In January 2017, Service Team Chair Aaron Hurst wrote a blog post titled "A Year to Serve". He urged the Glenn community to "...thoughtfully consider putting Service on this year’s resolution list. Because when we serve together, we witness together, we get to know each other better, and we grow the Kingdom just a little bit more."
Well, serve we did! Over the past year, look at just a sampling of the many ways Glenn congregants of all ages helped to grow the Kingdom just a little bit more...
Marching for Social Justice
Members of Glenn and Emory Wesley Fellowship took to the streets in support of our refugee brothers and sisters.
Organizing donations at the International Rescue Committee Resettlement Store
We helped to organize and manage donations in the resettlement store, a place where refugee families can shop for needed items for free.
Celebrating & Supporting Africa University's 25th Anniversary
A United Methodist-related institution in Zimbabwe, Africa University offers higher education within a Pan-African context to over 1,500 students. For their Silver Anniversary, we hosted a Lunch & Learn and raised funds in support of their work.
Tilling Soil at the Clarkston Community Garden
The 2017 Confirmation class headed to Clarkston - Atlanta's neighborhood with the highest refugee population - to help till the soil and plant vegetables in a community garden.
Pulling Weeds at the New Roots Community Garden Garden
We got our hands dirty again on behalf to refugee families, preparing small plots to grow fruits & vegetables.
Caring for Creation in Costa Rica
Over Spring Break, more than 25 folks headed down to UGA's Eco Lodge in Costa Rica to learn about environmental sustainability and climate change...and how to put in to practice some of what they learned back home.
Youth Summer Service Projects
Sure, Glenn Youth had some fun on the beach this summer in St. Simon's, but they also spent time at the Boys & Girls Club, did house repairs for elderly residents, and cleaned up local parks.
Collecting Books for Action Ministries' Women's Community Kitchen
Once per month, volunteers from Glenn serve lunch for 85 women and children who visit the Women’s Community Kitchen. You all took our plea to clean out your attics and playrooms to heart! We restocked their book shelves with new and gently used children’s books of all reading levels.
Helping Hurricane Victims on Good Neighbor Day
Good Neighbor Day is our annual day of service, and this year, one project responded to the devastation of Hurricane Matthew and Irma. With your generous donations and extra hands, we packed over 50 flood buckets for UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief).
Showing Our Pride
We joined thousands of fellow Atlantans in the Pride Parade to show support for our city's LGBTQ community.
Let's make the same resolution in 2018: to seek out ways to actively Love God and Love Neighbor in our church, community, and world.