From the Archives: More from 1955 & 1956

We are diving into the archives again. And are once more reminded how cyclical time is. Even the first article about Glenn Youth growing and needing more space will resonate in 2016 - our Youth and Activities Building will soon see construction and renovation!

Enjoy these snippets from copies of The Spire, Glenn's original newsletter.

"Seniors Expanding Work, Need More Facilities"
The Senior Department of the Youth Division composed of three classes and having an enrollment of 103 members is currently engaged in a campaign to bring more young people into active participation in the group. A Sunday in January is the date set for a department-wide visitation program which will have as its objective the renewed attendance of members and former members whose recent attendance has been somewhat irregular. In Christian faith the senior department has been very active. It has sent representatives to the National Conference, organized and conducted prayer cells, been on retreats, and attended rallies. Nor has Fellowship been neglected. The members of the department have engaged in camping, swimming parties, wiener roasts, and frequent "chat and snack" sessions following the Sunday evening service. At Sunday School the Junior class, taught by Mr. James Mackay and Mr. Ed Vinson, is now embarked on a series of panel discussions on such topics as "Following the Crowd", "Drinking", "Language", "Cheating", and "Gossip".


"Young Couples Showing Interest in New Christian Homes Class"
Convincing proof that the continued growth of Glenn's Church School is limited only by available building accommodations is offered by the newly-established
"Christian Homes" class of young couples. Organized about three months ago to provide a great opportunity of Christian fellowship and study for parents of young children, the new class has become so popular that it has almost outgrown Room 141. Sparked by enthusiastic leadership of Roscoe Harris, Don Wynne and Betty Asbury, the group listed twenty-four members at a recent count. Class meetings have been marked by lively discussions which quickly reduce abstract issues to practical family problems and thoughtful analyses. A sincere invitation is extended to all couples who are young of mind to help the new class produce significant contribution to Glenn's program of vital Christian family life.


"Financial Pledge to Your Glenn Investment of Great Proportions"
 Your Pledge to support the financial program of your Glenn Memorial Methodist Church for the fiscal year 1956-1957 is an investment of great proportions. It will pay dividends, now and in the future, in the Advancement of the Kingdom locally, nationally, and across the seas. It is the belief of your Commission on Finance that the new budget of $114,500 will be subscribed by the membership because a good Christian does all that he can for others. Glenn is known as a Church that does for others. What you give is a matter for you, and you alone, to decide. The Methodist Church has set a general goal of a tenth of one's income for the Advancement of God's Kingdom on earth. Give this matter your earnest, prayerful consideration in advance of Loyalty Sunday and on Victory Sunday, you will glow with an inner satisfaction that knows no bounds.


"A Salute to a Valiant Member - Mrs. Benjamin H. Smith"
During a recent conference at Lake Junaluska, a member of Glenn Memorial was speaking to Mrs. Smith. "You mean Glenn Memorial to me," she said quietly and sincerely. And to many people Mrs. Smith does represent all that is best and most Christian at Glenn. Mrs. Smith became a member in 1935 and has been an active one in the finest since of the word ever since. The Woman's Society of Christian Service owes much of its strength and its high standing in the conference to her leadership, first as its president and later as treasurer and now as secretary of Literature and Publications. Pearl, as her friends call her, has the rare gift of presenting every opportunity of service as a special privilege. When she asks someone to do a service for the Church, she is not asking a personal favor but offering an opportunity on a much higher level. In this ability to make an individual who declines some task in the church feel that she is disappointing not Mrs. Smith personally but herself and the Christian church lies much of her strength.


Once again, our deepest gratitude to the late Bob Gerwig for gifting us his copies of The Spire, ensuring that Glenn remembers and continues to tell its story.

The Communications Team