A Glimpse into Vacation Bible School

This year's G-Force Vacation Bible School is off to a strong and fun start. The week is framed around Acts 17:28a - "In God we live, move, and exist." Kids and volunteers are learning what it means to move, act, care, follow, and share their faith. One tangible way they are doing this is by collecting a Mission Offering to support Imagine No Malaria. The amount raised so far is $1,132 with a weekly goal of $3,500. Want to help them reach their goal? You may give to the VBS Missions Offering here.

But the VBS fun doesn't stop on Friday...join us this Sunday for a VBS Celebration at 9:45 a.m. in Ward Fellowship Hall, kids parading and singing VBS songs in Worship at 11:00 a.m., and a cookout lunch at 12noon! Bring a side/dessert (nut-free) to share.

Here's a glimpse into their week:

Thank you to all of our generous and hard-working volunteers for making this week possible!

Susan, Erin & Aaron, and Jessica
VBS Chairs

Preparing for God

“Let me hear what God the Lord will speak. For God will speak peace to his people, to his faithful, to those who turn to him in their hearts.” Psalm 85:8

It is often my habit when Wes is directing the Women’s Chorus to attend Sunday school. Two or three years back, I visited The New Class. Kempton Haynes, long-time member, United Methodist Minister, pastoral counselor and therapist, was in charge. There was a fine lesson, and as it concluded at 10:40 a.m., Kempton promptly stood up and dismissed the class and invited everyone to move on to our 11:00 a.m. service in the sanctuary. As I had wanted to make my exit for the same reason, and worried how I would do so without appearing rude, this delighted me. Actually, I was shocked, happily so, that Kempton and this class showed so much commitment to the worship of God.

From that morning on I looked for Kempton in the sanctuary on Sundays at 10:45 a.m. He was always there or shortly thereafter, moving into a center pew and sitting quietly in the character of prayer until 11:00 a.m. Why? I asked him to write his reasons, and with his permission, I copy them below.      

It is important for me on a Sunday morning to make a transition from the interaction of the Sunday School hour, as delightful as that may be, to a still space in which I can, not focus, but “unfocus.”  This allows me to let the prelude take me where it will…  Kempton Haynes, March 13, 2014.

There are others in the sanctuary as well, taking similar advantage of this time before the Call to Worship. This is the ideal time to pray. There, on the day our forebears and we designated, in the holy sanctuary our ancestors fashioned for this purpose, in the company of our Christian sisters and brothers and the angels, we come to encounter God. It doesn’t matter that during this time our prayers are not coordinated temporally or cognitively with others. The confluence of place, the spiritual and corporal presence of fellow worshipers, and God magnifies our prayers exponentially. Possibly even more important than offering formal, private prayers is simply to sit in silence, apprehending the moving voluntaries and the awing holiness of our sanctuary. And, as Kempton said, to “unfocus.” With heart and soul open, in the beauty of holiness, we may release and engage our souls with God. Though silent, this is nevertheless profoundly social and communal, for it effects a holy, spiritual propinquity among our sisters and brothers and the Holy Spirit. This is the only such opportunity we have each week; it is priceless, to be valued above all things, for everything depends on our relationship with God. 

While we may not be able to rationally articulate what we have learned, for, as in Paul, this inspires “sighs too deep for words,” this unfocused time with God prepares us to “hear what God the Lord will speak” in the ensuing service. God will respond and bless and strengthen us to proceed in His will and grace as we move from worship into the world. 


On Trying to Walk on Water

I'm writing this blog post after several unsuccessful attempts to make good on a foolish boast to my son Luke that, if you hit the ocean with enough speed, you can run a couple steps on top of the water before sinking to the bottom. Intuitively we both knew it could not be done. But that did not stop a small seed of hope from being planted every time I sprinted down the sand toward the breaking waves. Maybe, just maybe, the next time it would work.

The obstacles to walking on water arise well before our feet ever get wet, however. The likelihood of failure...or even just the slightest possibility of it...usually is enough to keep us planted firmly on solid, familiar ground. And to make water-walking even more of a challenge, it's often the case that should we decide to try it, others will gather around to see whether or not we can.

In my experience as a pastor, inviting someone to open up and share their faith--not to share an explanation of the faith, but to share their own experience of it--is, for many, like asking them to try walking on top of Lake Lanier. There is hesitation, nervous laughter (oh, I don't normally do that), and a great fear of looking dumb. Vulnerability is not a popular practice in our culture or in our churches.

But two Sundays ago I saw a group of Glenn members come together and do the unpopular work of being vulnerable about their personal faith and their beliefs about how the church should respond to a sensitive matter. One by one, men and women, young and old, stood in front of their longtime friends, their peers, total strangers--all brothers and sisters in Christ--and said out loud, "Here is my heart. This is what I feel." It was difficult. It was emotional. And it was beautiful.

Brene Brown, a researcher of shame and vulnerability in Houston, says, "Our capacity for wholeness is only ever as great as our capacity to risk brokenness." I don't think anyone would argue that they wholly walked on water that afternoon. But neither did anybody completely breakdown and sink. Instead we discovered through grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, that we can risk being vulnerable, we can struggle as one body made up of many parts, and together we can stay afloat. That movement of God's love is what has forever bound male and female, Jew and Gentile, slave and free, and it is what binds us all still, no matter what differences try to set us apart.



Growth at The Glenn School

Today was the last day of The Glenn School for my 11 month-old, Geoffrey. It was bittersweet, his first of “graduations.”  Nancy Asbury, often dubbed the “baby whisperer” handed him to me as we chatted about his day. I thanked her for the precious pictures she and all of Geoffrey’s teachers had taken over the months and put together in a photo book for us. As I held him, he leaned back toward Nancy and outstretched his arms for her to take him back. She did. 

Geoffrey entered The Glenn School this past January. As a first time parent, I was of course nervous about the transition to a new care situation. Yet, everyday, as I dropped him off, I saw how much he loved school and how much he was growing and developing. Geoffrey was the youngest baby in the “baby room” and for most of this semester he was pretty stationary while the others had mastered crawling and walking. He was somewhat of a commodity with the other children. His friends would bring him toys, and yell, “Geoffrey!” as he entered the room. One special day, he was even greeted with several hugs from his older friends. 

The vision and goal of The Glenn School is to meet children where they are developmentally and to provide excellent play-based care; they seek to nurture the child and family, empowering a confident, responsible and caring learner. This has absolutely been our experience at The Glenn School. 

I am the Minister of Youth and Hospitality at Glenn and I am also a proud Glenn School parent. I am thrilled that The Glenn School is a thriving ministry of Glenn Memorial UMC and I look forward to watching my child continue to explore, grow, learn, and love with the most excellent teachers and staff around.

A special thank you to the baby room teachers Nancy, Laura, Barb, and Dana and Director Cherry, and staff Sherrie, Latise, and Beth for your most excellent guidance and care! For more information on The Glenn School, please visit their website or feel free to email me!



As I write these words, Emory graduates are wearing their caps and gowns, family and friends surround them, smiles abound, selfies are the order of the day, and there is a general air of celebration that is palpable. The ceremonies that are taking place on the quad, in the Glenn Sanctuary, at the Law School, Nursing School, Business School, Medical School and more all mark the end of years of hard work, study and the pursuit of a degree in higher education.

But while it might feel like the end of paper deadlines, exams and presentations, and endless sleepless nights, I believe the reason for the celebratory feel on campus today is the fact that this is really a day of new beginnings. I suppose that is why we call this day Commencement.  It is the day when these graduates are launched into their future. It is the day when they commence on a new leg of their life’s journey. 

While new beginnings can come with a certain sense of trepidation and anxiety over what the future may hold, new beginnings also come with endless opportunities. New beginnings come with the opportunity to learn from past mistakes, to build on the wisdom and lessons we have learned from our interaction with others, to leave behind painful experiences, to embrace possibility. The degrees that these graduates left campus with will open doors to new paths and experiences.

As Christians, we celebrate commencement everyday. Everyday is a promise of a new start, a new beginning, a new opportunity to live in God’s love. Everyday provides a chance to learn from past mistakes, to build on the wisdom and lessons we have learned from our interaction with others, to leave behind painful experiences, to embrace possibility.

I have been pondering the scripture verses that Chris Crosby sent me in a letter last week, Lamentations 3: 22-23 which read, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” As I’ve read and reread these verses, I have found myself celebrating the promise that with God every day is a new beginning, a new opportunity to experience the love of God, to start afresh with every intention to do my very best to love God and neighbor, and when I fail, to seek anew the forgiveness of a God who removes our sins and transgressions from us “as far as the east is from the west.”

We might not be walking around today in a cap and gown, yet we can give God thanks that everyday is commencement—a new beginning. 

Grace and peace,


From the Archives: 1955

A couple years ago, a hefty brown file folder that smelled like an attic appeared at Glenn. This note was attached:

Dear Susan,

For the Library: random copies of The Spire and rosters of the Ward Class. 1954-2013. Some years missing.


As I sat with this folder, noting the weight of paper and time on my lap, it became clear that these soft-worn pages were a remarkable and irreplaceable gift. Reading the articles and scanning the photos of The Spire, the monthly newsletter that preceded Glenn Notes, made pieces in the story of this church come alive again. And revealed that some things never change, and some things could not be more different:

"Women’s Class Gifts"
January, 1955

This month the members of the Women’s Class have done many worthy projects, but there are four which stand out above the others. First, the class has sent a contribution to the pastor of the Toccoa circuit for the pamphlet, “The Circuit Rider.” Second, the members are preparing Christmas gifts for two theology students at Emory. The Women’s Class is also sending these two students through Emory. Third, the class has made another of the regular contributions to the Methodist Children’s Home, and fourth, an offering to the Leper Colony in Louisiana has been made by the members of the class.

"Glenn Can Meet Budget Quota of $125,000 If Everyone Gives"
March, 1955

Your Glenn Memorial Methodist Church is launching another ambitious budget campaign. In order to carry out its program of Christian service to the community and in the mission field, the budget for 1955-56 has been set at $125,000. Church officials and hundreds of members agree that this is not too high a goal for the church the size of Glenn.

Your church is located in the heart of one of the finest residential sections in the South. Incomes of individuals living inside the Glenn Memorial parish are far above the per capita average for the state as a whole. Glenn’s membership is made up of people from this area. It has been estimated that if every member of Glenn with an income would pledge up to the point of sacrificial giving, then your church would surpass its budget by thousands of dollars. There is nothing extravagant in the new budget. In fact, many corners have been cut to keep it at the $125,000 sum.

You, every member of Glenn Memorial Methodist Church, can help continue your church’s splendid record by pledging as much as possible when a representative of the church calls on you during the campaign. Workers are also needed for the campaign. A call to the church office will result in a job for you.

"Mrs. Carlos Payne Retiring After 15 Years of Service"
May, 1955

One of the most familiar verses in the Bible is found in the eighty-fourth Psalm: “I would rather be a door keeper for the Lord, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.” If the writer of these words could have seen a modern church secretary, with her herculean tasks and her constant demands, one wonders would this venerable sage have had the faith and trust to have written: “I would rather be a secretary in the house of the Lord than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.”

Filling the place of church secretary is one of the most difficult positions that we know because this person must always have a smile on her face and pleasant music in her voice. Someone remarked, “There is more traffic in the church office that one sees in the Atlanta Terminal Station.” The telephone rings constantly and people ask many questions from “Will you please have someone look in the basement and see if my parasol is there; to – Please go to the scout room and tell Johnnie to come home.”

This lady must take care of all the pastor’s correspondence, and she must see the “seamy” side of the minister’s disposition. (This is a very trying experience because the writer of this article is well acquainted with ministers since he is one himself.) How many church secretaries learn that the minister’s feet are clay just like most of the other members!

Since 1940 Mrs. Payne has served the church as secretary. She was the first secretary selected for this church and she has filled the position faithfully. She has served with the following ministers: Dr. Nat G. Long, Dr. Joseph Smith, Dr. Edward G. Mackay, and Rev. Candler Budd. This church will always be indebted to this cheerful and pleasant lady, Mrs. Carlos Payne.

"Our Church School"
September, 1955

Thirty-six years ago, when a little log cabin “station” on Oxford Road, at Peavine Creek, marked the end of the Emory car line, and not every faculty member owned an automobile, Sunday School and church attendance posed a real problem for families moving from Oxford to Emory’s new campus, there being no church near by.

Almost before their furniture was in place, fifteen faculty couples met in the home of Douglas Rumbles on Haygood Drive and made plans for a Sunday School. The adult class continued to hold its meetings there until a church was organized in 1920, and the Sunday School moved to the Theology building, the adult group subsequently dividing into two sections, the men’s class and the women’s class. Increasing enrollment necessitated additional class rooms, Emory’s Education building meeting the need until completion of the Church School Building.

Today the Women’s Bible Class numbers among its 120 members five who belonged to the original group in 1919.

"Glenn Members from Age 2 to 90 Enjoying Our Church Night Suppers"
November, 1955

“The doctrine of the priesthood of all believers is a principle of individual and mutual responsibility in the life of the protestant church.”

If we understand and accept this basic affirmation of Protestantism then a most urgent need is to find practical and specific ways of expressing this principle in the conduct of our own lives and the furtherance of the life of the church.

The cooperation of all departments of Glenn in putting over our church suppers on Wednesday nights has furnished numberless ways of realizing that “ministry is mutual” and demonstrated to all of us that this functioning is essential to the vitality of the church.

We began in September with the Woman’s Society of Christian Service sponsoring the program and attendance. The first attempt brought out 125 people. For eight nights that number has been the minimum with 200 as the maximum in attendance.

However, attendance, as gratifying as it may be, has not been the chief factor in evaluating our progress. Many of our members for the first time have begun to enjoy being of service to the church.

When our stewards took over the sponsorship of attendance, in fellowship with members on their lists, the life of the group took on new meaning as we began to feel that all of us are assuming responsibility together. A most enjoyable sight was that of a young mother and father sponsoring two tables, one of adults, and the other of their young children. They handled this situation beautifully with no prompting, a perfect example of parent-child cooperation.

Literally thousands of contacts have been made, by person, by phone, by mail and by prayer. Getting to know our young people as they become responsible for three programs was good for all of us. Their musical programs were especially worthy of our praise.

The nursery for small children and supervised study or play for those of school age have solved a most serious problem of previous suppers. The whole program, suppers, fellowship, and enthusiasm have stimulated attendance until a social habit is formed. To get acquainted with new members, to know of other church leaders and their activities, to feel one’s self a part, a force in the expansive and helpful forward movement of Glenn Memorial – these and other benefits have come from the church night suppers.


Our deepest gratitude to the late Bob Gerwig for his gifts of paper and time, ensuring that Glenn remembers and continues to tell its story.


Sara and The Communications Team

Member Spotlight: Ben Ladner

As Youth Sunday approaches, we bring you an interview from Glenn Youth senior, Ben Ladner. Along with 5 other seniors, Ben will give a reflection on his time at Glenn this Sunday. Be sure to join us at 11:00 a.m. for our annual youth planned and led service.

Looking back on your time at Glenn, tell us about an experience that shaped who you are today.

I think the choir tours have played a big role in shaping who I am. Looking back at my first choir tour and comparing it with my last, it's crazy to see how much I've changed and matured. Travel is a big part of my life, and the choir tours have taken me to a lot of different places. They've also provided me with service opportunities. I can't really think of one single experience that's shaped me, but remaining such an active and faithful member of the youth group has tremendously shaped me as a person. It's largely because of the youth group that I've been able to keep my head on straight and have such close ties with Glenn.

Glenn Youth is such a tightly knit community of friends that feel like family. Was there ever a moment when you felt particularly upheld and supported?

The first part of this question is exactly right. I feel upheld and supported by the youth in everything I do. The people in the youth group are always willing and able to listen to anything or anyone. I never feel afraid of sounding stupid or being cast out for something I say. That's part of the reason I'm so outgoing at youth, which has translated to other parts of my life as well. I also feel the support of the youth group even when I'm not the one being supported.  Seeing, hearing, witnessing, experiencing, whatever term you want to use, the youth support of others has made me feel equally supported.

You are musically talented and have graciously shared those gifts with the congregation. How has music enriched your life of faith?

First of all, thank you! I always enjoy playing at The Gathering or Youth Sunday. Music has had a huge impact on my faith. I've realized that God can be found in all types of music, not just Christian songs. You can find theology in a ton of music, so worship and prayer can happen through music if you feel a special connection with it.

When you move away to college, a lot of stuff will get packed up with you – ramen noodles, laundry detergent, photo albums, maybe a crying family member or two. What “stuff” will you pack up from Glenn to take with you?

Good question. Kathryn Mase actually did something like this for her senior reflection on Youth Sunday a few years ago. The strong sense of family and community is definitely something I'll take with me. Glenn has instilled a confidence in me that I've made a part of my everyday life and that I'll need to take to college. Glenn has also given me an appreciation for a traditional worship style at a time when many people my age are typically into a more upbeat, contemporary style - which is fine, but it's not really my thing. I love Glenn's style, so it's something I'll look for in a church when I go to college.


Thanks, Ben! Hear more from him and seniors Alex Clark, KJ Falco, Cameron MacKenna, Hallie Lonial, and Mary Katherine Henry this Sunday.

We are the Church

Pardon me if I've already shared this story, but bragging rights for a parent sometimes interfere with memory of who/when you shared your favorite stories. These days my little one is VERY into songs with hand motions. I cannot tell you how many times I've sang and acted out "ring around the rosy," "the itsy bitsy spider," and "if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands" in the last few weeks. One of her very favorites is "Here is the Church - Here is the Steeple" which then we move right into the song "I am the Church."

When we get to the part where we open all the doors and see all the people, I cannot help but grin ear to ear as she tries to name all of her "friends" from church. There's Mae-Mae and Geoffrey, Margaret and Frances, Ms. Natalie and Ms. Abigail, Ms. Dena and Ms. Ginny, and more. Let's just say this..."Pastor Alice" comes out very close to sounding like an obscenity. (Dr. Rogers assures me it's not the first time "a toddler" has called her this name!)  But what I love most about this song and our naming of our church family over and over again is that she is learning that yes, church is more than a meeting place and more than a steeple. This is a great reminder to all of us as we patiently see our church sanctuary under construction as the roof work continues in the coming months. The church is more than the outdoor facade - and we are defined not by what we look like or even our church budget and program calendar. The church is the people! 

In just a week's time I have humbly watched to see we are the church as we hold the hands of loved ones as they pass from this life into the next. We are the church as we baptize another child and welcome them into the fold. We are the church who sings and worships through hymn sings and spring concerts. We are the church as we celebrate and educate about Earth Day, learn and teach Bible stories, celebrate 90+ birthdays of our eldest members, and anxiously await the arrivals of babies through birth and adoption. We are the church as we pack backpacks full of food for local schoolchildren. We are the church as we gather for AA meetings, grief support groups, and Sunday School classes - who then bring meals to a grieving family's home.  

I am the church. You are the church. We are the Church together. See you under the scaffolding soon...as we truly are, by God's grace, a Church under construction. 

Grace and peace,

“God I Must Wholly Trust": Hymns of Fred Pratt Green

This Sunday, April 19, our 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. services will be principally music with brief reflections. The service will feature seven hymns of the British Methodist hymn writer, Fred Pratt Green (1902-2000). Among the greatest hymn writers of the 20th century, he wrote over 300 hymns and Christian songs, 17 of which are in the current United Methodist hymnal. Led by master hymn player Timothy Albrecht and supported by the Glenn Chancel Choir, this service promises an inspiring and moving experience for all. 

Given an honorary doctorate by Emory in 1982, Green gave Candler’s Pitts Theology Library his 51 meticulously organized and annotated scrapbooks showing the provenance, development, and publication of most of his hymns and sacred songs.* These provide rare insight into the creative art of this hymnic genius. In a brief video produced by Candler, Professor Robin Leaver of the Yale Institute of Sacred Music introduces this collection: Fred Pratt Green collection.

I had the privilege of spending a few hours in Pitts’ new, state of the art special collections research room - “The Jeschke-Graham Reading Room” -  looking into Green’s scrapbooks for information on the hymns to be sung in worship this Sunday. There one may find information and correspondence on the commission of “God is Here,” showing how the hymn changed via input from the Texas church that commissioned it. There is also telling correspondence with my predecessor at Glenn, Sam Young, who, as editor of our hymnal, commissioned Green to write a hymnic paraphrase of Isaiah 55:6-11. This correspondence reveals input from the hymnal psalm text committee which effected important alterations in Green’s hymn, “Seek the Lord.” Green worked hard to accommodate feedback from his commissioners. 

Among the reasons Green received so many commissions was his ability as a poet. A master of prosody with theological insight and disciplined craft, he wrote hymns of inspiring beauty and arresting power.

Green’s journey through the creation of “All My Hope is Firmly Grounded” began with a request from eminent English hymnist John Wilson (1905-1992) to write a new translation of Joachim Neander’s 1680 hymn, “Meine Hoffnung Stehet Feste.” Green’s scrapbook entries illumine this journey. You may click on the hyperlinks below to view images of these scrapbook entries.  

1.       Neander’s German version
2.      Literal Prose translation
3.      Translations by Catherine Winkworth (1827-1878) and Robert Bridges (1844-1930)
4.      Translations by John Jacobi (1670–1750)
5.      Green’s version of May, 1986 with notes
6.      John Wilson’s May 13, 1986 letter with feedback on Green’s hymn
7.      Green’s response to Wilson’s letter
8.      Green’s commentary on the process
9.      Green’s final version

Supporting the mysteries of poetic inspiration, evident in these documents are very practical considerations affecting the final version of the hymn. We see that Green retained Neander’s original meter and verse structure. This is made clear when Neander’s original is compared to Green’s final version - links 1 and 9 above. Green studied important historic translations - links 3 and 4 - so he could comprehend the choices his predecessors made and he responded to the careful scrutiny of his friend and commissioner John Wilson - links 6 and 7. The latter caused Green to change in stanza 1:

“Who in all life’s circumstances” to –
“Who, whenever I most need him.”

Wilson suggested this change because the melody, MICHAEL by Herbert Howells, would afford only a too brief eighth note to the word “life’s,” and that the word “circumstances” could not be sung elegantly to that tune. 

Also in stanza 1, Wilson suggested that “Never fails to keep his word” might be better stated positively. Green responded that sometimes a negative statement is more rhetorically effective. And so it remains.

Wilson challenged implied theology in stanza 2 as suggesting that when humans mature we might no longer need God. Thus, Green changed:

“Who can trust in human nature, Still so weak and immature,” to –
“Tell me, who can trust our nature, Human, weak, and insecure.”

These entries document nuanced evolutions ranging from changing words that are clumsy or inelegant to sing, or rhetorically ineffective, to ideas that might tend to heresy. Learning of these intimate considerations in setting profound theological tenets into hymns enhances our appreciation and empowers the joyful abandon with which we and our successors may sing these hymns into ages to come.

Our final hymn this Sunday is Green’s powerful “Christ is the World’s Light.” His scrapbook entry not only gives information on the provenance of this great hymn, but also reveals how Green began his career as a hymn writer, a career whose works will continue to bring the light of Christ so long as Christians sing.


Steven Darsey


*The materials referenced are from the Fred Pratt Green Papers, MSS 166, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University

Living into the Easter Story

Whenever Jesus spoke in parables he often asked his listeners to discern the presence of God between two contrary positions: the narrow or wide gate, the sheep and the goats, “a man had two sons.” It’s a pretty useful and ancient instructive device that was deeply rooted in the rabbinic tradition of the day. The first Psalm, in fact, paves the way for much of the wisdom tradition, essentially saying that there is a way that leads to life, and a way that leads to destruction. Parents still embrace this tool. “You can either finish your vegetables and stay for dessert,” we say, “or you can not eat your vegetables and go to your room. Which of these ways will lead you to chocolate cake?”

I think that we can look at the Easter story through the lens of two individuals as a way to make some sense of what the resurrection means for us. On the night that Jesus was arrested, two of his closest friends, Judas and Peter, betrayed him. Two disciples who had been with Jesus for three years, listened to his teachings, and saw him perform one miracle after another, turned Jesus over to be crucified and denied ever knowing him.

Judas and Peter were both left to ponder alone the weight of their actions in the quiet of Holy Saturday. It was a crucible of sorts for their thoughts about past events and how they would shape their future. We have Holy Saturdays of our own all the time when each of us are often left to reflect on things we have done, or neglected to do—ways that we have harmed others and contributed to the destruction of people and things we love. This is where Judas and Peter were.

Judas was trapped by guilt and shame. And despite Jesus’ words that must have echoed in his mind, he lost faith in the hope of Easter. So Judas’ story ended on Holy Saturday.

But Peter’s story kept going on into Easter. After the resurrection he broke bread with Jesus again by a fire on the beach. And while it was a painful moment to revisit his denial with the one he denied, it was also a moment where Peter received the grace of forgiveness and new life in Christ.

Judas and Peter. Two images of brokenness in the light of the cross and the resurrection. Two ways to respond to the hope of new, resurrected life. Which Easter story will you live?


God's peace,


Hope for the Future

This past Sunday, it was a joy to see 22 youth kneel before our congregation and publicly claim that they have decided to follow Christ and become members of The United Methodist Church.

Over two years ago I was jokingly given the warning about our seventh grade class: "Watch out! They are wild!" Each class that participates in Glenn Youth ministry is indeed unique and this class is no different. Over these past two years of confirmation and ministry, I have gotten to know these students and they are incredibly thoughtful, hospitable, welcoming, and smart. They ask great questions and give impressive, reflective feedback. This group gives me hope for the future of our church.

Confirmation is successful only because of the wonderful commitment that many adults in our community make to stand beside these confirmands as their Friends-in-Faith. These congregants act as mentors and guides during our second year of confirmation as we focus on the theology and polity of our Christian and Methodist heritage. If you might be interested in investing in our youth, this would be an excellent opportunity. Please contact me for more information.  

Congratulations to these amazing new members! I look forward to continuing to see these youth grow and develop in their relationship with Christ and the Glenn community.  


Continuing the Procession of Faith

Her name was Egeria. She had the extraordinary opportunity to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land during Holy Week. Like many tourists, she wrote a long letter to her circle of women friends in Spain to tell them about the experience of walking in the footsteps of Jesus.  

With all of the other pilgrims gathered in Jerusalem that week, she entered into the procession waving palms and singing hymns as they remembered Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem on that last week of his life. She makes a special note in her letter home that all the people chanted, “Blessed is the one who cometh in the name of the Lord.”

On Maundy Thursday, she tells her friends that she joined with others gathered to celebrate communion as Jesus did with his disciples. She tells of walking with the crowds up the hill towards Gethsemane reliving how Jesus asked his disciples to pray with him, how they fell asleep, how the Roman guards came to arrest him, Judas’ betrayal, Peter’s denial, the fleeing of them all. 

On Good Friday, she recounts how she shuffled along with the throng as they walked the path Jesus took to the cross all the way to Golgotha. There, those who could, kept vigil as the bishop baptized new Christians and clothed them in new garments. 

She wrote her friends about the triumphant Easter celebration and the singular experience of the entire week. 

Egeria experienced the pilgrimage. She wrote home about it. The year was 384 AD. 

The year is now 2015, and we still have the extraordinary privilege to follow Jesus along the last week of his life from Palm/Passion Sunday to Maundy Thursday to Good Friday to the Vigil of Holy Saturday to the great celebration of Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday. I encourage you to join the procession as we make this holy pilgrimage as Egeria did so long ago by attending our Holy Week services. The journey of our procession of faith continues with all of the faithful: past, present and future.


Peace and grace,


Member Spotlight: Gordon Boice

We're excited to bring you an interview with our logo designer, Gordon Boice. Did you know Gordon has a background in English Literature? Neither did we!

Where did you grow up and who/what were your earliest influences on your faith?
I grew up in Watertown, NY, at the eastern end of Lake Ontario and just 30 miles from the bridge to Canada. They enjoy as much as 200" of snow in a good winter. I still miss four distinct seasons and the clear beauty of northern sunlight. 

Church was in our family as far back as we knew. My parents and grandparents lived their faith fully and influenced me to know the truth of God's presence. College experiences vigorously challenged my beliefs, but I chose to commit my life to God's care and guidance. 

My own faith and worship experiences are eclectic. Over the years I have enjoyed being part of worship communities including Presbyterian, American Baptist, Evangelical Free Church, Assemblies of God (Pentecostal), Wesleyan Methodist, and now United Methodist. I've found our Christian community is broad and vibrant.

How did you meet your wife, Mary Lou, and what brought y'all to Atlanta?
I met Mary Lou while working in the Boston area after college. Candler recruited Mary Lou from the Boston University School of Theology just over 20 years ago.

When did you come to Glenn and what ministries have you been a part of?
I think we've been at Glenn for perhaps 10 years now. I attend the early-service and sing in the little chapel choir, participate in some of the men's activities, and lead the Ventures in Faith Sunday School class. Our family is grateful for all the blessings that we experience in the programs, the friendships, and the loving care of this community.

What is your educational background and how did you get into graphic design? When did you come to Emory and what is your role there?
I have a Bachelor's degree in English literature. I followed a life-long dream to work in the arts by assembling a portfolio of small design projects over several years that allowed me to enter the graphic design field, first as a publications producer with Emory's Office of International Affairs and then as a graphic designer with the Emory Creative Group, where I've been for 20 years. Curious readers can see my portfolio, which I've only recently moved to a digital format, at www.behance.net/gboice.

Please reflect on the first Glenn logo you designed, the Sanctuary cupola, and the inspiration for this new design.
Through a connection from an Emory project, I met Donn Ann Weber and helped with some identity work for Glenn in the nineties. I was pleased to be approached by Glenn recently to rethink the current branding. We tried several representations drawn from Glenn's architecture and environs, but none resonated with the group until I drew a stylized representation of our sanctuary cross. The Glenn working group has done a marvelous job of bringing this image to life as a symbol of our unique and special place. We hope the congregation is pleased with it and proud of their own association with Glenn.  

Gordon is married to Mary Lou Greenwood Boice who serves as Assistant Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid at Candler School of Theology of Emory University. Their daughter, Katie, is an undergraduate student at Emory with a double major in vocal performance and psychology. She is a Glenn youth alumna and past soloist in Glenn Choirs, best known for her role as Maria in "The Sound of Music" a few years ago. We are grateful for Gordon’s time and talent in designing the new Glenn Memorial Church logo.

Notice something new?

Glenn Memorial has a new logo.

The image you see at the top of the website has been over a year in the making. In January 2014, Glenn’s church council made the suggestion that our congregation explore fresh branding to more effectively communicate its current vibrancy.

Alice Rogers recruited the expertise of congregant and graphic designer, Gordon Boice, to guide Glenn through the process of developing a new logo. With the help of a visioning group made up of staff and laity, the goals for the new logo became clear: capture both the historic and contemporary identity of Glenn, convey that Glenn is a house of worship and Christian community, reinforce Glenn’s presence in the local community, and exhibit Glenn’s attributes  of warmth, welcome, and exceptionality.

The new logo took shape out of a carefully coordinated process involving brainstorming, a review of previous logos, and a walk around our campus for visual inspiration. The walk-around proved to be instrumental, as the chosen symbol in the logo is a reflection of the gold cross that hangs in the Chancel of our Sanctuary. As you can see, its distinct qualities are brought together in our logo: the red circle at its heart, the rays coming from the center, the fleur de lis tips on the arms, the arch in which it is framed, and the colors suggested by its materials.

The wording in the logo is intentional. The church council voted on and approved the chosen language: Glenn Memorial Church: A United Methodist Congregation. It emphasizes that Glenn is a United Methodist Christian community and not simply a named building used by a church. The word “congregation” conveys that Glenn is a body of people gathered in a shared and common purpose.

We look forward to the many ways in which the logo will take on life and come to represent and embody the warmth, welcome, and exceptionality found here at Glenn.