the pledge cards, kept tab,

Erin, Jordan, Kevin, & Seul-bin studied for seminary tests,
And we all were hoping that this Christmas would be the very best. 

Blair and campus ministers were cooking up pancakes in the kitchen.
And Glenn School was gathering all of the donated mittens.

When down in the Choir Room, Michael led the singing,
And up in the office, Cathy wondered if the phone would ever stop ringing.

Away to the nursing homes, Susan had poinsettias to deliver,
With a stop for a children's playgroup and a support group for caregivers.

Jessica cranked out letters and bulletins galore,
And all waited & wondered what Christmas Eve had in store,

Mary Lindsey and Katie led the children in singing,
Nativity pageants, laughter, and bell ringing.

The Chrismons were hung by the Altar Guild with care,
While Ossie & Ben did more than their fair share.

From far and wide, the congregation, they came,
New friends and old, many greeted by name;

Timothy sat down at the organ to begin,
And the holy night was upon us again. 

With candlelight and costumes, the work of each volunteer,
It all came together in a sacred night of worship and cheer.

As young Mary and Joseph walked down aisle,
A young child gasped, "Look, Mom, the baby's real!"

So then came the shepherds, and the angels on high,
The jewel-laden magi and their young pages following behind.

And then, in a twinkling, all became quiet and still,
Glory to God in the highest -- peace, and goodwill.

Later that night,  the Body and Bread are shared.
The Youth Alumni return, singing among even a few tears.

And as the last bulletins are gathered and the candles blown out,
The staff look around in the darkness and realize, this is what it's all about;

A bundle of youth, walking out with their loved ones,
A pajama-clad child. carried out on Dad's arms,

An older adult being helped down the stairs, 
Quiet laughter and conversations fill the air.

As the Advent Wreath lights the way:  Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.
The true gifts of the day.

So despite all of the chaos that December brings,
It's all worth it each year as the Christmas bells ring.

The church staff head home for a long winter's nap,
until Sunday morning, and we start over...just like that!

"Happy Christmas to all, from your Glenn Church Staff!”