Member Spotlight: Edie Twomey

As we prepare to enter Holy Week, we're bringing you an interview with the woman who helps to pull it all off: Edie Twomey, chair of the Altar Guild. She along with countless other Altar Guild members work to prepare our spaces for worship each Sunday, and during Lent and Easter, all of the other special services as well. It's a large job!

So, if you see an Altar Guild member in the coming weeks, give them a hug.


How long have you been a member at Glenn and where do you find yourself giving back to the life of the congregation?

I joined Glenn in 1994 when my daughter was five years old and my son was two. Like a lot of members, I came to the church through The Glenn School. My children were comfortable here. They attended Sunday school, sang in the choir, were baptized and confirmed at Glenn. When I first joined Glenn, I participated in the church by teaching children’s Sunday school and serving on Children’s Council.


What is the Altar Guild and where might we see its fingerprints around Glenn?

After taking a break for several years, I returned to Glenn and discovered kindred spirits in the Altar Guild. The duties of Altar Guild run from the mundane to the sublime. We make sure the Sanctuary and Little Chapel are ready for worship every Sunday. Hymnals are facing forward, pens, offering envelopes and attendance pads are in place. Brass is polished, candles are filled with oil and wicks are trimmed. Paraments are in place and the Bible is on the lectern with the readings marked. If there is a Baptism or it is Communion Sunday we are ready with the font in place and a pitcher of water nearby or the communion table is set with a white tablecloth, wine and bread at hand and the kneelers in place. All these simple tasks contribute to the creation of a sacred space that prepares us to receive God’s word.


What is your favorite liturgical season of the church?

Beginning with Ash Wednesday and ending with the Easter Vigil, the season of Lent is my favorite liturgical season. The Altar Guild saves palms from the previous year’s Palm Sunday and burns them to make ashes for Ash Wednesday. The Cross is installed on the lawn outside the church school building and draped in purple. As Holy Week approaches the Altar Guild really moves into high gear.  Palms are ordered for Palm Sunday and lilies are ordered for Easter. This year for Maundy Thursday, we will repeat the Upper Room service we introduced last year. Altar Guild members bring their china and crystal to the fellowship hall and round tables are set as we reenact the Last Supper and affirm the Holy sacrament of communion. It is a very special service appealing to young and old. On Good Friday we set up for the somber Tenebrae service in the Sanctuary where candles are snuffed and we depart the Sanctuary in silence. The Easter vigil on Saturday evening begins with a bonfire outside the Sanctuary. Light is brought back into the church as a torch lit outside is brought inside to light the Paschal candle.


Most of Altar Guild’s work is done behind the scenes; you seem to be the care-takers of our spaces of worship. How has this informed your faith? 

As with many experiences in life, the more you give the more you get back. As we move through Holy Week I have discovered that assembling the elements that go into each of the services has deepened my faith and my understanding of Christ’s message. In addition, I have had the privilege of working with some of the most dedicated and loyal members of Glenn who work quietly behind the scenes to ensure our worship services inspire and enhance our relationship with God.


Thanks, Edie, for sharing your experience with us and giving of your time and passion for Glenn!

Ode for Saint Cecilia's Day

This past Sunday evening, our Chancel Choir presented Handel’s cantata, “Ode for Saint Cecilia’s Day.” Accompanied by orchestra, the choir sang beautifully and brought to vivid life the powerful words of John Dryden and Handel’s prophetic music. Profound thanks are due to the choir for the many rehearsals and hours of hard work they invested to master musical and vocal challenges and to manifest the understanding and expression necessary to realize the poet’s and composer’s meaning.  

In this work, Dryden and Handel explore and celebrate the God given power of music in the universe and in humanity. Included below is Dryden’s Poem “A Song for St. Cecilia’s Day.” We know of this power of music as cited in the Bible: the walls of Jericho falling at the sound of the Israelites’ trumpets; at the institution of Solomon’s temple, the musicians singing and playing with such character that a cloud filled the temple so that the priests could not see to minister; and “the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised.” This is the inspiration for Dryden’s final line, “And music shall untune the sky." Thus music will bring about the coming of Christ and the end of this world as depicted in 1 Thessalonians 4:

For the Lord himself, with a cry of command, with the archangel’s call and with the sound of God’s trumpet, will descend from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up in the clouds together with them to meet the Lord in the air; and so we will be with the Lord forever.

Such major musical works have a time-honored role in the life of the church. Extended subjects such as music’s role in God’s creation call for a larger canvas than is available in a typical three-minute service anthem. This enables the poet and composer to search more deeply and broadly for theological meaning and to use a wider variety and greater force of rhetoric to declaim this to hearers.

Similarly, undertaking these gives the choir an inspiring challenge they can rally toward and thus learn new skills and advance their commitment and discipline. These strengthened attributes carry forward into anthems through ensuing weeks, so that the choir’s improved singing enhances worship into the future. The choir strives always to improve, so that they might bring the word of God through music ever more truly to our congregation.

We are grateful to our choir, for their ever faithful witness, and to our church, which supports music so strongly, and to our United Methodist faith, which soars so truly on the wings of song.   

Steven Darsey


“A Song for St. Cecilia’s Day”
John Dryden

Stanza 1

From harmony, from Heav'nly harmony
This universal frame began.
When Nature underneath a heap
Of jarring atoms lay,
And could not heave her head,
The tuneful voice was heard from high,
Arise ye more than dead.
Then cold, and hot, and moist, and dry,
In order to their stations leap,
And music's pow'r obey.
From harmony, from Heav'nly harmony
This universal frame began:
From harmony to harmony
Through all the compass of the notes it ran,
The diapason closing full in man.

Stanza 2

What passion cannot music raise and quell!
When Jubal struck the corded shell,
His list'ning brethren stood around
And wond'ring, on their faces fell
To worship that celestial sound:
Less than a god they thought there could not dwell
Within the hollow of that shell
That spoke so sweetly and so well.
What passion cannot music raise and quell!

Stanza 3

The trumpet's loud clangor
Excites us to arms
With shrill notes of anger
And mortal alarms.
The double double double beat
Of the thund'ring drum
Cries, hark the foes come;
Charge, charge, 'tis too late to retreat.

Stanza 4

The soft complaining flute
In dying notes discovers
The woes of hopeless lovers,
Whose dirge is whisper'd by the warbling lute.

Stanza 5

Sharp violins proclaim
Their jealous pangs, and desperation,
Fury, frantic indignation,
Depth of pains and height of passion,
For the fair, disdainful dame.

Stanza 6

But oh! what art can teach
What human voice can reach
The sacred organ's praise?
Notes inspiring holy love,
Notes that wing their Heav'nly ways
To mend the choirs above.

Stanza 7

Orpheus could lead the savage race;
And trees unrooted left their place;
Sequacious of the lyre:
But bright Cecilia rais'd the wonder high'r;
When to her organ, vocal breath was giv'n,
An angel heard, and straight appear'd
Mistaking earth for Heav'n.


As from the pow'r of sacred lay
The spheres began to move,
And sung the great Creator's praise
To all the bless'd above;
So when the last and dreadful hour
This crumbling pageant shall devour,
The trumpet shall be heard on high,
The dead shall live, the living die,
And music shall untune the sky.

Professor English’s Window

I love the light this time of year. The sun’s rays arrive here softer and more golden, and the shorter days mean the sun is still low enough during the early service to stream through the stained glass window behind the Little Chapel’s altar. They land on the wall to the left of the lectern as bright smudges of color. From my position in the pew, they look like thoughts floating over the speaker’s head.

Virginia “Ginger” Smith, who coordinates Glenn’s lay readers, knows quite a bit about this stained glass. She was a good friend of the man who donated it, Thomas English, who was a professor of English at Emory and a Glenn Church member. Given in memory of his wife, Rachel Willet English, the window depicts the wedding at Cana, where Jesus turned water to wine. Henry Lee Willet, who designed the window, was Rachel’s brother.

Ginger points out a small orange shape in the right-side panel of the window – a rendering of the Princeton coat of arms. “Tom was a Princeton man,” she says. “But before that he was an Illinois farm boy who earned a scholarship to Princeton. This was in the nineteen teens.”

His wife, Rachel, was one of the Willets, a prominent Philadelphia family known as stained glass artists. One of their windows happened to be installed on the Princeton campus, in a building Tom frequented as a student.

“He was so taken by the window that he wrote a poem about it and shared it with someone on the Princeton faculty. This person knew the Willets and sent it to them. The Willets were so impressed, they invited young Tom to come visit and this is how he met Rachel,” Ginger says.

She wonders what this well-known family must have thought of their daughter falling for a farmer. “They were married for decades. It’s such a romantic story,” she says. I wonder at the storybook circumstances that bring people together and how sometimes art and love and poetry work together to create something beautiful.


Irene Hatchett
Communications Team

Behind the Scenes

Each year, Glenn's youth spend countless hours pulling off a play or musical production. This year they performed "The Potato Play", a piece written by one of their own, high school senior Robert Cushing. The play offers youth the space to shine and share their talents - from writing the actual script to managing the sound board. Here's a behind the scenes look at how many hands it takes to pull off the play:

We couldn’t do it alone! To our amazing volunteers – set build and design, props, costumes, makeup, set crew, publicity, concessions, ticket sales, and organizing food for this huge cast – you did it all! People of all ages and stages came out to support our youth. We are so thankful for you!



Photography by Britt Else

The Taxonomy of the Seven Deadly Sins

It is the first Sunday of Lent. And here I am realizing that I had not mended or cleaned my orb. The "orb" is part of the vestments still worn in some protestant churches. Specifically, it is the white collar that flows out over the shoulders. But I knew what to do - borrow someone else's orb who was unlikely to be here.

I looked quickly down the list. Ted. A really nice student who rarely attends (I have seen him once this year). I sit next to him frequently even though I am in the tenor section and he is in the baritone or bass section.

Certainly Ted won't be here. I take the orb from his robe and immediately the feel is different than mine. I'm wearing a nearly thread-bare piece of cloth that picks up dust and dirt just being in the closet. Ted's still has a sheen on it; it must weigh 3 times mine and I can even read the label in it. Hmmm...what if I were to swap it? Not today, but permanently.

Pride: "I'm here most every Sunday, surely I should look good! Plus, I'm on the very first seat of the first row of chairs, quite visible to the congregation."

Envy/Lust: "I could sleep in this orb. It’s mostly clean, a little ironing and it will look new. Surely he didn't bring his own vestments. How did this almost virgin piece of clothing escape attention all these years?"

Greed: "I want to be the best at whatever I do. I want to sing like Magda. I want to look like Fred Astaire. I want to have it all. After all, I go to a church where it appears that many people already have it all. My offering is working hard in the choir - can't I have it all from where I am at?"

Wrath: "For all the money they pay the section leaders, they can't come up with nice vestments for the troopers?"

Sloth: "It will take hours of delicate cleaning and spray starch to even approach Ted's orb. Do I have that kind of time?"

Gluttony: "Heck, maybe I'll move several around and just have a spare. A nice one for those Sundays when you want to shine, and the other to pick up coffee stains."

The first Sunday of Lent. It’s going to take a lot of practice. So far, I just washed, ironed, and starched both orbs. Still deciding...

Jack Nickles


Blessed Be The Kids @ Glenn

"33 kids, more or less. One sermon written by a 10 year old in one month. One pastoral prayer written by my friend Susanna in one month. One benediction written by my brother James. A prayer of thanksgiving prepared by my cousins. 3 children's choirs with little time to practice. Writing the affirmation of faith in one Sunday School hour. 45 minutes this morning to practice. This is a true story of the children of Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church in 2016. We give thanks to God for strong will and our growing faith. No matter if you’re a kid like me or a grown up - Jesus said it best: 'Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called Children of God.'" - Carter Hales, 5th grader

Carter Hales delivering his sermon

Carter Hales delivering his sermon

"The best part was standing up at the front and reading my part. I was afraid of messing up but I liked everybody listening to me."  - James, 3rd grader. His mom goes on to say, “He also was very excited to go to church Sunday morning - which is rather unusual. He kept saying, "I can't wait for Children's Sabbath!"

Children's sabbath 2.jpg

Blessed be, indeed! Reflecting on a wonderful Sunday of our children leading worship, I am honored and humbled to serve in ministry alongside these remarkable children. I am grateful for a congregation that nurtures and celebrates all ages.

And just when we think this week couldn't get any better for Kids @ Glenn? Join us for a special Children's Ash Wednesday Service tonight at 6:15 p.m. in the Little Chapel (don't be really is only 15 minutes!).

Grace and Peace,


A Sacred Space

This past weekend close to 50 Glenn women shared time and fellowship with one another at the annual Women’s Retreat. Held at Callaway Gardens, the group dove into the theme “Seasons of Our Lives” led by Rev. Blair Setnor. A time of rejuvenation and “infinite connections” according to Cheryl Griffin, this retreat has proven to be enriching and formative for many women year after year:

"As a longtime member of Glenn (75 years), I rejoice in Glenn’s future because of the strength, love and appreciation for each other and for our church that was so evident among the women who attended the Women’s Retreat. It was indeed a treat for me!"  Betty Asbury

"Our church is full of amazing women! I loved having time to have real conversations with old and new friends at the retreat. Sharing about our seasons of life strengthened connections and support for one another. I also can't say when I laughed so much, but it was probably at last year's women's retreat!"  Sara McKlin

"It was truly restorative to get away to beautiful Callaway Gardens for the weekend - but more than the location itself, I felt that spending time with the amazing women of Glenn was even more rejuvenating. I am constantly amazed by our multi-generational church family, and that was on full display here. As we discussed the seasons of our lives, it was so special to hear from strong women of all ages going through different joys and struggles, and to hear women who have already been there share their understanding and wisdom. From two months old (Baby Bess Shepherd got a wonderful welcome!) to 88 years old, every woman's story gave me hope for our church and our world. Please join us next year!"  Claire Asbury Lennox

A church community functions in many ways, but one of the most rewarding is simply doing everyday life together…choosing to gather regularly in support, encouragement, and inspiration. The Women’s Retreat is one of those sacred gathering spaces in our community, a space where women are encouraged to be themselves wholly and live into their unique story.  

If you were unable to attend this year, know that another season will roll around. Do your whole self a favor and GO!

Cynthia Shepherd and newborn daughter, Bess.

Cynthia Shepherd and newborn daughter, Bess.

Left to right: Sara Maughan, Sara McKlin, Alison Mallard 

Left to right: Sara Maughan, Sara McKlin, Alison Mallard


Left to right: Betty Asbury, Claire Asbury Lennox, Nancy Asbury

Left to right: Betty Asbury, Claire Asbury Lennox, Nancy Asbury



O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing

For our Wednesday Nights at Glenn main stage program this evening, and for 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship this Sunday, we will sing hymns of Charles Wesley. Author of the words to over 6,000 hymns, Charles Wesley gave his brother John’s Methodist movement the wings of song. The music to one of these hymn’s, “O Thou Who Camest from Above,” was written by Charles’s grandson, Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876), a leading church musician of his day.  

Through these hymns, not only will we worship through the poetic artistry and theological depth of Charles Wesley’s hymns, we will also undertake to follow John Wesley’s admonitions to raise these in song in a manner that commends our souls to God. You can find his Directions for Singing on page vii of our hymnal. May we ever strive to embody the Wesleys’ passion and faith in our singing and worship:

There let it for Thy glory burn
With inextinguishable blaze,
And trembling to its source return,
In humble prayer and fervent praise.

(O Thou Who Camest From Above)

The debt we Methodists, and Christians worldwide, owe Charles Wesley cannot be measured.

The Methodist movement was greatly facilitated by Charles’ hymns and their famous “lusty” singing. From the 16th century, the English reformation followed John Calvin’s precept that worship should not include words written by humans – hymns, but only those written by God – scripture. Thus, from the Reformation through most of the 18th century, congregational singing in the English speaking world, including the American colonies, consisted principally of metrical psalms, not hymns. Isaac Watts (1674-1748) and the Wesleys are the pioneers that brought the hymn singing revolution to congregational worship. 

John set the theological direction of the hymns they sang, selected the composers and edited the Methodist hymnals. Ever with a “method,” John Wesley insisted on standards of theology, poetry, music and taste. For example, a hymn written by Charles in our Lessons and Carols service, “Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending,” we sing to the same tune the Wesleys used – Helmsley – which embodies a nobility appropriate to the subject. He and Charles did not always agree. For example, John excluded Charles’s great “Jesus, Lover of My Soul,” from their definitive Wesleyan hymnal of 1780, presumably because of John’s known objection to the use of intimate language in reference to Jesus or God.

Charles loved great music and bred his children to it. His son Samuel and his grandson Samuel Sebastian Wesley figure among England’s greatest composers. As one measure of Charles Wesley’s influence, find the “Composers” index in our hymnal, and that of other hymnals when you find them, and count the number of his hymns included. The currency of his work is very impressive. Among his most well-known, are “Hark the Herald Angels Sing,” “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” and “Christ the Lord is risen Today.” It is a commonplace that hymns are the strongest purveyor of theology, for we take them from worship and sing them through our daily lives. Thus, over the centuries, Charles Wesley has set many thousands of tongues singing “Glory to the new-born King.”


Steven Darsey

From the Archives: 1956

If you thought the post on 1955 was a blast from the past, this one featuring 1956 will also remind you how much things have changed around Glenn.

As you read on, you'll also be reminded of how history tends to repeat itself. 60 years ago at Glenn, the young adults were trying to establish their own place and identity within the church, the youth were plentiful and active in the community, General Conference saw the passing of legislation regarding non-discrimination on the basis of race, and congregants faced the issue of political upheaval abroad and chose to adopt a refugee family from Holland.

A lot has changed. Yet a lot remains the same. As we dive into old issues of The Spire and notice the cyclical nature of time, we're faced with a question: "How will the church respond this time around?"


"Our Church School: The Builders Class"
January, 1956

The Builders Class was conceived during the latter part of World War II, largely through the efforts of Mrs. Emmett S. Johnson, then the Pastor’s Assistant. She and others recognized that many young adults in the University and neighboring community were not attending Glenn’s Church School because they could not find a suitable place in the existing School structure. Graduate students, young working people, and returning veterans formed the first ranks and soon made the class active in church and social functions. An early innovation was the Breakfast Club which gathered together before the school session. The building of a better world through greater spiritual understanding might well describe the theme of the Builders Class. The members chose their topics and generate stimulating and informative discussions under the leadership of a selected teacher. Such subjects include Protestant Beliefs, Communism, Romans, Religions of the World, and Missions.

"Glenn’s Young People Need Full Support"
January, 1956

If you were one of the privileged workers with youth, you could not help being thrilled with the interest, growth, and accomplishments of our young people. The parade of events that they carefully plan in their council meetings which meet once a month make possible growth within the individual lives of the members, but seek to extend the arms of Christ out into the community and throughout the world. The month of December was a stir with activities. Young people from all three divisions worked together to bring the Christmas story alive through their pageant; groups made visits to shut-ins and homes for the aged; 36 boys and girls from the Methodist Children’s Home enjoyed a Christmas Party given by the Intermediate Department; and when the six months’ givings for the Methodist Youth Fund was totaled, we found that we had given $201, leading the churches in the Atlanta East District.

"Mrs. Trimble Reports on Conference"
May, 1956
The General Conference of the Methodist Church held its recent quadrennial session in Minneapolis, Minnesota. There were 766 delegates, equally divided between ministers and laymen, representing one hundred and thirty-two conferences. The North Georgia Conference had twelve delegates. The proposed program was unanimously adopted. Much legislation of interest to all our people was enacted: the church declared the policy of non-discrimination on a basis of race and left implementation of that principle on a local option basis. Full clergy rights were granted to women. The liquor industry was strongly condemned as a spreading menace to the health and welfare of the nation. The missionary budget of the church was raised from thirty to forty-nine million dollars for the quadrennium.

"Glenn Acts to Sponsor Refugee Family From Holland"
May, 1956
The Refugee Relief Act of 1953 was enacted to provide through nationwide church participation a plan for the resettlement in the United States of worthy families driven from their homes in Europe and Asia by political upheaval. These Displaced Persons are neither symbols nor statistics – they are real human beings who have undergone tragedy and sacrifice. When a family is chosen, the church submits to MCOR (Methodist Committee for Overseas Relief) an assurance that employment will be available for the head of the family and that the family’s immediate needs for transportation from the point of entry to their new home, housing, and a small “nest egg” will be supplied. Thus a new life may be born for a family through the missionary effort of the church. Within a few months, Glenn was able to select Mr. and Mrs. Gustaef L. Thiess. Mr. Thiess, an architectural draftsman, was born in Indonesia. Mrs. Thiess has had experience teaching children. The couple, who have no children, were strongly recommended by the World Council of Churches.


Once again, our deepest gratitude to the late Bob Gerwig for his gifts of paper and time, ensuring that Glenn remembers and continues to tell its story.

The Communications Team

Everything Changes and Remains the Same

Seven years ago today I preached my first sermon as a college intern at Greenville UMC in Greenville, GA. I know this date because not only did social media remind me of this occasion, but it showed me a video posted from it that I had long since forgotten about. So I shared the video with my Facebook friends and I started my day with reliving this moment from the past.

As I am sure you can imagine, a few things have changed in the last seven years. My wife, Alli, and I hadn’t even met yet when I preached that sermon! However, in spite of the many ways that I have changed from this time seven years ago, there are many things that have stayed the same. The content of that sermon seems like something I would still preach; the style is similar to my current casual and excitable demeanor; the prayer before the sermon is how I still introduce my sermons.

The older I get, the more amazed I am to see how much things change yet how much they remain the same. This was the case as I watched the younger version of myself deliver a sermon and it is the case for many areas of my life. Even though I have experienced this paradox for myself, I still tend to naturally fear change. I suspect most people do. I become afraid that change will transform me into a fundamentally different person, but life experience shows me again and again that this is not what happens. Most often, I grow or evolve. I have yet to completely change at my very core.

The beauty of change is that it gives us reason to grow. Seven years ago, my core convictions of God’s love and grace being available to all were present, but it was a lot more difficult to articulate them. I believed that sermons should be passionate, but I didn’t yet understand that every once in a while you have to take a deep breath and allow something to resonate. Even then, I desired to see a more inclusive and accepting church, but I did not yet understand the importance of inclusive language and gender neutral pronouns. Over these seven years, it was always change that challenged me to seek a richer theology and provided opportunities of growth.

The first month of a fresh year was an appropriate time for social media to remind me of the passage of time and its accompanying changes. It made me ponder what changes will take place at Glenn. A new year means new faces in our community and in our church family. A successful capital campaign means that we will be renovating and changing our facilities. The prospect of an updated YAAB will mean new youth and children at Glenn. 2016 will bring with it new members, visitors, activities, ministries, and opportunities. We know change will happen this year because it always does.

My hope is that all of us will lean into that change, to be willing to grow and evolve in 2016. As long as our foundation remains strong, we can grow in the midst of change. So how can you accept change as an opportunity to grow in 2016? How can you deepen your theology, improve your practices, and evolve in this year without sacrificing your core convictions? After all, everything will change, but it will somehow remain the same.


On Writing and the Unexpected

Writing is a great way to process so many things that we deal with in our lives. Yet, the age of digital communications, such as Twitter, Facebook and emails, and the emphasis on concise speech with bullet points and time limits reduces the benefits the written word gives us. Honestly, how much processing can one really do in 140 characters?

I missed writing. I know no one stopped me from writing in a journal or keeping a diary, but I just could not seem to start. Luckily for me, Claire Asbury Lennox started a writing class at Glenn last year. I thought this would be just the focus I needed to be more diligent and disciplined about creative writing. 

For reasons I am now forgetting, the year 2015 brought more reflections on events and people from my past. I wished I could ask Mom or Dad; why hadn’t I asked Mom or Dad? Now they are not available for the questions. I suppose it is just my age that made me realize how quickly facts and memories slip away from a family if someone does not write their stories. 

My mother must have had the same realization when she was around my age. I have lots of facts about relatives and pieces of furniture. My grandmother was a librarian, and she provided lots of identification about folks in old pictures, including writing their names on their foreheads in the picture! I found myself longing for the rich stories associated with these people and places. I struggle to remember the stories I have heard about these relatives. For me, it is not the big facts of who married whom and where they lived. I wanted to preserve the jokes told at a family reunion and the small shared moments together. In case my children ever have this same curiosity, I thought I better start writing at least what I know. This project is my own little Story Corp for our family, and Claire’s class would provide the impetus to begin.

Claire was finishing her Masters in Fine Arts at the time she began the class. She had requirements needed to complete the program, and teaching this class would help her meet those. For her students (US!), Claire offered the skills she was being taught. Claire emphasized the class would be a memoir writing class and began by teaching from the wealth of resources she has on constructing memoirs. She introduced us to passages that were constructed in ways that conveyed emotions and to phrases used to emphasize the author’s intent with a minimum of well-chosen words. Claire gave us exercises in class to help us learn to dredge up the feelings that are associated with the facts we remember. (At one point, Claire was ready to move on, I think, and we begged for more exercises!) 

Try one yourself. Write down five public events that occurred during your life before age 18. Take only about 3 minutes to make the list. Now, pick one and write about the event, emphasizing how you felt when you learned the news, how people around you reacted, and how the event changed you, if it did. The class members my age included on our lists the day John Kennedy was shot and the Vietnam War. The younger members led off with the events on 9/11. The Challenger explosion was an overlap between the age groups. We only wrote about our chosen event for about 10 minutes, and we only shared our piece if we desired to do so. Once the sharing began, we were enthralled by the different perspectives each of us had on the same event. I was amazed by what memories lingered way back in my brain!

If you know Claire, you know she is generous with her talents and positive in her approach. Claire is the same when she teaches. That said, Claire could be much tougher on me than she is. Attempts have been made, and several pieces are in progress on documenting the memories of my life. I still have the bad habits of thinking I’ll finish that later and of putting other mundane things in life ahead of my goals for writing. Maybe confessing this on a church blog will provide the magic elixir to be more proactive on this project. 

Even knowing I am not prioritizing my writing project, I will continue to participate in Claire’s new sessions. I love learning of other people’s approaches to their projects and hearing their pieces. I am inspired by the diligence others bring to their projects and encouraged to do more. I am delighted to be the recipient of Claire’s knowledge of this area. I enjoy having a class so different from my occupation in which to participate. 

Our core group is supportive and close. Where else do you find friends to listen to your home movies, who will gently tell you how to change that phrase to gain emphasis on the emotions you were trying to convey, who will pat you on the arm if tears come along with the words. Being true to the spirit of Glenn, we do not always stick to memoir writing, either. Our members have shared fiction, poetry, and even stories written through obituaries.

Glenn is indeed a rich spiritual community. Glenn offers support in ways we would expect of a church community and in many ways I would not expect. Writing class is one of those unexpected pleasures. I hope others will be encouraged to take advantage of this creative outlet to hone their writing skills and keep an art form, which we too often forget to practice, alive!

Ann Rushing


The class "Writing Your World" will be held from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in Room 401 of the Church School Building on the following Sunday evenings: January 31, February 14, February 28, March 13, April 10, and April 21. Cost is $60.00. For more information and to sign up, contact Claire Asbury Lennox at

What Are Your Plans?

My cousins Joseph, Cathy, and Ann grew up on a farm in South Georgia. It was the same farm that my mother and her sister and brother grew up on. It was the same farm we visited as children when we went to see my mother’s side of the family on Thanksgiving and Christmas. This farm is no longer a legal part of our family; however, the memories of our time spent fishing in the lakes, hiding in the tobacco barns, and teasing the hogs will be a part of my life forever. 

My Aunt Janice died last December 26 and we traveled down to Lakeland United Methodist Church to join with family and friends to celebrate her life. My Aunt Janice and Uncle Pete raised their children, my three cousins, on that farm and most of the stories told that day came from those days.

The story that has stayed with me all year, and the one I think of as we enter a new year, 2016, is one that my cousin Joseph told as he delivered his mother’s eulogy. He told of how she would come into their bedrooms early on Saturday morning carrying a cup of cold water. She would dip her fingers into the water and flick the water on his face until he would wake up. She would then say, “What are your plans? What are your plans for the day?” Joseph said that his first thoughts were always something like “Well, after I get rid of you, I plan to go back to sleep.” She would continue to flick water on his face until he responded with some reasonable plan for the day.

Joseph told those gathered for his mother’s funeral that as a teenage boy he hated that Saturday morning ritual. All of his friends got to sleep as long as they wanted to. He, on the other hand, had to get up with some kind of a plan for the day. As he recalled this memory, Joseph confessed that as an adult he realized this obnoxious Saturday morning ritual had instilled in him a sense of motivation and direction that to this day enables him to live intentionally. 

While even the best of plans can change in a moment’s notice, not having any plans for our lives is dangerous. It can lead to aimless wandering, futility and, ultimately, despair. The prophet Jeremiah reminds us that even God has a plan for God’s children: “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11) God’s plan for us is to love us, to care for us, and to give us one day after another in which we can live intentionally.

As my Aunt Janice might ask, “As you enter 2016, what are your plans?”

Wishing each and everyone a Happy New Year!

Peace, Alice

Gift of God to me and the world

Our final post in this Advent series is on the 5:00 p.m. Christmas Service. Glenn member Amy Bugg Burke writes on her own memories, reminding us of why it is indeed a community favorite and a beloved tradition.


When my dear friend Nancy Fleming found out I was pregnant with my son, she insisted that we should be the Holy Family at the Christmas Eve service the next year.

“But won’t Joseph be too old? He’s due in May!”

“No! He’ll just be an Epiphany baby! It will be great! You have to do it!”

Glenn’s 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service is the most important of all my Christmas traditions. I have not missed a single year since I was about six weeks old – indeed, I have refused other plans at Christmas simply because they would mean missing this beloved service.

Although there have been a few years when I enjoyed being a part of the congregation, I much prefer participating. Growing up, I sang in the children’s choir, the Parish choir, and in a trio for “What Child is This?” I wore a paper mache donkey head (twice!) and spent several years as a rather ungraceful sacred dancer. After I went off to college, Nancy invited me back to help her wrangle dancers and 5th grade angels, which I did for many years (mostly so that I could spend time with her and enjoy one of the best seats in the house up on stage). Five years ago, I had the privilege of portraying the holy family with my husband and our son.

On that rainy Christmas Eve, Ryan and I somehow managed to make it to the front of the church and say our lines – the same lines I had been hearing (with minor tweaks here and there) every Christmas for 32 years. Moments later, we were headed behind the triptych to take the pillow out from under my robe and present “baby Jesus” to the congregation.

We brought Joseph out, and I proudly held him up for all to see while Ryan went to light the Christ candle. I had been afraid that Joseph would be too cold, or that he’d be afraid of the loud organ and bright lights, but he was comfortable in my arms and mesmerized by everything going on around him. It turns out that 7 months is a wonderful age to play baby Jesus! That year they also decided that Mary should sing a lullaby to the baby. Watching Joseph look around with wonder while I sang, I felt the rush of joy that all mothers feel for their young babies in those special, tender moments. Even now, tears spring to my eyes as I remember that sweet, warm baby in my arms (now a rowdy five year old). I find myself imagining another young girl on the very first Christmas night, also holding her new baby, warm and sweet:

Rock-a-bye, my dear little boy, dear little boy,
wonder of wonders, my blessing and joy;
slumber as I gently hold you,
let my tender love enfold you;
gift of God to me and the world,
here in my arms lies so peacefully curled.

Little Jesus, Infant Divine, Infant Divine,
one with the Father, yet born to be mine;
as I rock you calmly sleeping,
angel guards their watch are keeping;
precious child, one day we shall see
what love has destined for you and for me.

Whether this is your 1st, 38th, or 50th year at Glenn, I hope you will come and enjoy this special re-telling of the Christmas story at our Christmas Eve service. It may be a little crowded and noisy – babies will cry as parents strip sweaters off complaining toddlers – but by the end, when the candles are lit and we all sing “Silent Night,” you may also experience the joy and wonder of the Christ child, and the peace that he brings to us.

Amy Bugg Burke

A d v e n t

For our fourth post in the series, Glenn member and Lay Minister John Roeser shares a poem he wrote about the heavy and hard moments we often encounter in this season of waiting. All are welcome to come to "In the Bleak Midwinter: A Service of Grief and Hope" this Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the Little Chapel.

a single candle was glowing a light and bright yellow -
alone - but for a reason,
for in this season, we wait

this single candle stood with three others -
their dark wicks stood sentry -
a clock with four positions
one lit, three quietly
even reverently telling us -
this is a new season, we wait

I had a closer view of this rack of four
moving up to the communion rail -
turned to my right and saw this new widow
she too, might have been staring at this light
but our eyes met - she smiled brightly
I was surprised and then I wasn't
for she knew in this season of hope, we wait

her handkerchief in her hand was knotted tight
her world changed over the weekend past,
dear John, put up a fight
darkness coming, it will soon be night
but that single light -
a side of this quadrangle of hope
stays in our minds - our minds
maybe race ahead - but our faith
is strengthened and allows
us to wait

Surrounded by The Story

Glenn Co-Lay Leader Carol Allums brings us to the third post in our Advent series. She helps us look forward to Lessons and Carols this Sunday by reflecting back on her many years of participating in the service.

This Sunday at 11:00 a.m., Glenn will present its annual Lessons and Carols service. If you’re not familiar with Lessons and Carols, it is a service that tells the story of the Christian faith, from the Garden of Eden through the birth of Jesus, using scripture lessons, hymns and anthems. A service of this type has been a tradition in Christian churches since the late 1800s.

At Glenn, choirs of all ages participate in the Lessons and Carols service, each offering an anthem to tell a part of the story. From the first and second graders in the Carol Choir singing “A Star, A Song, A Sign” to the adult Chancel Choir closing the service with the magnificent “Dona Nobis Pacem”, the choirs offer anthems of many different types and times. The congregation also helps to advance the narrative through the singing of traditional Advent hymns such as “Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending” and “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.”  Between the musical offerings, lay readers tell the story of our faith with scripture readings. Prior to the service, beginning at 10:30 a.m., Stuart Stephenson, Principal Trumpet with the ASO, will be joining with organist Jamie Shiell and percussionist Todd Mueller to present instrumental music of the Advent season. If you are ever going to be early to church at Glenn, this is the Sunday to do it.

As a member of the Chancel Choir, I have been in the choir loft for many Lessons and Carols services. Sitting there gives me a front row seat from which to watch all the children’s and youth choirs offer their best to God. As the mother of three children who grew up at Glenn, I have been moved to watch year after year as the children of our church so beautifully do their part to tell the story. And while I love singing in the Chancel Choir on normal Sundays, it is a special privilege to be a part of this service, with its wonderful music and timeless story.

Despite the joy I take in participating in Lessons and Carols, my favorite memory from the services over the years is from a year I did not sing. That was the year our son, Coleman, was diagnosed with cancer. Throughout the time he was receiving chemotherapy, Coleman frequently was unable to be around groups of people because of the risk of infection. During that time, my husband, Vic, and I would take turns on Sundays, one of us going to church with our daughters, Maddie and Jordan, and one of us staying home with our son. That year, the Sunday of Lessons and Carols was my turn to go to church, although it is possible that I finagled the calendar to make sure that was the case. Sitting in the congregation that Sunday, listening to the choirs and the scripture readings and singing the hymns, was exactly what I needed. During one of the most difficult times of my life, I sat surrounded by my church family, listening to the story of our faith and being reminded and reassured that God loves me and that no matter what was to come, God would be by my side.

So come to the Lessons and Carols service this Sunday. Come to listen to the music and sing the hymns. Come to hear the story of our faith. Come to sit surrounded by your church family or to find a church family. Come to be reminded that God loves us all and will always be with us. Come for whatever reason you choose – just come. It will be glorious.

Come and Hear the Angels Sing

We come to the second post in our Advent series. Looking toward the Youth Advent Concerts coming up this Sunday, Wes Griffin writes on their meaning in his life and in the lives of our youth.

Wes Griffin has performed with numerous sacred and secular vocal groups and is currently the Director of Youth Music and Associate Music Director of Glenn. He has built a model classically-based youth music program with strong participation. Wes is also an accomplished tenor soloist.


Rhythm and melody enter into the soul of the well-instructed youth and produce there a certain mental harmony hardly obtainable in any other way. Plato

There is something inexplicable but profound in vocal and choral singing. As listeners in an audience or congregation, we are blessed in our listening, but as singers, there is a bond, a camaraderie, a musical fellowship that is very powerful. Often, the anthems that are best-remembered and loved by the youth are the ones that were the most difficult and required the most discipline and rehearsal time. In a sense, the “process” of preparing the music becomes as important as the “product” of singing it in performance and/or worship. 

Many times, it is my joy (and sometimes curse) to be able to “step back” as a conductor and allow the youth singers to take charge of the musical moment with little or no guidance from me. The “curse” is that in these moments, I am often brought to tears by the beauty of both their singing and their obvious pleasure in sharing their talents with others. At these precious times, I truly feel the spirit of God present and among us. Nevertheless, somewhere (I am sure) it is mandated that conductors may not break down in front of their choirs regularly, so as not to distract them, so tears must quickly be put aside (at least by the time of the next anthem).

Sing modestly. Do not bawl, so as to be heard above or distinct from the rest of the congregation, that you may not destroy the harmony, but strive to unite your voice together, so as to make one clear melodious sound. John Wesley

The Glenn Little Chapel is a remarkable space for choral singing. The acoustics are such that even the quietest voices may be heard and appreciated. Younger and/or less experienced singers are encouraged and supported to sing solos or in small ensembles. More advanced singers are provided opportunities for substantial solos and ensembles. All singers gain confidence, supported by our wonderful congregation and local community. 

Nothing on earth is so well suited to make the sad merry, the merry sad, to give courage to the despairing, to make the proud humble, to lessen envy and hate, as music. Martin Luther

In her inspiring sermon “How Will You Prepare?” from last Sunday’s 11:00 a.m. worship service, Rev Blair Setnor challenged and encouraged us to reevaluate our priorities away from the trappings of consumerism and self-gratification and more toward anticipating the coming of the Christ Child and in helping others. In one of our musical selections for this Sunday’s concerts, “There’s a Spirit in the Air”, the great lyricist Brian Wren pens it best:

When a stranger’s not alone, when the homeless find a home.
Praise the love that Christ revealed, living, working, in our world.

With that in mind, in this wondrous season of hope and anticipation, my wish is that you will set aside time this Sunday afternoon to attend one of the concerts.

Come to marvel at the talents and gifts of our youth.

Come and support their courage and self-confidence.

Come to be inspired by and receive musical blessings.

Come and hear the angels sing, and Christ most certainly will come to us.

This Sunday, December 6, at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m., the combined Glenn Youth Choirs will present two back-to-back concerts celebrating music of the season. Formally titled "The Little Chapel Youth Choral Series", this is the 11th season of their annual Advent concerts. The concerts are dedicated to providing youth from 6th through 12th grades opportunities to sing the praises of God in the wonderful confines of The Little Chapel, one of the outstanding choral venues in this area. Free of charge; there will be an offering collected as a fundraiser for their choir tour/mission trip to Toronto in the summer of 2016.

Approaching Advent

This week begins our 5-week blog series on Advent. Guest bloggers from the congregation will write on a few of our upcoming events, reminding us of their significance in our life together and in this season of Advent and Christmas. 

Stewart Voegtlin begins the series with a piece on Advent wreath-making. Stewart is a 2015 graduate of Candler with a Masters of Theological Studies (MTS). He currently serves Glenn as a Youth Ministry intern and completed a pastoral care internship through Glenn in the spring of 2015. Stewart is a member of Glenn with his wife, Katrina, and their son, Trey. In his spare time he works towards committing the entirety of the Loeb Classical Library to memory, and vividly imagines catching ancient brown trout from undiscovered streams.  


Pastor Culla Manse always struck Middle C before playing the piano. What was perhaps Manse’s way of sounding a preparatory note has come to oddly define the meaning and metaphysics of Advent for me. I have often wondered if this habit meant anything for his congregation. Their reactions were neither arguable nor clear: they were unresponsive, as if he had done nothing but breathe. Yet, for me, it was the engine that drove the season. I cannot think of Advent without thinking of Manse or Middle C. They are impossibly entangled and continue to carry my thinking about this season’s import.

Manse was the first pastor I met through the paper. A leisurely holiday week swung slowly between a Red Hat Society luncheon and the high school’s exhibition of a local banker’s watercolors of whitetail deer. Four hundred words and a few photographs on Advent wreathing---at a church General William T. Sherman declined to burn because the pastor at the time was a Mason---would finally fill a nagging B Section vacancy.

Manse, himself, was substantial. This massive man, who shook rooms when walking through them, was never seen without his clerical collar, shirt, and coat---the black having finally faded the same blue as his eyes. Where his vocation had fixed him as one to help mend the broken, he crashed through life, straining the frame of his day to its very breaking point. What time I spent with Manse demonstrated more of the same, particularly with his own congregation.

Manse was uncomfortably provocative with his own folks, much less urban dwelling, would-be reporters who had milked neither cow or goat, nor had to spring from sleep in the wee hours with flashlight and shotgun to thwart a skulk of foxes from the henhouse. Why y’all here? he asked folks casually sitting around card tables, bending artificial fir fronds into circles. Nothin better to do? he asked. Wreathin just somethin you always done, and couldn’t stop now? Some folks laughed. Some sat silent. Manse lumbered around the church, circling card tables like a bull.

Manse was difficult to read. One heard so many odd notes in the song of his voice. What was that tone his questions kept? If it was anger, was it honest? If it was curiosity, and it was genuine indeed, could he not have found a more careful way to convey it? I took notes in one of those long, rectangular reporter notebooks while sipping sweet tea from a styrofoam cup. “I have never made an Advent wreath,” I wrote, and underlined it several times as if it were an admission so condemnatory that it must be set apart from notes regarding the church building’s age, longest serving clergy, and “celebrity” congregants. Does this matter? Manse asked, holding a half completed wreath above his berm of white hair, and then tossing it to the floor.

Folks still bent fir fronds into circles. They pulled plastic pine cones and bright red clutches of holly berries from bottomless shopping bags. Purple and pink and bone white Christ candles lay in a paper bag, bound in bunches with kitchen twine. Folks made more than they needed. Completed wreaths outnumbered church families almost three-to-one. They would find their ways to various gas station and meat ‘n’ three countertops. Did any paying customers ever think to ask why these wreaths were made and shared and ultimately mattered---especially since their symbolic significance served no match for supper or small talk?

Those wreaths were never activated. They never signaled the passage of Advent’s four Sundays. Their candle wicks never felt fire. They became nests for business cards. Folks played tiny games of tic tac toe, and scratched their names into the candlewax. The wreaths were wrested of their ritual, left unengaged, marking only indifference. It’s the concern that counts, Manse told me, pacing the nave, the floorboards creaking.

He told me this only after the folks had left, after I had photographed them all with their completed wreaths. In what way do you mean? I asked. Do what now, son? he asked, showing me concern was not a top that needed spinning. He stared, irritated, and then looked heavenward. The antebellum church’s boards and rafters chattered in the wind. They groaned. Manse rapped on the church wall. Pecan, he said. From the grounds. Same trees the snakes hang in come summer.

Middle C on the battered upright piano bonged like a church bell. Its sound as congruous as its decay was stubborn. It took me five Advent wreathing articles to ask Manse why he struck the note before playing, even after I had carried it with me for years, always wanting to stuff significance into the act, like those goofy canned snake gags that explode when opened by their unwitting victim. Manse returned questions with questions. He never waited for a response. That particular night, after everyone had left, Manse sat down at the piano and played Be Thou My Vision. Middle C crept from the chancel and hovered up the apse and fell from its apex and moved down its nave. Among its persistent sound was Manse’s singing; his voice what the song might be were it to sing itself, its own best thought---by day or by night.

Those photographs I took on those wreathing nights at the church rose immediately above the ruck. Like their subjects, they wore no masks. They shared their smiles, their selves. This was no place nor event for concealment. As mawkish as it sounds, these images sang, entangled impossibly in the knotted ideas of our religion as an encounter of God and humankind in Christ, where the most sought-after song is seasonal: God addressing humankind as a human among humans. 

I cannot help but hear Middle C, and the hymn that had chosen Manse, and Manse’s voice, a hoarse whisper that could never make up its mind to simply sing. Always in those photos are scrums of children running around the card tables, screaming, laughing, hair stricken with static, faces flushed. I can hear the Advent song they sang to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star: Advent is a time to wait / Not quite time to celebrate / Count the candles one by one / Until Advent is done / Day by day we work and play / To prepare for Christmas day.

My publisher suggested cropping the kids out. But I kept them. Shocked senior faces made more sense then. Smiles unscripted and honest. These photos posed no questions. They would not provoke me or others into thinking more than simply receiving what they proclaimed. All of those elderly hands fashioning fir fronds into unbroken bands. Hands liver spotted and rippled with veins. Young hands upon old hands, the way children stand over adult feet and are walked around the world.

I still like to think Manse thought the wreaths helped folks identify where they were, that they whispered a way around the approaching season. They showed them how to start, both beginner and expert alike, much as Middle C kept eighty-eight keys from appearing bewilderingly self same. I still like to think Manse struck Middle C to get his bearing, his orientation. Its bonging bell put him within the piano, even if its location was not truly in its middle, as Advent is by definition neither near nor far.

The congregants never answered Manse’s question, but I believe they were there because the wreathing helped them get their bearing, their orientation. They saw the face of God in those children and each other; they knew that the magic of the season was not an abracadabra of marketing and commerce, but the infinite made finite: God come to meet us in our smallness. But I also believe Manse compelled his congregation to ask itself why the act mattered because he must. It was Manse’s way of striking Middle C among them, of waking them to the living God’s availability. Manse was only doing what he did every time he settled onto the stool. He was helping folks locate themselves in a time that may appear as bewilderingly self same as any other, but could not be more different.

When the folks would finally finish, and I’d filled a camera memory card, and notebook pages with notes, they would find their ways outside and chat about how they could not believe Christmas had come again---even though it was still several Sundays away. Twilight had taken to dusk and the trees that lined the river were lit with setting sun. I stuck around the church with Manse. The sanctuary now silent. And as Manse made his way up to the altar, to the battered upright piano, and I awaited the arrival of Middle C’s bonging bell, I wondered if I heard it more in its absence, if---like the Church that is this Kingdom---I was becoming to understand my orientation to Christ as the only true way to get my bearing in the world, to apprehend what has happened, and to recognize that which is still to come.

Glenn welcomes the Advent season with a special evening filled with decorating Advent wreaths, making ornaments for the Glenn Family Christmas tree, singing carols and decorating cookies. Join us on Wednesday, December 2, 6:30 p.m. in the Ward Fellowship Hall. Bring your greenery and a donation for wreath supplies.

Journeying Toward Justice

In the early 1990s, Kelly Gissendaner was convicted of the murder of her husband Doug Gissendaner and sentenced to the death penalty, despite the fact that Kelly did not commit the murder herself. Kelly personally admitted on many occasions her guilt for conspiring in the murder of Doug and her deep regret for how she played a hand in his death. Kelly never claimed to be innocent, but her sentence has always seemed greatly disproportionate to the sentence given to the man who actually killed Doug Gissendaner. He is up for parole in 7 years. Kelly was executed by the state on September 30, 2015, despite pleas from those who knew her about her changed heart, her love for people, and her ability to minister to the women in the prison around her.

My involvement in the case of Kelly Gissendaner began, essentially, by accident. I latched onto what was happening on social media and people began to look to me for answers about the activism that was occurring at Candler. In retrospect, I could have refused this role. I could have claimed that I had no idea what was going on, that I was not in charge, and pointed people to other authorities. But I didn’t. I took it upon myself to answer these questions, to be a voice in a place where one was needed, and to answer my call to justice work. 

I am often careful in talking about justice work, because I realize we are not all called to the same things. Not everyone is called to hang banners at 4:00 a.m. or protest in the streets.   Some of us are called to quiet prayer. Some of us are called to organize logistics behind the scenes. Some of us are called to teach others. It feels a little bit like beating a dead horse to say that all of these gifts and skills are important (even though they most certainly are), so instead I’ll say this: no matter what your gifts are, you are called to justice work. We are all called to help the oppressed, house the stranger, and heal wounds. We are all called to this, not because I say so but because scripture tells us we are. 

Over and over, the law codes of the Old Testament tell the people of Israel to care for the widow, the orphan, and the foreigner – the most helpless and outcast members of the Ancient Near Eastern society. The prophets chastise Israel for their ignorance of these law codes. The prophets claim that the exile they are experiencing is because the Israelites failed to do the justice work that God asked them to do. The Psalms characterize the wicked and the evil ones as those who do not do justice but impose violence and oppression on the people. It goes without saying that the teachings of Christ show us how to bring justice, offering grace and acceptance to all those despised by the world. 

The question, then, is what does this look like for you? This question can be overwhelming. I’m often overwhelmed by all of the brokenness around us. Economic inequality, racial injustice, oppression of immigrants and refugees, abuse of women, destruction of creation - these types of lists are nearly unbearable. Similarly, to reduce the brokenness of the world to merely a list of problems greatly minimizes these issues. The truth is that you cannot fix everything. I cannot fix everything. But we can, together, try to fix little pieces of some things. When we, as the church, through prayer and faithfulness, allow ourselves to tap into our passions, sometimes seemingly by accident, we become God’s agents.

It’s true that we can’t change the world. But the good news is that God can. This might seem cliche, like something off of a terrible bumper sticker. And I don’t say it to mean that God works magic to make everything in the world happy and shiny. I do mean, though, that God redeems our brokenness. God offers us resurrection through Christ. And not just us, but the world. All of these systemic issues that overwhelm us can begin to be healed by our own small actions and by God’s great actions through us.

Where is your voice needed? What are your gifts? For whom does your heart break?


Brenna Lakeson
Candler School of Theology intern


Tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the Ward Hall, Brenna will be speaking in more depth on her experiences of advocating for the life of Kelly Gissendaner. Explore with her the Biblical and theological issues of capital punishment, our legal systems, and our faith.

Stories told and told again

I was hired to be Glenn’s co-director of Youth Ministries in the spring of 2009. Before I was officially on staff I watched the youth production of “Guys and Dolls” with infamous performances by youth alumni Candler Vinson, Kristen Holladay, Kathryn Mase, and Zack Mountcastle.

The first two events that I did as an official staff member were Bite Nite (picture a crazy scavenger hunt with pictures, videos, and crazy outfits throughout Atlanta and Decatur) and Youth Sunday (our completely youth-led worship service every May). These two traditions, and our youth productions, reach back decades. 

Stories told and told again… 

Over the years, these events and our buildings have played host to many stories. Stories of fun and stories of great transformation. In my years at Glenn, it has been amazing to witness our spaces, our ministries, and our community continue to draw and call people back. 

This Sunday at all three worship services, you'll hear reflections from our staff as we celebrate the gifts and pledges that are given to God. I will share a few memorable stories of fun and transformation. And ask you to consider:

What stories will be told in years to come?

How will you invest in our children today and in their children to ensure that our spaces, our ministries, our unique community continues to draw and call people back?



Youth Sunday 2012

Youth Sunday 2012






Youth alumni Megan Sadowski Simmons and Claire Asbury Lennox with former Youth Director, Amy Bugg Burke, at Senior Banquet 200…

Youth alumni Megan Sadowski Simmons and Claire Asbury Lennox with former Youth Director, Amy Bugg Burke, at Senior Banquet 2006.

Guys and Dolls Youth production, 2009

Guys and Dolls Youth production, 2009


While driving long trips, I will sometimes surf radio stations to learn what the world is listening to: contemporary Christian music, rock music, folk music, jazz, hip-hop, rap, opera, country, classical, oldies. Given that I sometimes take very long trips, I have done a lot of listening. One night as I was closing in on Atlanta c. 2:30 a.m., I remember hearing experimental space music from GA Tech. Go Tech.

I virtually never listen to religious stations – too many apparent charlatans. However, once while driving late night from Durham to Charlotte, I happened on a religious broadcast whose character impressed me. So I stayed tuned and there ensued a sermon of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. It was not his voice, but that of someone reading one of his sermons. I had never heard of him and had no idea of his era.

As you can see at the link above, Spurgeon (1834-1892) was among the great preachers the world has ever known. He was a Baptist who got his call at age 19 and preached so persuasively that his congregation built him a church in London seating six thousand. They sang principally the psalms of Isaac Watts exclusively a cappella; thus his musical theology, at least, was Calvinist.

His sermon addressed God’s temporal and spiritual providence for us. It was about 30 minutes long, though I have since learned that his sermons usually spanned two hours, so some generous editing had transpired. It was a straightforward, didactic, ingenuous explication of scripture. Though simple in form, it was interesting, inspiring, and its simple truth went straight to the heart.

I searched the web but never found the source of the broadcast, so I couldn’t find the sermon or the scripture he used. Nevertheless, I have the gist. He spelled out the anxiety many of us feel about our worldly security – money, success, comfort, fame, legacy, etc. Then he spelled out the fears many of us have of our moral and spiritual fitness for this world and the next. Then he said we should put all these anxieties at the throne of God and be comforted: “Lay them all at the throne of God.” William Sloan Coffin, in a sermon he preached at Cannon Chapel, said “there is far more grace in God than there is sin in us.” I cited the probable source of this on the blog a few weeks back: William Langland (1332 – c. 1386), “All the sin in the world in relation to God's mercy is like a spark of fire in the midst of the sea.”

My first senior pastor, Charlie Milford, at my first major church post, Park Road Baptist, Charlotte, 1976-1982, mentoring this inexperienced and often overly anxious director of music, said to me many times: “be not anxious.” 

Be we not anxious, for all people, cares, and dreams are welcome at God’s Throne of Grace.
