Where do you live? How are you shaped by the place you call home? Where else have you lived? List here all the places you are glad you've lived and the places you're glad you've left behind. Also add: "the embrace of a loving God." That's a pretty good place to live.
Not your phone number, but the people you are glad you can phone. Who are the ones you count on? Who are the ones you NEED to call before this year ends or maybe even before this day ends?
We'll answer this one for you, first write down "present." You live in the present age, not yesterday, not tomorrow, but now. Also write here the number of years you have been on the earth. Multiply that by the moments of awe and revelation, of beauty and love, of heartbreak, lessons, and joy. Multiply the years by your experiences of God's grace.
The people who make you who you are, the ones you live with either in your home or your heart. With some you share DNA; with others, you share memories, trust, and love.
God has chosen to affiliate with you in Jesus Christ, who shares your humanity, joy, and pain. Look into the depths of your soul and find the image of God. Consider the lightness of forgiveness, the weight of communion and the power of the Spirit to create you anew. Your church, by the way, should have been listed on line 5.
Using no numbers or dollar signs, record those things of value to you. Ex: smiling faces, your garden, a box of old photos, a joke a friend told you last week, the touch of a small hand in yours, etc.
How do you employ your time? With what do you fill your days? What gives your joy? How can you allow God to employ you for His kingdom?
From whom do all blessings flow? Also, who in your life has given you knowledge, joy, support, care or an ability you cherish?
Look at line 9. All those debts can only be repaid by sharing yourself with someone else, by giving of yourself from the one from whom all blessings flow.